Conference 2020



Here you will find the profiles of the contributors who participated in the conference.




 Pascal Saint-Amans

OECD Centre for Tax Policy and Administration

Pascal Saint-Amans took on his duties as Director of the Center for Tax Policy and Administration at the OECD on 1 February 2012. Mr. Saint-Amans, a French national, joined the OECD in September 2007 as Head of the International Co-operation and Tax Competition Division in the CTPA. He played a key role in the advancement of the OECD tax transparency agenda in the context of the G20. In October 2009 he was appointed Head of the Global Forum Division, created to service the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes, a programme with the participation of over 100 countries.

Mr. Saint-Amans graduated from the National School of Administration (ENA) in 1996, and was an official in the French Ministry for Finance for nearly a decade. He held various positions within the Treasury, including heading the supervision of the EU work on direct taxes and overseeing legislation and policy on wealth tax and mergers and spin offs. He was also the head of tax treaty negotiations and mutual agreement procedures. In this capacity, he participated in the OECD Working Party No. 1 of the Committee on Fiscal Affairs as the delegate for France before being elected Chair of WP1 in 2005. He was also a member of the UN Group of Experts on International Co-operation in Tax Matters, becoming a "rapporteur" in 2006. Before leaving government service, he was Deputy Director in charge of litigation at the Direction Générale des Impôts.

Mr. Saint-Amans also served as Financial Director of the Energy Regulation Committee between 1999 and 2002 and was responsible for the introduction of new electricity tariffs.

Having earned a degree in history, Mr. Saint-Amans also received a degree from the Institut d'études politiques of Paris .






Maja Adena is a senior researcher and Vice Director of the Research Unit: "Economics of Change", at the WZB Berlin Social Science Center. She received her Ph.D. degree in Economics at the Free University of Berlin in 2013. Her academic interests are mainly in the field of public economics, especially charitable giving and non-profit organizations. Several of her studies involve (field) experiments on the optimal design of a fundraising campaign. In the field of political economy she works on persuasion, studying the question of how far the media can influence individual preferences and behavior. Her research is also concerned with poverty and deprivation and how it impacts individual well-being. She has published articles in such journals as The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Management Science, and Journal of Public Economics. 



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Brigitte Alepin is Professor of Taxation at the Université du Québec en Outaouais. She is a specialist in tax policy and planning, figuring on the Global Tax 50 (the 50 most influent tax experts in the world), is a Fellow of the Ordre des CPA du Québec, and recipient of a Gémeaux Award for the Best Scenario for the film Le Prix à payer. She also acts in the capacity of tax policy and public finances expert for governments and major Canadian and international organizations, and has testified more than 12 times before commissions of the Canadian Senate and the House of Commons, as well as the National Assembly of France. Brigitte Alepin sits on the Advisory Committee of the Canada Revenue Agency and is a co-founder of TaxCOOP. 




Robert E. Atkinson, Jr. (Rob), is a native of Kingstree, South Carolina, and a graduate of Washington and Lee University (History and Philosophy, 1979). After receiving his law degree (Yale 1982), he clerked for Judge Donald Stuart Russell of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit. He practiced law with Sutherland, Asbill, & Brennan's Washington, D.C., office before joining the faculty at the Florida State University College of Law, where he writes and lectures on philanthropy, property, and professionalism. 




Dr. Rene H.F.P. Bekkers, is full professor of Philanthropy at the Department of Sociology at VU University Amsterdam, the Netherlands. He studied Sociology and philosophy in Nijmegen and obtained a PhD in Sociology at Utrecht University in 2004.

His research on prosocial behavior takes a multidisciplinary perspective on philanthropy, volunteering, blood donation and helping behavior. Since 2000, he is on the design team of the Giving in the Netherlands Panel Survey. Bekkers is an internationally renowned expert in the sociology and psychology of altruism and survey design and published in international scientific journals in a variety of social science disciplines. His current research focuses on determinants and consequences of charitable giving and volunteering.



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Ursa Bernardic, PhD student, Geneva School of Economics and Management (GSEM), University of Geneva (UNIGE)



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David Bradbury is the Head of the Tax Policy and Statistics Division of the Centre for Tax Policy and Administration at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

David is an Australian national and joined the OECD in April 2014, where he now leads a team of economists, lawyers and statisticians who are focused on delivering high quality economic analysis and tax policy advice, and providing internationally comparable tax data and statistical analysis.

As a member of the management team at the Centre for Tax Policy and Administration, David was a key contributor to the delivery of the OECD/G20 Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) Project andits implementation. He has also led the OECD’s involvement with the Task Force on the DigitalEconomy and led the team responsible for delivering the interim report on the Tax Challenges Arising from Digitalisation to G20 Finance Ministers.

Prior to joining the OECD, David was a lawyer, a Member of the House of Representatives in the Australian Parliament, and a Minister in the Australian Government.

As a lawyer, David worked for an international corporate law firm, specialising in taxation law.

He served in the Australian Government as the Assistant Treasurer, Minister for Competition Policy and Consumer Affairs, Minister Assisting for Financial Services and Superannuation, and Minister Assisting for Deregulation.

As a Minister, David led the Australian contribution to the debate on BEPS and implemented key taxation reforms including landmark amendments to the General Anti-Avoidance Rule - Part IVA - andthe modernisation of Australia’s transfer pricing laws.

David has completed an undergraduate degree in Arts (majoring in Government and Public Administration), an Honours degree in Law, and has completed post graduate studies in Taxation Law at the University of Sydney.




Dana Brakman Reiser is a Professor of Law at Brooklyn Law School. Professor Brakman Reiser is an expert in the law of non-profit organizations and one of the world's leading authorities on social enterprise. Her recent book, Social Enterprise Law: Trust, Public Benefit and Capital Markets (Oxford University Press), written with Steven Dean, shows how corporate governance, contract and even tax law can be harnessed to balance public good against private interests. She served as an Associate Reporter for the American Law Institute's Project on Principles of the Law of Charitable Nonprofit Organizations, and as a member of the Executive Committee of the AALS Nonprofit and Philanthropy Law and Business Law Sections, and is active in the Association for Research on Nonprofit Associations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA), and the Government Relations Committee of the Nonprofit Coordinating Committee of New York.




Bert Brys is Senior Tax Economist, Head of the Country Tax Policy Team and Head of the Personal and Property Taxes unit in the Tax Policy and Tax Statistics Division of the OECD’s Centre for Tax Policy and Administration. He joined the OECD in 2005. Within the OECD he has worked on a broad range of taxes, tax indicators and tax policy design topics, including personal income taxes and effective tax rates on labour income and savings, property taxes, taxation on housing, corporate income taxes, health taxes, political economy issues of tax reform, taxation and economic growth, tax expenditures and taxation and skills. He has extensive experience of working on country tax policies, for both OECD and non-OECD member countries including Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico, Cote d’Ivoire, Morocco, Tunisia, Slovenia, the Slovak Republic and Spain. Prior to joining the OECD, he worked on tax issues for the Flemish regional Government in Belgium; Bert holds the Belgian nationality. He holds a Ph.D. degree from the Tinbergen Institute, Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands. He also obtained Master degrees in economics from the Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona (Spain), from CenTEr at Tilburg University (the Netherlands) and from Universiteit Antwerpen (Belgium).



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Calum Carmichael is an Associate Professor with the School of Public Policy and Administration at Carleton University, Ottawa, and the current Supervisor of the School's post-graduate programs in Philanthropy and Nonprofit Leadership. He teaches in areas of economics and philanthropy, and writes on ways governments do or could encourage and regulate the financial contributions that individuals make to charitable, nonprofit, and political organizations.




Emanuela Ceva is full Professor of Political Theory at the University of Geneva. She has held fellowships and visiting positions at various institutions worldwide, including: the Center for Human Values of the Princeton University; Nuffield College and the Blavatnik School of Government, Oxford; Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo; University of St Andrews; Centre de Recherche en Étique de l’Université de Montréal; University of Hamburg; Edmund J. Safra Center for Ethics of Harvard University; and KU Leuven. In 2018, she was awarded a Fulbright Research Scholarship in Philosophy. She works primarily on the normative theory of institutions with a focus on conflict and justice, democracy, corruption. She is the author of Interactive Justice (Routledge 2016), co-author of Is Whistleblowing a Duty? (Polity 2018), and has published articles in such journals as The Journal of Political Philosophy; Social Philosophy & Policy; Politics, Philosophy & Economics; Journal of Social Philosophy; Journal of Applied Philosophy.



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Malini Chakravarty is Additional Coordinator-Research at Centre for Budget and Governance Accountability (CBGA), New Delhi. After completing her Masters from Delhi School of Economics, she got her M.Phil. degree from the Centre for Economic Studies and Planning, Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi. She has taught economics at various institutes and also worked as researcher at Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER), New Delhi. Her areas of interest include macroeconomics, public finance and equity, international trade and development economics. She has published several articles in journals, newspapers and books.



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Steven Dean is a Professor of Tax Law and the Faculty Director of the Graduate Tax Program at the NYU School of Law. He is on leave from Brooklyn Law School, where he is a Professor of Law. His recent book, Social Enterprise Law: Trust, Public Benefit and Capital Markets (Oxford University Press), written with Dana Brakman Reiser, shows how corporate governance, contract and even tax law can be harnessed to balance public good against private interests. In addition to his work in social enterprise law, he is an expert in tax law and policy. In practice, he provided tax advice to clients at two global law firms and is currently a member of the Executive Committee of the New York State Bar Association's Tax Section.Tax law professor, Faculty Director, Graduate Tax Program, NY School of Law.




Dr. Christoph Degen is a lawyer and partner at DUFOUR Advokatur in Ba-sel. He is a founding member of proFonds, the Umbrella Organisation of the Philanthropic Foundations in Switzerland, and has been its acting managing director since 1990. Christoph Degen is a board member of and advisor to various philanthropic foundations and associations as well as co-founder and president of the foundation Laurenz für das Kind, Basel. From 1998 to 2006 he was a member of the Federal Appeals Commission for occupational benefits. Christoph Degen chairs the Appeals Board of ART Basel, is a lecturer in non-profit law at the Verbandsmanagement In-stitut of the University of Fribourg (VMI) and at the Centre for Philanthro-py Studies (CEPS) of the University of Basel. He is the author of various publications on all topics concerned with foundation law, non-profit organ-isations and philanthropy.



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Laurence de Nervaux, is a graduate from Ecole Normale Supérieure, Sciences Po (Paris) and Princeton (USA), Laurence started her career in the cultural sector, first at the French Institute Alliance Française in New York, and then at the Center of national monuments in Paris.

Since 2013, she has been the head of the Observatory of philanthropy at Fondation de France, the leading philanthropy network in France. Dedicated to expertise, watch and research, the Observatory analyses the volume and trends of private philanthropy in France and Europe, and promotes its development. At Fondation de France, Laurence also supervises the School of philanthropy, an awareness program for school children aged 9-12, and she is in charge of institutional and international affairs. She is a member of the scientific committee of the French association for the development of data on social economy, and the author of several related contributions and articles. Laurence teaches a graduate class at Sciences Po on philanthropy and public policies.



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Philippe Durand, has been a Partner at PwC société d’Avocats, law firm member of the PricecewaterhouseCoopers tax & legal network, since 2007.

He has held different positions within the French Ministry of Finance ; in the Tax Policy Department (individual income tax, tax treaties, corporate income tax and registration duties) then in the French Tax Administration (as Head of the Tax counsel Department). 

He has also been a Finance Attaché at the Permanent Representation of France near by  the European Union in Brussels.  

Between 2002 and 2007, he was  the senior VP tax of  LVMH group




Nicolas Duvoux is a Professor of sociology at Paris VIII University, researcher at CRESPPA-LabToP, specializing in issues of social solidarity, poverty and philanthropy. He is the author of several books including Social inequalities, Paris, PUF, “Que-sais-je?”, 2017; The forgotten ones of the American dream. Philanthropy, State and Urban Poverty in the United States, Paris, PUF, 2015 or The New Age of Solidarity. Poverty, precariousness and public policies, Paris, The Republic of Ideas / Le Seuil, 2012 as well as numerous articles and interventions in the press. He has been Visiting Scholar at Harvard University (2012-2013) and guest lecturer in many countries (Russia, Lithuania, Canada, USA, Switzerland, Belgium, etc.) and academic institutions. In addition to his teaching and research activities, he is a collection director at Presses Universitaires de France and editor-in-chief of Vie des idé Finally, he participates regularly in public policy evaluation activities. After having been a member of the Evaluation Committee of Active Solidarity Income (2009-2011), he became a member of the University College of the National Observatory of Poverty and Social Exclusion (since 2014) and is, for this reason, president of the monitoring and evaluation committee of the Support Fund for Integration Policies with the Ministry of Solidarity (2018-2021)."




Nicolas Duquette, is an Associate Professor at the USC Sol Price School of Public Policy.  Duquette’s research uses the tools of economics, politics and history to trace the development and behavior of nonprofit organizations. He received his PhD in economics from the University of Michigan in 2014. His work has been published in outlets including the Journal of Public EconomicsJournal of Business History, and Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly.



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Gabrielle Fack, Professor of Economics, Dauphine University – PSL



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Daniel Fichmann is a junior economist at the Centre for Tax Policy and Administration at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), where he co-authored the OECD Taxation and Philanthropy report. Prior to joining the OECD, Daniel graduated from Bates College (USA) with a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics and Political Science. 



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Ludwig ForrestSenior Programm Coordinator, Social Engagement, King Baudouin Foundation / TGE



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Raphael Gani is Judge at the Swiss Federal Administrative Court (Tax court). He has been working as a lawyer for the Vaud Tax Authority where he was co-heading the legal team. He studied law and was admitted to the bar in 2008, after a PhD achieved in the University of Lausanne in relation with the Limitation on Benefits clause of the double tax convention between Switzerland and the United States.



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François Geinoz studied economics at the University of Zurich, graduating with a Master's degree in 1986. He completed the Advanced Management Program IESE Business School 2007. Teaching assignments at the Universities of Zurich and Fribourg and the Technical School Windisch between 1986-1989. In 1990, he became CEO of the Zurich-based Limmat Stiftung (, an Umbrella Foundation specialized in Development Cooperation and Training projects. Between 1987 and 2000, he made contributions in research and publications in demographics and consulting in the management of Nonprofit Organizations. Since 2007, he is a co-founder and board member of the Roundtable of Philanthropy Zurich ( Since 2013, he is the president of proFonds, the Swiss Federation of Non-Profit Foundations (




Sigrid Hemels is full Professor of Tax Law at the Erasmus University Rotterdam School of Law (the Netherlands). In addition, she is visiting professor in tax law at the Lund University School of Economics and Management (Sweden). She is also member of the tax team of the law firm Allen & Overy (Amsterdam office). She publishes and lectures regularly on various themes within the tax field, including European and international tax law. Part of her research is focused on the specific theme of tax incentives for the arts and charities on which she has published and lectured frequently, both in the Netherlands, Europe and Japan. In 2017, she edited together with prof. Kazuko Goto the book Tax incentives for the creative industries, which was published in the Springer Creative Economy series. She is member of the scientific advisory committee of the Giving in the Netherlands research of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and chair of the advisory committee on the Cultural Monitor pilot of the Boekman Stichting, the Dutch research and documentation institute on cultural policy.




Dr. Peter Hongler is professor for tax law at the University of St. Gallen and a director at the IFF-HSG. He was educated at the Universities of Bern (MLaw 2008) and Zurich (Dr. iur. 2011). As assistant to Prof. Dr. Madeleine Simonek he conducted research at the Universities of Zurich and Lucerne. Besides, he was a guest researcher at the Institute for Austrian and International Tax Law at the Vienna University of Economics and Business and a Post-Doc Research Fellow at the IBFD in Amsterdam. He is experienced in advising political bodies in tax policy matters. He is the author of several books and articles including “Justice in International Tax Law” (IBFD 2019). Moreover, he is a counsel with Walder Wyss Ltd.




Camille Landais is Professor of economics at the London School of Economics and Political Science, and Director of the Public Economics Programme of the Center for Economic Policy Research (CEPR). In addition to his academic position, he maintains affiliations with the Institut des politiques publiques, Institute for Fiscal Studies, STICERD, IZA Institute of Labor Economics, and the European Economic Association, on whose council he sits. He is or has also performed editorial duties for the American Economic Journal : Applied Economics, Journal of Public Economics, Review of Economic Studies, Fiscal Studies and Economic Policy. Camille Landais holds a PhD from the Paris School of Economics. His research focuses on public finance and labour economics and his articles have appeared in various leading journals such as the American Economic Review, or the Quarterly Journal of Economics. He is the co-author of “Pour une revolution fiscale”, with Thomas Piketty and Emmanuel Saez. He was awarded the 2016 Prize for French Best Young Economist, and received the Philip Leverhulme Prize in Economics.



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Maël LebretonSenior Research Associate, Swiss Center for Affective Science (CISA), University of Geneva (UNIGE)



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Dominique Lemaistre, Director of Patronage, Fondation de France




Giedre Lideikyte Huber is a Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Law of the University of Geneva. Her doctoral thesis: “Conceptual problems of a Corporate Tax (Swiss and Comparative Aspects)” (summa cum laude), received Edgar Aubert Award 2017-2018. During her academic career, she was a visiting scholar in UC Berkeley School of Law (2015) and an exchange doctoral student at Harvard Law School (2014-2015) with the grants awarded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (FNS) and the Fondation Zdenek et Michaela Bakala. Her professional experience includes both the private (banking) and public sectors (Geneva cantonal tax authority). She currently acts as a Member of the Board of the Cantonal surveillance authority of foundations and pension funds (FR: L’autorité cantonale de surveillance des fondations et des institutions de prévoyance - ASFIP).


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Stephanie Maas, Research Associate, VU University Amsterdam



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Fiona Martin is full Professor at UNSW, School of Taxation and Business Law. She is an internationally recognised expert on taxation issues, particularly those relating to charities and not-for-profits. She has published extensively in this area and on income tax issues relating to indigenous Australians who receive mining payments, the goods and services tax and taxation issues relating to real estate. Her doctoral research was awarded the International Fiscal Association research prize and the Wolters Kluwer Australasian Tax Teachers Doctoral Series Award. It is published by Wolters Kluwer as Income Tax, Native Title and Mining Payments (2014).She has been awarded several external research grants including two prestigious Australian Research Council Grants and regularly presents her research at international conferences such as the Law and Society Conference and the International Society of Third Sector Research Conference. Professor Martin is recognised by her peers and students as an outstanding teacher and has been the recipient of several University teaching awards.



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Jennifer Mayo, PhD Student, University of Michigan



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Ian Murray is an Associate Professor & Deputy Head of School, Research UWA Law School. His research focuses on the intersection between Not-for-profit Law, Tax and Corporate Governance. He has published widely on these topics, including a forthcoming book with Cambridge University Press on charity accumulation and intergenerational justice.  He is also a co-author of a leading taxation law text, Understanding Taxation Law and he brings to bear a decade’s practical experience as a lawyer, charity board member and university in-house lawyer.



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Xavier Oberson is full Professor of Swiss and International Tax Law at the University of Geneva. He has published numerous books and articles, notably: « International Exchange of Information in Tax Matters. Towards Global Transparency», 2nd edition Edward Elgar Publishing, London 2018; and "Taxing Robot. Helping the economy to Adapt to the Use of Artificial Intelligence" Edward Elgar Publishing, London 2019. He has also extensively published in the area of philanthropy and is the academic supervisor in the area of taxation of the Geneva Center for Philanthropy. Professor Oberson also practices as an attorney-at-law, partner of Oberson Abels SA, in Geneva, Switzerland. He is active in various associations, expert committees and foundations. In addition, he is also very active in the area of philanthropy. Indeed, he is a member of the Board of the Montreux Jazz Festival, the President of the Montreux Jazz Artists Foundation and of the “Centre d’Art Contemporain” (Contemporary Art Center) in Geneva. In 2012, he was awarded the “Step Private Client Awards. The Geoffrey Schindler Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Profession".



Ann O’Connell is Professor at the Melbourne Law School, University of Melbourne and was Special Counsel at Allens Linklaters for 22 years. She was the lead Chief Investigator on the ‘Not for Profit Project’ at the Law School (2010-2014) and her book, Taxation of Charities and Not-for-Profits will be published in November by Lexis Nexis. She also co-edited Not-for Profit Law: Theoretical and Comparative Perspectives (Cambridge University Press, 2014). She was a member of the government’s Not-for-Profit Tax Concession Working Group (2012-2013) and is currently an external member of the Australian Tax Office’s Public Advice and Guidance Panel and General Anti-Avoidance Rule Panel. She has been an advisor to the OECD in Paris on taxation and philanthropy. She is also a Senior Member of the Australian Administrative Appeals Tribunal.




Henry Peter is full Professor of Law at the University of Geneva and is Head of the Geneva Centre for Philanthropy (GCP). Before taking that responsibility, he was director of the commercial law department in the Faculty of Law at the University of Geneva between 2006 and 2017. Professor Peter is the author of numerous publications. For many years his teaching and publications focused on corporate governance and social responsibility. In 2014 he launched the "Philanthropy Series" at the University of Geneva. He is a member of several organizations that look at governance and ethical issues, and sits on several boards (public and private companies). Because of his broad expertise, he is often called upon to act as a member of public or association bodies (e.g., Swiss Takeover Board, Sanctions Commission of the SIX Swiss Exchange, disciplinary chamber in charge of doping cases/ Swiss Olympic Association), or as arbitrator in disputes in these areas.




Marta Pittavino is a Senior Lecturer at the Geneva School of Economics and Management (GSEM) of the University of Geneva. She teaches statistical courses both at the Bachelor ("Statistical Modelling") and at the Master level (“Forecasting with applications in Business"). She also coordinates the recent Master in Business Analytics. She holds a doctorate in Biostatistics from the University of Zurich and she has a background (M.Sc. and B.Sc.) in Mathematics from the University of Turin. Before joining the GSEM, she was a statistician, for her post-doctoral experience, at the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) in Lyon. Her research interests lies in the applied statistics field, with a particular focus on the development of Bayesian hierarchical models for epidemiological studies.




Dr. Florian Regli, Vice Director at the Institute IFF-HSG / University of St.Gallen and Area Tax Director at F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd in Basel. In 2020 Florian became a member of the IFF-HSG conducting research projects in the field of business taxation with a special focus on the taxation of corporate groups as well as sustainability. He joined Roche and the Group Tax Department in 2014. Prior to Roche, Florian worked for Bär&Karrer AG and qualified as a certified tax expert in 2013. From 2009 to 2012 Florian served as a scientific assistant to Prof. Dr. Waldburger at the Institute IFF-HSG and received his doctorate from the University of St.Gallen in 2013. Florian holds a Master in Accounting and Finance and at Master in Law both from the University of St.Gallen.




Dr. Kimberley Scharf is Professor of Economics and Head of the Economics Department at the University of Birmingham, UK. She holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Toronto. Dr. Scharf has spent most of her academic career in England and has served on numerous commissions to advice governments from many countries on issues of taxation and charitable giving. She is a sought after adjudicator on scientific research panels around the world.

Her many publications are in high ranking journals of the discipline and she is currently the editor of International Tax and Public Finance. Dr. Scharf’s research interests are wide ranging, spanning from integration of  AI into our daily lives to how to attract donors to a charity




Dr. Natalie Silver is a lecturer at the University of Sydney Law School. Her research focuses on not-for-profit law and regulation, particularly the tax aspects of charitable giving. Natalie holds a PhD from the Australian Centre for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Studies at the Queensland University of Technology and a Master of Laws from Harvard Law School. She has extensive philanthropic advisory experience in New York as Director of Philanthropic Services at the Jewish Funders Network and as a Vice President in the Philanthropic Services group at JP Morgan Private Bank. Natalie also practiced corporate law in the New York office of Kirkland & Ellis LLP.




Dr. Priyadarshini SinghDr. Priyadarshini Singh is a Senior Visiting Fellow at the Centre for Social Impact and Philanthropy (CSIP) and a Research Fellow at Centre for Policy Research (CPR). At CSIP, she is leading the study on Tax incentives for Philanthropic giving across 12 countries.  Previously, she has led CSIP’s work in Legal and Regulatory reform for civil society. At CPR, Priyadarshini is a part of the State capacity Initiative where she is working on the Grassroots workers of the Indian state.



Sarah Smith is Professor and Head of Economics at the University of Bristol. Her research interests are in public economics, including pro-social behaviour and charitable giving. She is currently a lead editor of the Economics Observatory ( and co-chair of Discover Economics, a campaign to promote diversity in undergraduate economics ( She has previously held positions at the London School of Economics and Institute for Fiscal Studies.




Richard Steinberg is Professor of Philanthropic Studies at the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy and Professor of Economics at IUPUI, where he helped to develop the Philanthropy Panel Study of U.S. households conducted biennially. He served as Co-President of ARNOVA, co-edited The Nonprofit Sector: A Research Handbook (2ndEd.), and coauthored Economics for Nonprofit Managers and Social Entrepreneurs. His research concerns theories of the role and behavior of nonprofit organizations (three-failures theory and extensions, determination of objective functions), managerial economics for nonprofit organizations (fundraising, pricing, dues setting, framing, cost-benefit analysis, agency problems, behavioral economics), public policies towards philanthropy and nonprofit organizations (regulation of fundraising, taxes and giving, entity taxation, antitrust, contracting out) and empirical work on donations (crowdout by government spending, personal taxes, intergenerational transmission, marginal propensity to donate out of different kinds of income and wealth, persuasion strategy). He contributes to local development of social capital as an actor in community theaters. Professor Steinberg is the laureate of the Fondation Lombard Odier Prize for Academic Excellence in Philanthropy, edition 2020, Senior scholars category for his paper: "The Design of Tax Incentives for Giving" 




Hanna Surmatz,  Enabling Environment Manager at the European Foundation Centre AISBL (EFC) in Brussels, has been working towards a favorable operating environment for institutional philanthropy since 2004. As of 2019 she is directing on behalf of the EFC the joint Donors and Foundations Networks in Europe (DAFNE) and EFC  Philanthropy Advocacy initiative. Her main responsibilities include monitoring and mapping/analysis of relevant developments that affect foundations’/funders operating environment in Europe and beyond; co-ordination of benchmarking exercises; and facilitating information exchange on relevant legal and tax law matters through publications and events and engagement with policymakers and academia on that topic. Between 2001 and 2004 she was employed by the Association of German Foundations (Bundesverband Deutscher Stiftungen) in Berlin, where she worked on foundation law issues and international matters. She studied law at the Westfälische Wilhelms-University Münster, Germany and at the University of Poitiers, France and worked as assistant researcher at the University of Münster for several years. She also served on the board of the European Center for Not for Profit Law (ECNL) for two terms and has since 2017 been the representative of the philanthropic sector in the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Private Sector Consultative Forum (PSCF) and since 2019 also in the OECD Tax Business Advisory Group.




Alastair Thomas is a Senior Economist at the OECD’s Centre for Tax Policy and Administration, where he has worked since April 2008. Prior to this he worked for five years as a Policy Analyst at the New Zealand Inland Revenue Department. He holds a Master’s Degree in Economics from the London School of Economics (UK), and a PhD from Victoria University of Wellington (New Zealand).




Giuseppe Ugazio is the Edmond the Rothschild Assistant Professor in Behavioral Philanthropy. He holds two Doctorates in Philosophy and in Neuroeconomics from the University of Zurich. He is a behavioral scientist studying the neuro-psychological mechanisms that drive complex human social behaviors. Using interdisciplinary experimental methods he probes the affective, cognitive, and behavioral control mechanisms that support social decision-making. In particular, his research focuses on understanding how these decision mechanisms compete and interact to drive choices related to sacred moral values, honesty, and norm-compliance.



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Max von Abendroth is since 2017 the Executive Director of the Donors and Foundations Networks in Europe, DAFNE, the European umbrella organisation for 30 national donors and foundations networks from across Europe, with a collective membership of over 10.000 foundations.

Max supports the interest representation of the Europe’s philanthropy sector vis-à-vis the EU institutions and multilateral organisations to further develop an enabling environment for donors and foundations at national, EU and global levels, including the promotion of common position on legal and fiscal issues.

DAFNE also provides networking, knowledge exchange and capability building opportunities for its members to enhance effective philanthropy across Europe. Max initiated the European network and collaboration platform for more than 60 national, European and thematic philanthropy networks, PEX.

Before joining DAFNE Max has set up and ran the European Magazine Media Association, EMMA, representing 15.000 press publishers vis-à-vis the EU institutions. He is also the founder of the Future Media Lab., an innovative European advocacy platform for media, technology, journalism, academia and politicians.

Max sits on the Board of Fondation Euractiv. He studied Economics and Business Administration at the Witten/Herdecke University in Germany.




Pamala Wiepking is the inaugural Visiting Stead Family Chair in International Philanthropy at the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy and the inaugural Professor of Societal Significance of Charity Lotteries at the Center for Philanthropic Studies at VU Amsterdam. She studies cross-national and interdisciplinary explanations of philanthropy. She aims to make philanthropy more meaningful for all actors involved and she is the 2017 UMD SPP Do Good Institute-ARNOVA Award for Global Philanthropy and Nonprofit Leadership recipient for her leadership in international philanthropy and nonprofit research. She has published (co-)authored research on philanthropic behavior in –among others– Social Forces, European Sociological Review, Social Science Research, Journal of Business Ethics, Voluntas and the Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. She is co-editor (with Femida Handy) of the Palgrave Handbook of Global Philanthropy, which won the 2016 ARNOVA Virginia A. Hodgkinson Research Book Prize. She is a member of the editorial board for the Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly and the International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing. Pamala is one of the founding members of the European Research Network on Philanthropy (ERNOP).



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Eric M. Zolt is the Michael H. Schill Distinguished Professor of Law Emeritus at the UCLA School of Law. He specializes in individual, corporate, and international tax law. Working with the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, US AID and the US Treasury Department, Eric has served as a consultant on tax policy matters in over 30 countries. Before coming to UCLA, he was a partner at Kirkland & Ellis. Eric served in the US Department of Treasury, first as Deputy Tax Legislative Counsel and then as founder and director of Treasury’s Tax Advisory Program in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union. Eric also served as the Faculty Director of the International Tax Program at Harvard Law School. He is a co-founder of the African Tax Institute, a training and research institute for government tax officials from African countries.