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Announce an event to UNIGE community

The means of communication listed below are reserved exclusively for events organized by the University.
If the event to be announced does not originate from the UNIGE, please send your request to: communication(at)


UNIGE Portal

The UNIGE portal gives the university community secure, personalized access to online services and information. In addition to basic information such as personal details and direct access to UNIGE services and resources, you'll find the latest UNIGE events and the opportunity to track news by theme and faculty.

Would you like to widely circulate information about an event you're organizing, a publication from your research group or a news item relating to university life? Request your own information channel: Claire Grange or contact the head of digital communication: Jacques Erard

Print mail

Under certain conditions, and for internal use only, UNIGE staff address lists (professional or private) may be obtained from the Human Resources Division. (Yves Leuenberger Phone 97656).