Postdoctoral Positions Opening
Postdoctoral PositionsOpening
in theMulti-messengerAstronomyGroup of the University of Geneva
TheDPNC is a worldwide-recognized center for fundamental research in physics, including
dynamic, and competitive environment for training of young researchers.
The multi-messenger astronomy group provides opportunities inthe Cherenkov Telescope
Array Observatoryfor the development of Data Pipelines, with application tothe data of the
LargeSizeTelescopesof CTA, intheIceCubeObservatoryfor searches of astrophysical
neutrinos andtoa satellite-basedexperiment, TERZINA,on UHE cosmic rays and neutrinos.
CTAO is the next generation ground based gamma ray observatory featuring tens of telescopes
on sites in both hemispheres, it will allow probing the high-energy sky with an unprecedented
sensitivity and angular resolution, in the energy domain from a few tens of GeV to a few
hundreds of TeV.
The group at DPNC invites for applications fortwoPostdoctoral associate positionsmostly
covering the CTA project in the context of the start of theconstruction andcommissioning of
the telescope arrays and the first real data analysis.
The objectiveof thesetwopositionsis tocontribute to:
•the Data Processing and Preservation System(DPPS) the CTA data pipeline
software, aiming at producing sky images from the telescope array data, provide
calibration algorithms, data volume reduction and analysis software using supervised
artificial intelligence.The candidate will alsodedicate a fraction of her/his time to
physics analysis for the other projects where the group is active.Software skills are
highly appreciated.Experience in Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescope related
data analysis and calibration methods, and in particular CTA, ishighly recommended.
•the Large Size Telescope data analysis and simulation also concerning machine
learning applied to data acquisition and the study of performance of future large
size telescope SiPM advanced cameras.The candidate willcollaborate in an active
group in CTA and with an engineer developing electronics associated with SiPM on
this camera. And the postdoc should gain experience on SiPM and their full
experience on hardware set ups and acquisition software is highly appreciated.
The candidates should hold aPhD in Physics/Astronomy.
The candidate should be comfortable in object-oriented programming and be skilled in Python
and C++.
Thesuccessful candidate will be offered an initial1-year grant,extensibleupto3years.The
position is open right away and the deadline for applicationis opened until the position is filled.
NB :From a gender perspective, the Universityencourages applications from the under-
represented gender.
Interested applicants should send anmotivation letter,a Curriculum Vitae and the contact
details of a reference person by electronic mail to:
Prof. Teresa Montaruli ()
Dr. Matthieu Heller(