Programs and doctoral schools

Doctoral program Statistics

The Ph.D. program in Statistics has had a long standing tradition within the University of Geneva’s former Department of Econometrics. The Geneva School of Economics and Management has offered it since January 2014. Master students with a solid background in Mathematics, or Statistics, are strongly encouraged to apply for admission. Motivated students with a quantitative background in a different field are also eligible for admission. The doctoral studies normally take three to five years to complete. The offered lines of research are both methodological and applied, including applications in Finance, Biology, and Engineering. 

The PhD program usually lasts five years.

Students are required to submit their thesis subject within the Scientific Committee’s set deadline (but no later than four semesters after admission). The Ph.D. manuscripts should be submitted at the latest during the 9th semester. Within 3 months, the thesis committee and the Ph.D. candidates will meet – in a form decided by the president of the thesis committee – to discuss the theses. At the end of this meeting, the thesis committee may request changes. The final Ph.D. thesis must be submitted within a fixed time limit not exceeding six months and not beyond the Ph.D. study’s maximum limit Once the changes have been accepted, the final manuscript’s public defense is scheduled.


