IP Researchers Europe Conference (IPRE)

IP Researchers Europe conference (IPRE) 2025




The School of Law of the University of Geneva (UNIGE) is pleased to announce the Call for Applications for the IP Researchers Europe Conference (IPRE) 2025, which will be held in Geneva on 19-20 June 2025 as an in-person event.

As in previous editions, IPRE 2025 will be organized in collaboration with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the World Trade Organization (WTO). The Conference will take place at WIPO on Thursday, June 19, 2025, and at WTO on Friday, June 20, 2025.

Established in 2018, IPRE is a collaborative effort between UNIGE, WIPO, and WTO to convene IP scholars in Geneva, a city privileged for its position as an international forum for policy debates about current and future IP laws and policies. Since then, the Conference has brought together academic researchers from Europe and beyond to discuss their works-in-progress with other colleagues and policymakers.

As in the past editions, IPRE 2025 seeks to feature primarily European-focused or European-based IP researchers. However, all researchers writing on topics dealing with IP law-related issues relevant to European law, comparative law, or international law are welcome to apply to present at the Conference.

The Organizers welcome submissions by researchers at any stage of their careers. This includes professors, associate professors, assistant professors, lecturers, academic fellows, post-doctoral fellows, and doctoral candidates enrolled in a Ph.D. program or equivalent doctoral degree (*applications from students, including LL.M. and other masters’ students, will not be accepted as the Conference is reserved for academics). Applicants must be affiliated with an academic institution or research center at the time of submission of their application and during the Conference.

IPRE 2025 will again be linked to the 2025 WIPO-UNIGE Intellectual Property Summer School (IPSS). The objective of the interactions between the two programs is to allow the participants of IPSS to join the IPRE sessions, promoting mutually stimulating interactions, and capitalizing on the joint presence in Geneva of the participants of these programs to promote a Geneva-connected global IP community.

Academic researchers who are interested in presenting at IPRE 2025 should submit their application by emailing the following information/documents to ipresearcherseurope@gmail.com

  1. A title and a short abstract of the paper or work-in-progress (500 words or less) submitted as a Word document.  
  2. Academic affiliation, including a short bio (200 words or less) submitted as a Word document. A recent picture must be included in the Word file. For examples of bios and pictures from past IPRE Conferences, please see here.

Please indicate “Application to IPRE 2025” in the email’s subject line.

The deadline to apply to present at the IPRE 2025 is Monday, March 17, 2025.

The Organizers will notify accepted applicants by Monday, April 14, 2025.

Accepted applicants must confirm their participation in the Conference no later than Monday, April 28, 2025.

The First Day of IPRE 2025 will be Thursday, June 19, 2025. The Conference will start at 9 a.m. and end at 6.00 p.m. On the First Day, the Conference will be held at WIPO.

The Second Day of IPRE 2025 will be Friday, June 20, 2025. The Conference will start at 9 a.m. and end at 5.00 p.m. On the Second Day, the Conference will take place at WTO.

Please note that IPRE 2025 will be an in-person-only Conference.

The Organizers plan (subject to further indications depending on the number of presenters/format of the event) that each presenter will have approximately 25-30 minutes for the presentation and comments/questions from the audience. Presenters should plan to reserve sufficient time for comments/questions.

All presenters are strongly encouraged to attend the entire Conference (i.e., Thursday and Friday).

The Organizers can accept a limited number of non-presenting attendees to attend the Conference in person based on the final number of presenters.

* Note that attendance on the Second Day of the Conference is open to WTO staff, delegates from Missions, and other interested stakeholders.

Email your request to attend the Conference as a non-presenting attendee to ipresearcherseurope@gmail.com

There are no costs or registration fees to participate in IPRE 2025.

However, presenters and attendees are responsible for covering their travel-related and accommodation expenses as well as obtaining and covering the costs related to their travel, visa(s) and any other necessary travel documents.