

sleep and emotion

December 10th & 12th 2023 - rome swiss institute

 A multidisciplinary investigation of human health and well-being



 Organizing committee:

  • Prof. Sophie Schwartz, Chair and Professor of Basic Neuroscience at the University of Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Prof. Giulio Bernardi, Co-chair and Professor of Neuroscience at the IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca, Italy
  • Laura Riontino PhD, Maître Assistante at the University of Geneva, Switzerland, Conference Coordinator and Expert in Sleep and emotions.
  • Guillaume Legendre PhD, Post-Doc at the IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca, Italy, Conference Coordinator and Expert in Sleep and emotions.
  • Guillaume Jacquemoud, CISA IT Manager. Responsible for web infrastructure and design.


For enquiries please write to: sleep-emotion(at)