Assistant-e-s, collaborateur-trice-s scientifiques, auxiliaires de recherche, post-doctorant-e-s

Publications de Marianna Sorton

Notice biographique > Publications > Contacts
  • Jacques de Werra/Marianna Sorton, "Early Termination of a Software Development Agreement: Which Provisions in the General Terms & Conditions of the IT Provider shall be deemed “Unusual” (and thus Unenforceable) and Which Rights related to the Custom Software shall the Client have following Termination?", published on: Swiss Contract Law, December 6, 2023,


  • Marianna Sorton, "Selling by mistake: good faith as an impediment to avoiding the contract", published on: Swiss Contract Law, February 20, 2023,


  • Maxime Francis/Marianna Sorton, "Unilateral termination of a long-term IT contract: when is good cause not good enough?", published on: Swiss Contract Law, August 16, 2022,


  • Saverio Lembo/Aurélie Conrad Hari/Pascal Hachem/Marianna Nerushay, International Fraud & Asset Tracing 2021 Global Practice Guide, Switzerland Chapter, Chambers and Partners, 2021


  • Saverio Lembo/Marianna Nerushay, Commentaire des articles 266 à 268 CPP (séquestre), in Yvan Jeanneret/André Kuhn/Camille Perrier Depeursinge (éd.), Commentaire romand, Code de procédure pénale suisse, 2e éd., Bâle (Helbing & Lichtenhahn) 2019


  • Daniel Hochstrasser/Nadja Jaisli Kull/Andrea Roth/Marianna Nerushay, Brexit and its Effects on Civil and Commercial Litigation in Switzerland, Bär & Karrer Briefings, 2019


  • Marianna Nerushay, Promoting Sustainable and Socially Responsible Investment through Regional Trade Agreements, ICTSD Bridges Africa | Passerelles, 2017


  • Jo-Ann Crawford/Vasyl Chorniy/Marianna Nerushay, A Survey of Investment Provisions in Regional Trade Agreements, World Trade Organisation (WTO) Working Paper, 2016

Marianna Sorton