
sleep and emotion

December 10th & 12th 2023 - rome swiss institute

 A multidisciplinary investigation of human health and well-being




Final Conference Program

  Download Program (PDF)


December 10th

19:30 Social dinner at Ristorante al Cupolone - Via di porta Cavalleggeri, 145, Rome  


Day 1, December 11th

09:00 - 09:30 Registration


Session 1: Sleep and Emotion

09:30 Keynote speaker #1 Thomas Andrillon: Origins of sleep intrusions in wakefulness and their cognitive consequences.
10:00 Célia Lacaux: Wake up, sleeping muse! Investigation of sleep onset as a cognitive and neural state promoting creativity.  
10:15 Giulia Avvenuti: Local sleep-like activity and emotion regulation failures.

Kevin Mammeri: Gender-specific Trends in Sleep Patterns and Memory Function in School-Aged Children: Insights from a Real-Life Setting with EEG Analysis

10:45 - 11:00
Coffee break
Francesco Pietrogiacomi: Experience-dependent modulation of sleep-related mental activity.
11:15 Demetrio Grollero: Brain reactivity to nonverbal emotional vocalizations during NREM sleep.
11:30 Alison Montagrin: Rewriting the Past: Reconsolidation of emotional episodic memories.
11:45 Kinga Igloi: Exploring exercise effects on memory and future research on elite athletes'

sleep patterns and cognitive functions. 

12:00 - 14:00 Lunch break at Il piccolo Mondo - Via Aurora, 39, Rome  


Session 2: Dream and Emotion

14:00 Keynote speaker #2 Lampros Perogamvros: The Theater of Dreams.
14:30 Valentina Elce: The cartography of dreams: application of computational linguistics to the study of sleep conscious experiences.  
14:45 Bianca Pedreschi: REMEDY: Memory REactivation during sleep as a tool to Modulate oneiric Experiences and investigate the role of Dreams in memorY processing and  emotional regulation. Stage of work: odors selection pilot.  

15:00 - 15:30 Coffee break
15:30 - 15:50

Short talks:

  • Laure Colin: Architecturally modified sleep and emotional episodic memory: an fMRI study.

  • Alice Clerget: Enhancing imagery rehearsal therapy for idiopathic nightmares with targeted memory reactivation.

  • Audrey Theux: Augmentation of Imagery Rehearsal Therapy with Targeted Memory Reactivation for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

  • Saskia Czura: Imagery Rescripting and Targeted Memory Reactivation in Insomnia Disorder.

15:50 Giorgia Bontempi: Dream recall and content in RBD patients.
16:05 Davide Marzoli: Changes in brain activity upon stimulus-induced awakening predicts

subsequent dream recall.

16:20 Q&D Moderator: Sophie Schwartz
17:30 - 19:00 Art-Science presentation by Alexander Serechenko and Екатерина Пряничникова & Apero.


Day 2, December 12th

Session 3: Methods in Sleep research

09:30 Keynote speaker #3 Delphine Oudiette: Asleep and aware? Transient windows of behavioral responsiveness to the external world during sleep.

Adriana Michalak: The spectrum of conscious experiences during NREM sleep: there is
more than what meets the eye.

10:15 Ruggero Basanisi: Source reconstruction on a sleeping brain.

Damiana Bergamo: Cortical and subcortical hemodynamic changes associated with slow wave occurrence.

10:45 - 11:00
Coffee break
Keynote speaker #4 Marzia De Lucia: Cardio-audio and sensory regularity encoding in conscious and unconscious states.
11:30 Andria Pelentritou: Cardio-audio regularity processing in human wakefulness and sleep.

Leila Salvesen: Lucid dream induction using wearable EEG and dream engineering toolbox:
a multi-center study.

12:00 - 14:00 Lunch break at Il piccolo Mondo - Via Aurora, 39, Rome


Session 4: Sleep and Emotion: clinical aspects

14:00 Keynote speaker #5 Virginie Sterpenich: Sleeping on Rewards: Exploring Memory Reactivation in Healthy Individuals and Narcoleptic Patients.

Maeva Moyne: Impact of Motivation and Motor Function on Sleep Quality and Motor
Learning in Post-Stroke Rehabilitation.


Isabella De Cuntis: Unraveling the sensory - deprived brain through the lens of sleep

15:00 - 15:15  Coffee break

Laura Riontino: Sleep deprivation alters affective and neural responses to erotic stimuli in
heterosexual males.

15:30 Guillaume Legendre: Targeted neural fatigue applied to human perception.
15:45 Q&D Moderator: Giulio Bernardi. 
16:30 Closing remarks