Doctoral program in Finance
The University of Geneva's Ph.D. program in Finance is fully integrated within the Swiss Finance Institute's Ph.D. program. The SFI is a private foundation that Switzerland’s banking and finance community, in cooperation with leading Swiss universities, created in 2006.
The Ph.D. program is structured in two phases:
- A first year course divided into three semesters (September to June) with a total of ten courses. After completing these, students are evaluated on the basis of their test scores and a summer paper (first paper) prepared under an SFI Professor’s supervision.
- All students in the Swiss Finance Institute PhD program are offered either fellowships or teaching or research assistantships by partner universities.
The SFI doctoral program has an excellent international reputation. The excellent positions that its former students hold in academia allow SFI to compete with institutions at the forefront of academic Finance. During the last two years, SFI students have been appointed Assistant Professors at the following universities: Carnegie Mellon, Rochester, McGill, London School of Economics, Boston University, HEC Paris, University of New South Wales, HEC Montreal, Bocconi, University of Copenhagen, etc.