Conference 2020

Scientific Workshop for junior scholars

The Workshop for Junior Scholars is an online event open to the public. It took place on 26 November 2020, from 11am to 1.30 pm(CET).

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Detailed programme>>

It serves as a platform for PhD students and post-doctoral researchers presenting their papers on the very same topics included in the academic colloquium of the Conference.

Event free of charge with no registration.


The best academic paper presented during the Junior scholars’ workshop received the Fondation Lombard Odier Prize for Academic Excellence in Philanthropy  of CHF 5'000. Congratulations to the Laureates: 

Caroline Honegger (HETSL), Romain Carnac (University of Lausanne and HETSL), Philipp Balsiger (University of Neuchâtel) and Alexandre Lambelet (HETSL), Switzerland

 for the paper entitled "Why fiscally encourage philanthropy? The justifications used by political actors in Switzerland (2000-2019)"


The 3 finalists of the Junior scholars' category :

  • Jo Cutler, University of Birmingham, "Aligning tax incentives with motivations for philanthropy: Insights from brain and behavior"
  • Caroline Honegger (HETSL), Romain Carnac (University of Lausanne and HETSL), Philipp Balsiger (University of Neuchâtel) and Alexandre Lambelet (HETSL), Switzerland "Why fiscally encourage philanthropy? The justifications used by political actors in Switzerland (2000-2019)" - LAUREATES
  • Charles Sellen, Indiana University, "Philanthropy as a self-taxation mechanism with happy outcomes: Crafting a new public discourse"


Francesca Amaddeo (SUPSI, The University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland)
"Swiss Investors Visa: improving philanthropy through taxation" (joint with Ivan Bottinelli and Samuele Vorpe)
Ivan Bottinelli (SUPSI, The University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland)
"Swiss Investors Visa: improving philanthropy through taxation"  (joint with Francesca Amaddeo and Samuele Vorpe)
Romain Carnac (Unil, University of Lausanne and HETSL, School of Social Work and Health Sciences Lausanne)
"Why fiscally encourage philanthropy? The justifications used by political actors in Switzerland (2000–2019)" (joint with Caroline Honegger, Prof. Philip Balsiger and Prof. Alexandre Lambelet) 
Jo Cutler (University of Birmingham)
"Aligning tax incentives with motivations for philanthropy: Insights from brain and behaviour"
Matthieu Debief (UNIGE)
"Are tax incentives for philanthropy Justified? Examining the Swiss system through democratic lenses"
Tax treatment of an art collection in Switzerland Study of Swiss tax practices that best meet the collectors' expectations 
Caroline Honegger (HETSL, School of Social Work and Health Sciences Lausanne)
"Why fiscally encourage philanthropy? The justifications used by political actors in Switzerland (2000–2019)" (joint with Romain Carnac, Prof. Philip Balsiger and Prof. Alexandre Lambelet)
"Social enterprises (SEs) in Switzerland in a comparative perspective. Legal and tax treatment and the way forward"
Bojana Radovanovic (University of Belgrade)
"Justification of Tax Deductions for Philanthropic Donations: A Philosophical Perspective"
Damian Schweighauser (CEPS, University of Basel)
"The application of competition law to non-profit organizations: Aspects of cartel law and state aid law of the European Union and Switzerland"
Charles Sellen (Lilly Family School of Philanthropy, Indiana University)
"Philanthropy as a self-taxation mechanism with happy outcomes: Crafting a new public discourse"
Samuele Vorpe (SUPSI, The University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland)
"Swiss Investors Visa: improving philanthropy through taxation" (joint with Francesca Amaddeo and Ivan Bottinelli)
Marta Zamorska (Unil, University of Lausanne)
"The most-efficient tax incentive scheme for international cross-border philanthropy during the climate crisis"
Zanda Zilgalve (University of Latvia, Faculty of Law)

 "Promotion of the inflow of cross border donations into Latvia from the other Member States of the European Union: risks, restrictions and feasibility from the perspective of the legislation"