
Vers une transformation de la pensée sur Dieu.e : l’apport des théologies queer et féministes

09h15 – 09h45 | Annie Crépin 

Maîtresse de conférences honoraire de l’Université d’Artois, Annie Crépin a enseigné l’histoire contemporaine. Elle est spécialiste d’histoire de la défense, plus spécifiquement des rapports du fait militaire avec le fait politique et la construction de la citoyenneté. Présidente de FHEDLES  (Femmes et Hommes Droits et Libertés dans les Églises) depuis 2016. Elle a été membre de Genre en Christianisme, unité de recherche et de documentation créée par FHE. (devenue FHEDLES en 2011).

09h45 – 10h30 | Lisa Isherwood (visio)

Lisa Isherwood is a liberation theologian who believes theology to be a communal project fuelled by notions of radical equality and empowered by divine companionship. Her work explores the nature of incarnation within a contemporary context and includes such areas as the body, gender, sexuality and eco-theology.
Professor Isherwood is an Executive Editor and founding editor of the international journal ‘Feminist Theology’ and she
sits on the international editorial board of ‘Feminist Studies in Religion’. She is a co-founder and Director of the Britain and Ireland School of Feminist Theology. From 2007-2009 she was Vice President of the European Society of Women in Theological Research. She is on the theological consultancy board for Caritas.

10h45 – 11h30 | Tina Beattie (visio)

Tina Beattie left her post as Professor of Catholic Studies at the University of Roehampton in London in 2020, to focus on research and writing. She continues in her role as Director of Catherine of Siena College, an online college offering courses on gender, theology and social justice based at Roehampton. In addition to her many academic publications, Tina writes fiction (her novel The Good Priest was published in 2019), and she is a regular contributor to the media.