Swiss Doctoral School


The Certificate of the SDS in Affective Sciences is granted once the student has obtained the PhD degree from their university and upon successful completion of at least 10 credits. The credits are based on the workload required for ECTS. ATTENTION: The SDS certificate is not a PhD diploma, but rather a training certificate for the student's cv that can serve as a complement to the PhD diploma issued by the student's university.

If at the time of the PhD thesis defense the student has not completed the required amount of credits to obtain the certificate, they may remain enrolled in the program until the acquisition of the 10 credits required, and for a maximum period of 6 months.

Credits are assigned following the indications in the table below.


Activity1Credits calculationMin credits required



24 lectures = 1 credit




5 workshops = 1 credit


Graduate Seminar


5 graduate seminars = 1 credit





1 day = 0.5 credit

2 days = 1 credit

>=3 days = 1.5 credit




0.5 credit per talk or poster


Summer/Winter School


0.5 credit each day


Knowledge Transfer


25h = 1 credit4


Soft Skills Training

Credit must be validated beforehand5


Other activities



1Overall 3 credits across all the activities should be interdisciplinary, meaning in a discipline different than the main discipline of the student’s research. In order to indicate which activities correspond to this criterion, the student will check the corresponding box in the “Apply for credits” form.

2In addition to the lectures organized by the SDS in Affective Sciences, credits can also be obtained for other lecture series, such as 'Thumos' or 'Brain & Cognition'.

3To be added to credits for conference attendance, if applicable.

4 Preparation time will also be considered when calculating credits for Knowledge Transfer activities. Teaching does not count as KT.

5 Other types of activity could give credits as well, but please seek approval from education-cisa(at) before signing up, to make sure that your intended activity will be able to grant you credit. Important: students are welcome to take courses that they deem useful to their training, but courses per se are not required in the SDS and course credit does not count towards the minimum number of credits necessary to obtain the SDS diploma.


How to obtain credits:

In order to apply for credits for lectures, the PhD student is required to fill out the form “Lectures Credits

The form must then be sent to:

Kyrha Declère

Swiss Center for Affective Sciences – Campus Biotech

9, Chemin des Mines

CH-1202 Geneva



In order to apply for credits for any other activity the PhD student is required to fill out the form "Apply for Credits" (with the required attachments specified in the form).