Summer School (ISSAS)

ISSAS 2022

International Summer School in Affective Sciences (ISSAS)


Emotions & Well-being

July 7-15, 2022 
Chateau de bossey, Switzerland



The central topic of the next summer school organized by the Swiss Center for Affective Sciences, is “Emotions and well-being”. It presents a very exciting opportunity to address the theme in an interdisciplinary manner, with contributions from leading scholars in psychology, neuroscience, philosophy, and the humanities more generally. The school participants will be able to reflect upon the link between emotions and well-being from different perspectives.


Our preliminary (subject to changes) list of plenary speakers includes:

  1. Meike BARTELS (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
  2. Michael BISHOP (Florida State University)
  3. Hayley DORFMAN (Harvard University)
  4. Antti KAUPPINEN (University of Helsinski)
  5. Dacher KELTNER (University of California, Berkeley)
  6. Patricia LOCKWOOD (University of Birmingham)
  7. Stefano PALMINTERI (Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale & École Normale Supérieure)
  8. Wolfram SCHULTZ (Cambridge University, UK)
  9. Giorgia SILANI (University of Vienna)
  10. Anita TUSCHE (Queen's University, Canada)
  11. Patty VAN CAPPELLEN (Duke University)
  12. Carmelo VAZQUEZ (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)


The scientific program comprises plenary lectures from leading scholars in the field, discussions sessions and workshops aimed at theoretical integration and fostering new research ideas, and group work in which the students will design an interdisciplinary research project that will be presented and discussed on the last day.


The varied program and its hands-on orientation make ISSAS highly attractive to young researchers from different disciplines. In addition, they will enjoy an opportunity to form strong professional ties with each other, as well as with the invited faculty members. They can use these contacts to build a substantial scientific network even at an early stage in their careers.


We look forward to meeting you at ISSAS 2022 !