List of Acronyms

Agence France-Presse
The Associated Press
authorized weapons storage site
Commonwealth of Independent States
ECOWAS Monitoring Group
Economic and Social Council
Economic Community of West African States
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
General Assembly Resolution
International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia
Implementation Force
International Herald Tribune
United Nations International Police Task Force
Los Angeles Times
military operations other than war
North Atlantic Council
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
The New York Times
Office of the High Representative for Implementation of the Peace Agreement on Bosnia and Herzegovina
Open Media Research Institute
United Nations Operation in the Congo
Peace Implementation Council
Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty
rules of engagement
Republika Srpska
Security Council Resolution
Stabilization Force
Somali National Alliance
Somali National Movement
Special Representative of the Secretary-General
Somali Salvation Democratic Front
United Kingdom
United Nations
United Nations Conference on International Organization (San Francisco, 1945)
United Nations Department of Public Information
United Nations Emergency Force
United Nations Peace-keeping Force in Cyprus
United Nations General Assembly
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research
United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon
United Nations Iraq-Kuwait Observation Mission
Unified Task Force
United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan
United Nations Operation in Somalia
United Nations Protection Force
United Nations Security Council
United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia
United Nations Treaty Series
United Nations Truce Supervision Organization
United States
United Somali Congress
United States Liaison Office
The Washington Post


I. Sources

A) UN Documents

1) The Congo (1960-64) 851 

  • Telegrams Dated 12 and 13 July 1960 from the President and the Prime Minister of the Republic of the Congo to the Secretary-General, S/4382, 13 July 1960.
  • Security Council Official Records, 15th yr., 873rd mtg., 13-14 July 1960.
  • Security Council Resolution 143 (1960), S/4387, 14 July 1960.
  • First Report of the Secretary-General on the Implementation of Security Council Resolution S/4387 of 14 July 1960, S/4389, 18 July 1960.
  • Idem, S/4389/Add.1, 19 July 1960.
  • Security Council Resolution 145 (1960), S/4405, 22 July 1960.
  • Basic Agreement between the United Nations and the Government of the Republic of the Congo (27 July 1960), S/4389/Add.5, 29 July 1960.
  • Second Report of the Secretary-General on the Implementation of Security Council Resolutions S/4387 of 14 July 1960 and S/4405 of 22 July 1960, S/4417, 6 August 1960.
  • Security Council Official Records, 15th yr., 884th mtg., 8 August 1960.
  • Security Council Resolution 146 (1960), S/4426, 9 August 1960.
  • Memorandum on Implementation of the Security Council Resolution of 9 August 1960, Operative Paragraph 4, S/4417/Add.6, 12 August 1960.
  • General Assembly Resolution 1474 (ES-IV), 20 September 1960.
  • Second Progress Report to the Secretary-General from his Special Representative in the Congo and Exchange of Messages between the Secretary-General and the Representative of Belgium, and between the Secretary-General and the President of the Provincial Government of Katanga, S/4557, 2 November 1960.
  • Security Council Official Records, 15th yr., 913th mtg., 7 December 1960.
  • Security Council Official Records, 15th yr., 917th mtg., 10 December 1960.
  • Security Council Official Records, 15th yr., 920th mtg., 13-14 December 1960.
  • Security Council Official Records, 16th yr., 935th mtg., 15 February 1961.
  • Security Council Resolution 161 (1961), S/4741, 21 February 1961.
  • Text of Message Dated 24 February 1961 from the Secretary-General to Certain African States Concerning the Need for Troops and the Function of the Force (S/4752, 27 February 1961, Annex VII).
  • Report Dated 2 March 1961 to the Secretary-General from his Special Representative in the Congo on the Subject of United Nations Protected Areas, S/4757, 2 March 1961.
  • Message Dated 8 March 1961 from the Secretary-General to the President of the Republic of the Congo (Leopoldville) (S/4775, 30 March 1961, sec. I).
  • General Assembly Resolution 1599 (XV), 15 April 1961.
  • General Assembly Resolution 1600 (XV), 15 April 1961.
  • General Assembly Resolution 1601 (XV), 15 April 1961.
  • Report of the Officer-in-Charge of the United Nations Operation in the Congo to the Secretary-General, Relating to the Implementation of Part A, Operative Paragraph 2, of Security Council Resolution S/4741 of 21 February 1961, S/4940, 14 September 1961.
  • Report on Action Taken in Implementation of the Protocol of Agreement between the Katanga Authorities and ONUC Subsequent to the Cease-fire and on Other Matters, S/4940/Add.12, 2 November 1961.
  • Report on Action by Troops of the Government of the Republic of the Congo (Leopoldville) in the Kasai-Katanga Border Area and on Hostilities Involving Gendarmerie Units in the Province of Katanga, S/4940/Add. 13, 15 November 1961.
  • Security Council Resolution 169 (1961), S/5002, 24 November 1961.
  • Security Council Official Records, 16th yr., 982nd mtg., 24 November 1961.
  • Report of the Officer-in-Charge of the United Nations Operation in the Congo Concerning the Situation in Elisabethville, S/4940/Add.16, 6 December 1961.
  • Idem (Part II), S/4940/Add.17, 9 December 1961.
  • Telegram Dated 15 December 1961 from the Secretary-General to the President of the Republic of the Congo (Brazzaville) (S/5035, 19 December 1961, sec. III).
  • Report of the Officer-in-Charge of the United Nations Operation in the Congo Concerning the Situation in Elisabethville (Part III), S/4940/Add.18, 20 December 1961.
  • Idem (Part IV), S/4940/Add.19, 22 December 1961.
  • Report to the Secretary-General from the Officer-in-Charge of the United Nations Operation in the Congo Relating to the Implementation of Security Council Resolutions S/4741 of 21 February 1961 and S/5002 of 24 November 1961, S/5053/Add.11, 20 August 1962.
  • Idem, S/5053/Add.14, 11 January 1963.
  • Idem, S/5053/Add.15, 30 January 1963.
  • Report of the Secretary-General on the Withdrawal of the United Nations Force in the Congo and on Other Aspects of the United Nations Operation, S/5784, 29 June 1964.

2) Somalia (1992-93)

  • Security Council Resolution 733, S/RES/733 (1992), 23 January 1992.
  • The Situation in Somalia (Report of the Secretary-General), S/23829, 21 April 1992.
  • Security Council Resolution 751, S/RES/751 (1992), 24 April 1992.
  • Letter Dated 12 August 1992 from the Secretary-General Addressed to the President of the Security Council, S/24451, 14 August 1992.
  • The Situation in Somalia (Report of the Secretary-General), S/24480, 24 August 1992.
  • Security Council Resolution 775, S/RES/775 (1992), 28 August 1992.
  • Letter Dated 1 September 1992 from the Secretary-General Addressed to the President of the Security Council, S/24531, 8 September 1992.
  • Letter Dated 8 September 1992 from the President of the Security Council Addressed to the Secretary-General, S/24532, 8 September 1992.
  • Letter Dated 24 November 1992 from the Secretary-General Addressed to the President of the Security Council, S/24859, 27 November 1992.
  • Letter Dated 29 November 1992 from the Secretary-General Addressed to the President of the Security Council, S/24868, 30 November 1992.
  • Security Council Resolution 794, S/RES/794 (1992), 3 December 1992.
  • Letter Dated 17 December 1992 from the Permanent Representative of the United States of America to the United Nations Addressed to the President of the Security Council, S/24976, 17 December 1992 (transmitting the report of the US on the implementation of Security Council Resolution 794 (1992)).
  • The Situation in Somalia (Report of the Secretary-General Submitted in Pursuance of Paragraphs 18 and 19 of Security Council Resolution 794 (1992)), S/24992, 19 December 1992.
  • Letter Dated 19 January 1993 from the Permanent Representative of the United States of America to the United Nations Addressed to the President of the Security Council, S/25126, 19 January 1993 (transmitting the 16 January 1993 report of the US on the implementation of Security Council Resolution 794 (1992)).
  • The Situation in Somalia (Progress Report of the Secretary-General), S/25168, 26 January 1993.
  • Further Report of the Secretary-General Submitted in Pursuance of Paragraphs 18 and 19 of Resolution 794 (1992), S/25354, 3 March 1993.
  • Security Council Resolution 814, S/RES/814 (1993), 26 March 1993.
  • Security Council Resolution 837, S/RES/837 (1993), 6 June 1993.
  • Report of the Secretary-General on the Implementation of Security Council Resolution 837 (1993), S/26022, 1 July 1993.
  • Further Report of the Secretary-General Submitted in Pursuance of Paragraph 18 of Resolution 814 (1993), S/26317, 17 August 1993.
  • Report Pursuant to Paragraph 5 of Security Council Resolution 837 (1993) on the Investigation into the 5 June 1993 Attack on United Nations Forces in Somalia Conducted on Behalf of the Secretary-General, S/26351, 24 August 1993.
  • Security Council Resolution 865, S/RES/865 (1993), 22 September 1993.
  • Letter Dated 4 October 1993 from the Chargé d'affaires a.i. of the Permanent Mission of Somalia to the United Nations Addressed to the President of the Security Council, S/26530, 4 October 1993.
  • Further Report of the Secretary-General Submitted in Pursuance of Paragraph 19 of Resolution 814 (1993) and Paragraph A 5 of Resolution 865 (1993), S/26738, 12 November 1993.
  • Security Council Resolution 885, S/RES/885 (1993), 16 November 1993.
  • Further Report of the Secretary-General Submitted in Pursuance of Paragraph 4 of Resolution 886 (1993), S/1994/12, 6 January 1994.
  • Security Council Resolution 897, S/RES/897 (1994), 4 February 1994.
  • Note by the Secretary-General, S/1994/653, 1 June 1994 (transmitting the report of the Commission of Inquiry established pursuant to Security Council Resolution 885 (1993)).
  • The United Nations and Somalia, 1992-1996. UNDPI. New York, United Nations, 1996 ('United Nations Blue Book' series, vol. 8).

3) Bosnia-Herzegovina (1992-97) 852 

  • Security Council Resolution 713, S/RES/713 (1991), 25 September 1991.
  • Concept for a United Nations Peace-keeping Operation in Yugoslavia, as Discussed with Yugoslav Leaders by the Honourable Cyrus R. Vance, Personal Envoy of the Secretary-General and Marrack Goulding, Under-Secretary-General for Special Political Affairs, S/23280, 11 December 1991, Annex III.
  • Security Council Resolution 757, S/RES/757 (1992), 30 May 1992.
  • Report of the Secretary-General Pursuant to Security Council Resolution 757 (1992), S/24075, 6 June 1992.
  • Agreement of 5 June 1992 on the Reopening of Sarajevo Airport for Humanitarian Purposes, S/24075, 6 June 1992, Annex.
  • Security Council Resolution 758, S/RES/758 (1992), 8 June 1992.
  • Security Council Resolution 761, S/RES/761 (1992), 29 June 1992.
  • Provisional Verbatim Record of the Three Thousand One Hundred and Sixth Meeting (Security Council, New York, 13 August 1992), S/PV.3106, 13 August 1992.
  • Security Council Resolution 770, S/RES/770 (1992), 13 August 1992.
  • Report of the Secretary-General on the Situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, S/24540, 10 September 1992.
  • Security Council Resolution 776, S/RES/776 (1992), 14 September 1992.
  • Letter Dated 5 October 1992 from the Permanent Representative of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the United Nations Addressed to the President of the Security Council, S/24616, 5 October 1992.
  • Agreement on Modalities for the Implementation of the Measures Agreed to Facilitate the Resumption of Humanitarian Flights into Sarajevo, as Contained in the Report of the Chairman of the Working Group to the Co-chairmen of the Steering Committee Dated 15 September 1992, S/24634, 8 October 1992, Annex, Enclosure.
  • Security Council Resolution 781, S/RES/781 (1992), 9 October 1992.
  • Report of the Secretary-General Pursuant to Security Council Resolution 781 (1992), S/24767, 5 November 1992.
  • Security Council Resolution 786, S/RES/786 (1992), 10 November 1992.
  • Further Report of the Secretary-General Pursuant to Security Council Resolution 743 (1992), S/24848, 24 November 1992.
  • Further Report of the Secretary-General Pursuant to Security Council Resolution 743 (1992), S/25264, 10 February 1993.
  • Security Council Resolution 807, S/RES/807 (1993), 19 February 1993.
  • Note by the President of the Security Council, S/25426, 17 March 1993.
  • Letter Dated 12 March 1993 from the Secretary-General Addressed to the President of the Security Council, S/25443, 19 March 1993.
  • Letter Dated 16 March 1993 from the Secretary-General Addressed to the President of the Security Council, S/25444, 19 March 1993.
  • Security Council Resolution 815, S/RES/815 (1993), 30 March 1993.
  • Security Council Resolution 816, S/RES/816 (1993), 31 March 1993.
  • Letter Dated 9 April 1993 from the Secretary-General Addressed to the President of the Security Council, S/25567, 10 April 1993.
  • Security Council Resolution 819, S/RES/819 (1993), 16 April 1993.
  • Report of the Security Council Mission Established Pursuant to Resolution 819 (1993), S/25700, 30 April 1993.
  • Security Council Resolution 824, S/RES/824 (1993), 6 May 1993.
  • Note verbale datée du 19 mai 1993, adressée au Président du Conseil de Sécurité par le Représentant Permanent de la France auprès de l'Organisation des Nations Unies, S/25800, le 19 mai 1993.
  • Security Council Resolution 827, S/RES/827 (1993), 25 May 1993.
  • Security Council Resolution 836, S/RES/836 (1993), 4 June 1993.
  • Report of the Secretary-General Pursuant to Security Council Resolution 836 (1993), S/25939, 14 June 1993.
  • Security Council Resolution 844, S/RES/844 (1993), 18 June 1993.
  • Security Council Resolution 847, S/RES/847 (1993), 30 June 1993.
  • Force Commander's Policy Directive Number (13) Rules of Engagement, Part I: Ground Forces, issued 24 March 1992, revised 19 July 1993. Reproduced in Bruce BERKOWITZ, 'Rules of Engagement for U.N. Peacekeeping Forces in Bosnia', Orbis, vol. 38(4), fall 1994.
  • Security Council Resolution 871, S/RES/871 (1993), 4 October 1993.
  • Letter Dated 28 January 1994 from the Secretary-General Addressed to the President of the Security Council, S/1994/94, 28 January 1994.
  • Letter Dated 6 February 1994 from the Secretary-General Addressed to the President of the Security Council, S/1994/131, 7 February 1994.
  • Letter Dated 11 February 1994 from the Secretary-General Addressed to the President of the Security Council, S/1994/159, 11 February 1994.
  • Letter Dated 15 February 1994 from the Secretary-General Addressed to the President of the Security Council, S/1994/182, 16 February 1994.
  • Note Verbale Dated 1 March 1994 from the Secretary-General Addressed to the President of the Security Council, S/1994/5/Add.13, 1 March 1994.
  • Report of the Secretary-General Pursuant to Security Council Resolution 900 (1994), S/1994/291, 11 March 1994.
  • Report of the Secretary-General Pursuant to Resolution 871 (1993), S/1994/300, 16 March 1994.
  • Security Council Resolution 908, S/RES/908 (1994), 31 March 1994.
  • Letter Dated 18 April 1994 from the Secretary-General Addressed to the President of the Security Council, S/1994/466, 19 April 1994.
  • Security Council Resolution 913, S/RES/913 (1994), 22 April 1994.
  • Report of the Secretary-General Pursuant to Resolution 844 (1993), S/1994/555, 9 May 1994.
  • Report of the Secretary-General Pursuant to Resolution 908 (1994), S/1994/1067, 17 September 1994.
  • Security Council Resolution 958, S/RES/958 (1994), 19 November 1994.
  • Security Council Resolution 959, S/RES/959 (1994), 19 November 1994.
  • Report of the Secretary-General Pursuant to Security Council Resolution 959 (1994), S/1994/1389, 1 December 1994.
  • Security Council Resolution 981, S/RES/981 (1995), 31 March 1995.
  • Security Council Resolution 982, S/RES/982 (1995), 31 March 1995.
  • Security Council Resolution 983, S/RES/983 (1995), 31 March 1995.
  • Report of the Secretary-General Pursuant to Security Council Resolutions 982 (1995) and 987 (1995), S/1995/444, 30 May 1995.
  • Letter Dated 9 June 1995 from the Secretary-General Addressed to the President of the Security Council, S/1995/470, 9 June 1995.
  • Security Council Resolution 998, S/RES/998 (1995), 16 June 1995.
  • Security Council Resolution 1004, S/RES/1004 (1995), 12 July 1995.
  • Letter Dated 26 July 1995 from the Secretary-General Addressed to the President of the Security Council, S/1995/623, 1 August 1995.
  • Security Council Resolution 1010, S/RES/1010 (1995), 10 August 1995.
  • Conclusions of the Peace Implementation Conference Held at Lancaster House, London, on 8 and 9 December 1995, S/1995/1029, 12 December 1995, Annex.
  • Security Council Resolution 1031, S/RES/1031 (1995), 15 December 1995.
  • Letter Dated 20 December 1995 from the Secretary-General Addressed to the President of the Security Council, S/1995/1050, 20 December 1995.
  • Letter Dated 23 January 1996 from the Secretary-General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Addressed to the Secretary-General, S/1996/49, 23 January 1996, Annex.
  • Second Report to the United Nations Security Council on IFOR Operations, S/1996/49, 23 January 1996, Annex, Appendix.
  • Third Report to the United Nations Security Council on IFOR Operations, S/1996/131, 26 February 1996, Annex I, Appendix.
  • Note Verbale Dated 27 February 1996 from the Secretary-General Addressed to the President of the Security Council, S/1995/5/Add.67, 27 February 1996.
  • Fourth Report to the United Nations Security Council on IFOR Operations, S/1996/215, 22 March 1996, Annex, Appendix.
  • Fifth Report to the Security Council on the Operations of the Multinational Implementation Force (IFOR), S/1996/315, 23 April 1996, Annex, Enclosure.
  • Sixth Report to the Security Council on the Operations of the Multinational Implementation Force, S/1996/375, 24 May 1996, Annex, Appendix.
  • Seventh Report to the United Nations Security Council on IFOR Operations, S/1996/465, 24 June 1996, Annex, Appendix.
  • Eighth Report to the United Nations Security Council on IFOR Operations, S/1996/600, 29 July 1996, Annex, Appendix.
  • Ninth Report to the United Nations Security Council on IFOR Operations, S/1996/696, 27 August 1996, Annex, Appendix.
  • Tenth Report to the United Nations Security Council on IFOR Operations, S/1996/783, 25 September 1996, Annex, Appendix.
  • Eleventh Report to the United Nations Security Council on IFOR Operations, S/1996/880, 25 October 1996, Annex, Appendix.
  • Twelfth Report to the United Nations Security Council on IFOR Operations, S/1996/970, 22 November 1996, Annex, Appendix.
  • Letter Dated 9 December 1996 from the Secretary-General Addressed to the President of the Security Council, S/1996/1025, 10 December 1996.
  • Security Council Resolution 1088, S/RES/1088 (1996), 12 December 1996.
  • Letter Dated 23 December 1996 from the Secretary-General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Addressed to the Secretary-General, S/1996/1066, 24 December 1996, Annex.
  • Thirteenth Report to the United Nations Security Council on IFOR Operations, S/1996/1066, 24 December 1996, Annex, Appendix.
  • [First] Monthly Report to the United Nations Security Council on SFOR Operations, S/1997/81, 27 January 1997, Annex, Appendix.
  • [Second] Monthly Report to the United Nations Security Council on SFOR Operations, S/1997/193, 5 March 1997, Annex, Appendix.
  • [Third] Monthly Report to the United Nations Security Council on SFOR Operations, S/1997/257, 27 March 1997, Annex, Appendix.
  • [Fourth] Monthly Report to the United Nations Security Council on SFOR Operations, S/1997/369, 14 May 1997, Annex, Appendix.
  • Political Declaration from Ministerial Meeting of the Steering Board of the Peace Implementation Council, Sintra, 30 May 1997, S/1997/434, 5 June 1997, Annex.
  • Report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina (UNMIBH), S/1997/468, 16 June 1997.
  • Report of the High Representative for Implementation of the Peace Agreement on Bosnia and Herzegovina to the Secretary-General, S/1997/542, 11 July 1997, Annex, Appendix.
  • [Sixth] Monthly Report to the United Nations Security Council on SFOR Operations, S/1997/602, 31 July 1997, Annex, Appendix.
  • [Seventh] Monthly Report to the United Nations Security Council on SFOR Operations, S/1997/636, 13 August 1997, Annex, Appendix.
  • [Eighth] Monthly Report to the United Nations Security Council on SFOR Operations, S/1997/718, 18 September 1997, Annex, Appendix.
  • Ninth Monthly Report to the United Nations Security Council on SFOR Operations, S/1997/794, 14 October 1997, Annex, Appendix.
  • Report of the High Representative for Implementation of the Peace Agreement on Bosnia and Herzegovina to the Secretary-General, S/1997/804, 16 October 1997, Annex, Appendix.
  • Tenth Monthly Report to the United Nations Security Council on SFOR Operations, S/1997/893, 14 November 1997, Annex, Appendix.
  • Report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina (UNMIBH), S/1997/966, 10 December 1997.
  • Eleventh Monthly Report to the United Nations Security Council on SFOR Operations, S/1997/975, 13 December 1997, Annex, Appendix.
  • Fact Sheet (22 December 1997), International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia. Obtained from the ICTY website:
  • Twelfth Monthly Report to the United Nations Security Council on Stabilization Force Operations, S/1998/39, 16 January 1998, Annex, Appendix.
  • Report of the High Representative for Implementation of the Peace Agreement on Bosnia and Herzegovina to the Secretary-General, S/1998/40, 16 January 1998, Annex, Appendix.

4) Reports of the UN Secretary-General on the Work of the Organization

  • Introduction to the Annual Report of the Secretary-General on the Work of the Organization, 16 June 1959 - 15 June 1960. General Assembly Official Records, 15th sess., supp. no. 1A (UN Doc. A/4390/Add.1, 1960).
  • BOUTROS-GHALI, Boutros. Report on the Work of the Organization from the Forty-sixth to the Forty-seventh Session of the General Assembly. New York, UNDPI, September 1992 (UN Doc. A/47/1, 11 September 1992).
  • --. Report on the Work of the Organization from the Forty-seventh to the Forty-eighth Session of the General Assembly. New York, UNDPI, September 1993 (UN Doc. A/48/1, 10 September 1993).
  • --. Building Peace and Development (Annual Report on the Work of the Organization --1994). New York, UNDPI, October 1994 (UN Doc. A/49/1, 2 September 1994).
  • --. Confronting New Challenges (Annual Report on the Work of the Organization --1995). New York, UNDPI, October 1995 (UN Doc. A/50/1, 22 August 1995).
  • --. 50th Anniversary Annual Report on the Work of the Organization --1996. New York, UNDPI, October 1996 (UN Doc. A/51/1, 20 August 1996).
  • ANNAN, Kofi A. Renewal Amid Transition (Annual Report on the Work of the Organization --1997). New York, UNDPI, September 1997 (UN Doc. A/52/1, 3 September 1997).

5) Other UN Documents and Publications

  • Documents of the United Nations Conference on International Organization, San Francisco, 1945. London and New York, United Nations Information Organizations, 1945, vols. 11 and 12; New York, United Nations, 1954, vols. 17 and 18.
  • Charter of the United Nations and Statute of the International Court of Justice, San Francisco, 26 June 1945. UNDPI, DPI/511, 1990.
  • Security Council Resolution 54 (1948), S/902, 15 July 1948.
  • Security Council Resolution 82 (1950), S/1501, 25 June 1950.
  • Security Council Resolution 83 (1950), S/1511, 27 June 1950.
  • Security Council Resolution 84 (1950), S/1588, 7 July 1950.
  • General Assembly Resolution 377 (V) (Uniting for Peace), 3 November 1950.
  • Second and Final Report of the Secretary-General on the Plan for an Emergency International United Nations Force Requested in the Resolution Adopted by the General Assembly on 4 November 1956 (A/3276), A/3302, 6 November 1956.
  • United Nations Emergency Force --Summary Study of the Experience Derived from the Establishment and Operation of the Force (Report of the Secretary-General), A/3943, 9 October 1958.
  • Note by the Secretary-General Concerning Certain Aspects of the Function and Operation of the United Nations Peace-keeping Force in Cyprus, S/5653, 11 April 1964.
  • Security Council Resolution 221 (1966), 9 April 1966.
  • Report of the Secretary-General on the Implementation of Security Council Resolution 340 (1973), S/11052/Rev. 1, 27 October 1973.
  • Eleventh Report of the Working Group (A/32/394, 2 December 1977, Annex II).
  • 'Draft Formulae for Articles of Agreed Guidelines for United Nations Peace-keeping Operations' (A/32/394, 2 December 1977, Annex II, Appendix I).
  • Report of the Secretary-General on the Implementation of Security Council Resolution 425 (1978), S/12611, 19 March 1978.
  • Security Council Resolution 502, S/RES/502 (1982), 3 April 1982.
  • Security Council Resolution 598, S/RES/598 (1987), 20 July 1987.
  • Security Council Resolution 660, S/RES/660 (1990), 2 August 1990.
  • Security Council Resolution 665, S/RES/665 (1990), 25 August 1990.
  • Security Council Resolution 670, S/RES/670 (1990), 25 September 1990.
  • Security Council Resolution 678, S/RES/678 (1990), 29 November 1990.
  • Note by the President of the Security Council, S/23500, 31 January 1992.
  • Further Report of the Secretary-General Pursuant to Security Council Resolution 749 (1992), S/23844, 24 April 1992.
  • Special Report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia, S/24090, 12 June 1992.
  • An Agenda for Peace: Preventive Diplomacy, Peacemaking and Peace-keeping (Report of the Secretary-General Pursuant to the Statement Adopted by the Summit Meeting of the Security Council on 31 January 1992), A/47/277 & S/24111, 17 June 1992.
  • Special Report of the Special Committee on Peace-keeping Operations, A/47/386, 31 August 1992.
  • General Assembly Resolution 47/72 (Protection of Peace-keeping Personnel), 14 December 1992.
  • Further Special Report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Iraq-Kuwait Observation Mission (UNIKOM), S/25123, 18 January 1993.
  • Security Council Resolution 806, S/RES/806 (1993), 5 February 1993.
  • Report of the Special Committee on Peace-keeping Operations, A/48/173, 25 May 1993.
  • Note by the President of the Security Council, S/25859, 28 May 1993.
  • United Nations Peace-keeping. UNDPI, DPI/1399, August 1993; 57 p.
  • Security Council Resolution 864, S/RES/864 (1993), 15 September 1993.
  • Security Council Resolution 875, S/RES/875 (1993), 16 October 1993.
  • United Nations Peace-keeping Operations --October 1993. UN Information Service (Geneva), Press Release GA/PK/3, 25 October 1993.
  • Improving the Capacity of the United Nations for Peace-Keeping (Report of the Secretary-General), A/48/403 & S/26450, 14 March 1994.
  • Security Council Resolution 929, S/RES/929 (1994), 22 June 1994.
  • Security Council Resolution 940, S/RES/940 (1994), 31 July 1994.
  • Supplement to an Agenda for Peace: Position Paper of the Secretary-General on the Occasion of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the United Nations, A/50/60 & S/1995/1, 3 January 1995.
  • Transcript of Press Conference by Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali Held at Headquarters on 5 January. UN Information Service (Geneva), SG/SM/95/1, 5 January 1995.
  • BOUTROS-GHALI, Boutros. An Agenda for Peace, 2nd ed. UNDPI, DPI/1623/PKO, February 1995; 159 p.
  • Statement by the President of the Security Council, S/PRST/1995/9, 22 February 1995.
  • Le Secrétaire général souligne le rôle majeur joué par l'ONU dans l'émergence des nouvelles règles du droit international. Service de l'information de l'ONU (Genève), Communiqué de presse SG/SM/95/63/Rev.1, 22 mars 1995.
  • Report of the Special Committee on Peace-keeping Operations, A/50/230, 22 June 1995.
  • Statement by the President of the Security Council, S/PRST/1995/47, 18 September 1995.
  • Basic Facts about the United Nations. UNDPI, DPI/1580, November 1995; 341 p.
  • General Assembly Resolution 50/30 (Comprehensive Review of the Whole Question of Peace-keeping Operations in All their Aspects), 6 December 1995.
  • Report of the Special Committee on Peace-keeping Operations, A/51/130, 7 May 1996.
  • United Nations Peace-keeping. UNDPI, DPI/1827, August 1996; 68 p.
  • UN Peace-keeping: Some Questions and Answers. UNDPI, DPI/1851, September 1996.
  • General Assembly Resolution 51/136 (Comprehensive Review of the Whole Question of Peace-keeping Operations in All their Aspects), 13 December 1996.
  • Peace-keeping at a Glance. UNDPI, DPI/1903, May 1997.
  • Report of the Special Committee on Peace-keeping Operations, A/52/209, 28 June 1997.

B) NATO Documents 853 

  • Ministerial Meeting of the North Atlantic Council, NATO Headquarters, Brussels, 17 December 1992 (Final Communiqué), NATO Press Release M-NAC-2 (92)106, 17 December 1992.
  • NATO Starts Operation of No-Fly Zone Enforcement, NATO Press Release (93)29, 12 April 1993.
  • Ministerial Meeting of the North Atlantic Council, Athens, Greece (Final Communiqué), 10 June 1993 (source: NATO Communiqués 1993, NATO Office of Information and Press).
  • Press Statement by the Secretary-General following the Special Meeting of the North Atlantic Council in Brussels on 2 August 1993 (reproduced in NATO Review, 1993/4, p. 26).
  • Decisions Taken at the Meeting of the North Atlantic Council on 9th August 1993, NATO Press Release (93)52.
  • Declaration of the Heads of State and Government Participating in the Meeting of the North Atlantic Council Held at NATO Headquarters, Brussels, on 10-11 January 1994 (reproduced in NATO Review, 1994/1, pp. 30-33).
  • Decisions Taken at the Meeting of the North Atlantic Council on 9th February 1994, NATO Press Release (94)15, 9 February 1994.
  • Decisions Taken at the Meeting of the North Atlantic Council on 22nd April 1994, NATO Press Release (94)31, 22 April 1994.
  • Decisions on the Protection of Safe Areas Taken at the Meeting of the North Atlantic Council on 22nd April 1994, NATO Press Release (94)32, 22 April 1994.
  • Press Statement Issued Jointly by UN and NATO, NATO Press Release (94)103, 28 October 1994.
  • Seminar on Peacekeeping and its Relationship to Crisis Management --Chairman's Summary (Progress Report to Ministers by the Political-Military Steering Committee/Ad Hoc Group on Cooperation in Peacekeeping, Brussels, 2 December 1994, Annex II). Source: NATO Communiqués 1994, NATO Office of Information and Press.
  • Communiqué following the Meeting of the North Atlantic Council on the Situation in the Former Yugoslavia, NATO Press Release (95)55, 27 May 1995.
  • Statement by the Secretary General following North Atlantic Council Meeting in Permanent Session on the Situation in Gorazde, 25 July 1995 (source: NATO Communiqués 1995, NATO Office of Information and Press).
  • Statement by the Secretary General following Meeting of the North Atlantic Council in Permanent Session on the Situation in Gorazde, 1 August 1995 (source: NATO Communiqués 1995, NATO Office of Information and Press).
  • NATO and UN Military Commanders Sign Memorandum of Agreement on Air Operations, AFSOUTH Press Release 95-23, 10 August 1995.
  • Statement by the Secretary General of NATO, NATO Press Release (95)79, 5 September 1995.
  • Press Briefing (Update): NATO Operation Deliberate Force, AFSOUTH, Naples, 9 September 1995 (Briefer: Group Captain Trevor Murray, Chief Air Operations)
  • Joint Statement by Admiral Leighton W. Smith, Commander in Chief, Allied Forces Southern Europe, and Lt. Gen. Bernard Janvier, Force Commander, United Nations Peace Forces, AFSOUTH Press Release 95-43, 21 September 1995.
  • Operation Deliberate Force (Background Note), 6 November 1995.
  • Statement on Bosnia-Herzegovina, NATO Press Release M-NAC-2 (95)119, 5 December 1995.
  • Remarks by Adm. Leighton Smith, Commander, Implementation Force, at the Transfer of Authority Ceremony, Sarajevo, 20 Dec. '95.
  • Operation Deny Flight (Final Fact Sheet), 21 December 1995.
  • Statement by Secretary-General of NATO, NATO Press Release (96)25, 12 February 1996.
  • IFOR Assistance to the International Tribunal, NATO Press Release (96)26, 14 February 1996.
  • Transcript of the Lecture Given By COMIFOR, Admiral Leighton Smith at the Italian Armed Forces High Military Studies Center, Rome, 19 April 1996.
  • SECGEN/SACEUR Press Conference, D+120, 22 April 1996.
  • NAC Declaration on IFOR's Role in the Transition to Peace, NATO Press Release (96)60, 29 April 1996.
  • Press Statement on Signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between SHAPE and the International Criminal Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia, NATO Press Release (96)74, 9 May 1996.
  • Ministerial Meeting of the North Atlantic Council, Berlin, 3 June 1996 (statement reproduced in NATO Review, 1996/4, p. 30).
  • Statement on Bosnia and Herzegovina (Issued at the Ministerial Meeting of the North Atlantic Council, Brussels, 10 December 1996), NATO Press Release M-NAC-2 (96)166, 10 December 1996.
  • Stabilisation Force (SFOR) Fact Sheet, AFSOUTH, 20 December 1996.
  • NATO's Role in Peacekeeping in the Former Yugoslavia, NATO Fact Sheet no. 4, March 1997.
  • NATO's Role in the Implementation of the Bosnian Peace Agreement, NATO Fact Sheet no. 11, March 1997.
  • The NATO-led Stabilisation Force (SFOR) in Bosnia and Herzegovina, NATO Fact Sheet no. 11, April 1997.
  • IFOR/SFOR Rules of Engagement (unclassifed summary provided to the author by NATO's Office of Information and Press in May 1997).
  • [Fifth] Monthly Report to the United Nations Security Council on SFOR Operations, covering the period 22 April - 22 May 1997 (document obtained from NATO's Office of Information and Press). 854 
  • SFOR Support to Non-Military Tasks, SFOR Fact Sheet, 26 May 1997.
  • SFOR's Military Tasks, SFOR Fact Sheet, 27 June 1997.
  • SFOR's Support to Civil Implementation, SFOR Fact Sheet, 27 June 1997.
  • Special Declaration on Bosnia and Herzegovina (Issued by the Heads of State and Government Participating in the Meeting of the North Atlantic Council in Madrid on 8 July 1997). Reproduced in NATO Review, 1997/4, p. 4.
  • Statement by the Secretary General of NATO, Mr. Javier Solana on Actions by SFOR to Detain Indicted War Criminals at Prijedor, NATO Press Release (97)85, 10 July 1997.
  • Statement Concerning Detained Indicted War Criminal, Coalition Press Information Centre (Holiday Inn, Sarajevo), SFOR, LANDCENT, 10 July 1997.
  • Transcript: Press Conference SACEUR, Coalition Press Information Centre (Holiday Inn, Sarajevo), SFOR, LANDCENT, 18 July 1997.
  • Statement by the North Atlantic Council on the Situation in Republika Srpska, 30 August 1997 (reproduced in NATO Review, 1997/5, p. 31).
  • Transcript: Joint Press Conference, Coalition Press Information Centre (Holiday Inn, Sarajevo), SFOR, LANDCENT, 12 September 1997.
  • Statement by the Secretary General, Dr. Javier Solana, on the SFOR Operation against SRT Transmitters in Bosnia and Herzegovina, NATO Press Release (97)117, 1 October 1997.
  • Transcript: Joint Press Conference, Coalition Press Information Centre (Holiday Inn, Sarajevo), SFOR, LANDCENT, 31 October 1997.
  • Meeting of the North Atlantic Council in Defence Ministers Session Held In Brussels on 2nd December 1997 (Final Communiqué), NATO Press Release M-NAC-D-2 (97)149, 2 December 1997.
  • Ministerial Meeting of the North Atlantic Council Held at NATO Headquarters, Brussels, on 16 December 1997 (Final Communiqué), NATO Press Release M-NAC-2 (97)155, 16 December 1997.
  • Statement by the Secretary General of NATO, Dr. Javier Solana, on SFOR's Action Against Indicted War Criminals, NATO Press Release (97)158, 18 December 1997.
  • Transcript: Joint Press Conference, Coalition Press Information Centre (Tito Barracks), SFOR, LANDCENT, 19 December 1997.

C) Government Documents

1) United States

  • Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Joint Publication 1-02, 23 March 1994.
  • Joint Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Peacekeeping Operations, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Joint Publication 3-07.3, 29 April 1994.
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  • Peace Operations, Department of the Army, Field Manual No. 100-23, 30 December 1994.
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  • Joint Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Peace Operations (Draft), Joint Publication 3-07.3, 30 September 1996.
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2) United Kingdom

  • Wider Peacekeeping, Army Field Manual, volume 5, part 2, London, HMSO, 1995.
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3) France

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D) Other Documents

  • Agreement between the United Nations and the Republic of the Congo (Leopoldville) relating to the Legal Status, Facilities, Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations Organization in the Congo, New York, 27 November 1961. Reproduced in United Nations Treaty Series, vol. 414, p. 229.
  • Statement of Principles (London Conference), LC/C2 (FINAL), 26 August 1992.
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  • Specific Decisions by the London Conference, LC/C7 (FINAL), 27 August 1992.
  • The General Agreement Signed in Addis Ababa on 8 January 1993. Reproduced in UN doc. S/25168, 26 January 1993 (Annex II).
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  • Addis Ababa Agreement of the First Session of the Conference on National Reconciliation in Somalia, 27 March 1993. Reproduced in The United Nations and Somalia, 1992-1996 (New York, United Nations, 1996; pp. 264-66).
  • Agreements Reached between the Political Leaders at the Consultations Held in Addis Ababa, 30 March 1993. Reproduced in I.M. Lewis, Understanding Somalia (London, Haan Associates, 2nd ed., 1993, Appendix II).
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  • General Framework Agreement for Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Paris, 14 December 1995. Reproduced in International Legal Materials, vol. 35, 1996, p. 75.
  • Agreement on the Military Aspects of the Peace Settlement, Paris, 14 December 1995 (Annex 1-A to the General Framework Agreement).
  • Agreement between the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) Concerning the Status of NATO and its Personnel, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, 21 November 1995 and Brussels, 23 November 1995 (Appendix B to Annex 1-A of the General Framework Agreement).
  • Agreement on Inter-Entity Boundary Line and Related Issues, Paris, 14 December 1995 (Annex 2 to the General Framework Agreement).
  • Agreement on Elections, Paris, 14 December 1995 (Annex 3 to the General Framework Agreement).
  • Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Paris, 14 December 1995 (Annex 4 to the General Framework Agreement).
  • Agreement on Human Rights, Paris, 14 December 1995 (Annex 6 to the General Framework Agreement).
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  • Agreed Measures (18 February 1996), adopted at the Rome Summit on Bosnia-Herzegovina, 17-18 February 1996. Source: NATO website:
  • Letter from Tapio KANNINEN, Political Affairs Officer (UN Secretariat, New York) to the author, 9 October 1996.
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina 1997: Making Peace Work, adopted at the Peace Implementation Conference on Bosnia-Herzegovina, London, 4-5 December 1996. Source: NATO website:
  • Official Summary of Conclusions, adopted at the Peace Implementation Conference on Bosnia-Herzegovina, London, 4-5 December 1996. Source: NATO website:
  • OHR and SFOR Act to Prevent Intimidation at Banja Luka, Office of the High Representative for Implementation of the Peace Agreement on Bosnia and Herzegovina, Press Release, Sarajevo, 8 September 1997. Source: OHR website:
  • Chairman's Conclusions (Contact Group Meeting), Rome, 17 October 1997. Source: Office of the High Representative for Implementation of the Peace Agreement on Bosnia and Herzegovina, website:
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