
sleep and emotion

December 10th & 12th 2023 - rome swiss institute

 A multidisciplinary investigation of human health and well-being


Artistic event

Art meets the science of sleep and emotion


Presentation of Gray Cake duo



Art duo Gray Cake will present the results of their work on the «Dreams of the Machine» project, which was created in 2021 during the EOFA residency program, together with a group of scientists from the Sleep and Cognition Neuroimaging Laboratory, University of Geneva.

As a natural continuation of the project, based on research into how the visual cortex works and the opportunity to reconstruct images using fMRI, the artists now work on the idea of reconstructing dream images also using fMRI and neural networks. This idea formed the basis of their art project, which is currently in the work-in-progress stage.

Artists will present video art created using AI tools. The basis for it was a database of people’s dreams recorded in text. The second part of the project is a book. The ongoing project based on research in the field of dream reconstruction using fMRI will also be presented.



Gray Cake is an art duo of Alexander Serechenko and Katya Pryanik. Katya graduated from the Rodchenko Art School of Photography and Multimedia. Works with experimental manual photo printing, video, photo, and installation. Sasha is a MEPI graduate software developer, as well as a musician and artist specializing in interactive environments and generative art practices. Both have Masters degrees in Digital Art from the Far Eastern Federal University. Winners and laureates of international art awards and festivals, works are in private and public collections such as MMAM and Flux Foundation.

«Having united in one, we realized that the “old” mediums do not have artistic expressiveness, but have a powerful historical code that has already become part of the culture of perception, and the “new” ones, in turn, require a deep rethinking in order to become a modern tool and assistant in artistic work, and not just presenting oneself as pure technology.

We explore the paradigm of new media, combining traditional artistic techniques and new technologies. At the place of their intersection, new meanings are formed that cannot exist without this intersection. We call this phenomenon “cross-media” and use it in our work as the main approach. When working, we use the strategy of natural scientists, which often gives strange results and allows us to look at the object of study from an unexpected point of view.»



Gray Cake(Alexander Serechenko, Ekaterina Pryanichnikova)
