Research projects

Research Projects of the Platform

« Water, Private Companies and the Furtherance of the Public Good » et « Corporations’ Responsibilities in Water Management and Protection: the Path Towards Action »

Prof. Laurence Boisson de Chazournes, Dre Mara Tignino et Haoua Savadogo

Ce projet d’envergure s’inscrit dans le sillage de l’une des recommandations du Panel mondial de haut niveau sur l’eau et la paix, mis en place à l’initiative de la Suisse dès 2015. Il vise à élaborer un code de bonnes pratiques sur la gestion de l'eau et la protection de la biodiversité qui s’appliquera à toutes les entreprises indépendamment de leur taille et de leur secteur d’activités.

Le projet « Corporations’ Responsibilities in Water Management and Protection: the Path Towards Action » a bénéficié en 2019 d’un soutien de la Fondation Boninchi.  Le projet « Water, Private Companies and the Furtherance of the Public Good » a bénéficié en 2020 d'un soutien de la Fondation de bienfaisance du groupe Pictet et en 2021 d'un soutien de la Fondation Barbour.




  • 30.11.2021 - Commission des droits de l'Homme de l'Ordre des Avocats de Genève. Webinaire sur le thème "Crise climatique et environnement - sujet brûlant pour les entreprises et avocats". Panélistes sur le thème : « L’élaboration d’un code de bonnes pratiques pour les entreprises en matière de gestion de l'eau et de protection de la biodiversité » - L. Boisson de Chazournes et H. Savadogo
  • 22.11.2021 - ENEL's Internal Practice Sharing Meeting with Sustainability and Innovation Professionals. Webinaire sur “Sustainable development in the management and protection of water resources: the role of international law” – M. Tignino
  • 23.08.2021 - Stockholm World Water Week. Intervention sur le thème: « Water, human rights and peacebuilding» - M. Tignino
  • 10.06.2021 - Université de Neuchâtel. Remise du Prix Nexans 2020. Conférence sur « La gouvernance internationale de l’environnement, un enjeu pour l’avenir ». Intervention sur le thème : « Les Objectifs du développement durable : Réflexions sur leurs contours juridiques » - L. Boisson de Chazournes
  • 18.05.2021 - Institut romand systémique éthique (IRSE) et Workshop for Water Ethics (W4W). Webinaire, 6ème colloque interdisciplinaire sur « Water Ethics: What does it mean in practice? ». Intervention sur “The contribution of The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) to access to water” lors de la partie I sur le thème: « 2021 and its Water Challenges » - L. Boisson de Chazournes
  • 26.11.2020 - University of Geneva Workshop sur: « Human Rights and the Climate Change Crisis: The Right to a Healthy Environment, the Right to Water and the Right to Development ». Panéliste sur le thème: « The right to water: a proxy for the right to a healthy environment? » - L. Boisson de Chazournes
  • 25.06.2020 - 114th American Society of International Law (ASIL) Annual meeting on « The Promise of International Law». Panéliste sur le thème: « Sustainable Development and International Law: Fragmentation, disconnects and the challenge of international policy coherence in meeting the SDGs» - L. Boisson de Chazournes

Other activities

  • OSCE E-learning Course sur “Water diplomacy”.  Cours sur « Water in Human Rights Law” - M. Tignino
  • Supervision du projet Capstone sur “Financialization of water, human rights and environmental protection: what are the issues at stake? mené par un groupe d’étudiants de l’Institut de hautes études internationales et du développement et organisation d’un événement avec un groupe d’experts pour nourrir la recherche (22.11.2021) - M. Tignino

European Parliament In-Depth Study sur “The Human Right to drinking water: impact of large-scale agriculture and industry”, revue du rapport - M. Tignino

Non-State Actors and the Management of International Freshwater Resources

Project supported by the Swiss National Research Fund (SNF): January 2012 – June 2014

Treaties on international water resources no longer regulate only State-to-State relations. Rather, individuals, communities, and non-governmental organizations — collectively referred to as “non-State actors”— have become subject of these instruments as well. The research pays attention to mechanisms open to individuals at the domestic and international levels, as well as to norms and practice concerning access to remedies for transboundary harm.

Outputs of this project include:
M. Tignino and K. Sangbana (eds.), Public Participation and Water Resources Management: Where Do We Stand in International Law? Proceedings of an International Conference held on 13 December 2013 in Geneva , International Hydrological Program – UNESO, Paris, 2015.

For the list of all outputs, please consult the FNS page

Governing Water: The Contribution of International Law to Cooperation on Transboundary Freshwater Resources

Project supported by the Swiss National Research Fund (SNF): October 2009 – November 2011

Future scenarios on the utilization and development of the Earth’s freshwater resources largely focus on the conflict potential inherent in competing demands over the resource, disregarding the opportunities for cooperation within the context of managing transboundary water systems. Investigating the many forms in which State cooperation manifests itself, the objective is to determine in what way international water law has developed in order to reinforce existing cooperation among riparian States of international water systems, and to create cooperation where not yet established.

Outputs of this project include :
L. Boisson de Chazournes, C. Leb and M. Tignino (eds.), International Law and Freshwater: the Multiple Challenges, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2013.
This publication is available as e-book.

For the list of all outputs, please consult the FNS page

Water Management and Protection: International Law Responses to the Challenges of Resource Scarcity

Project supported by the Boninchi Foundation: January 2009 – December 2010

The project analyzes legal aspects of water resources management and protection with respect to institutional and state practice which takes account of the increasing role of private sector operators. Special emphasis is put on enhancing management mechanisms that prove of critical value in addressing the new challenges posed by climate change, increasing pollution and competing claims over the world’s fresh water resources.

Outputs of this project include :
L. Boisson de Chazournes, C. Leb, M. Tignino, “Environmental protection and access to water: the challenges ahead”, in: M. van der Valk and P. Keenan (eds.), The right to water and water rights in a changing world , UNESCO-IHE Delft, 2011, pp. 9-24.

L. Boisson de Chazournes, M. Tignino, « Le règlement des différends internationaux relatifs à l'eau » in: L'eau et son droit, Etudes et documents du Conseil d'Etat, La documentation française, Paris, 2010, pp. 489-514.

For the list of all outputs, please consult the FORSbase

Fresh Water and International Economic Law

In cooperation with Georgetown University and with the support of the Carnegie Corporation: October 2002 – March 2005

The project on “Fresh Water and International Economic Law” focused on the relationship between fresh water, trade and investment law, and human rights. Two seminars were held within the framework of the project: the first on 29 October 2002, took place at Georgetown University Law Center in Washington, D. C.; the second was held in March 2003 at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva. The results of these workshops were published in 2005: Freshwater and International Economic Law, edited by Edith Brown-Weiss, Laurence Boisson de Chazournes and Nathalie Bernasconi-Osterwalder, published by Oxford University Press.
