
The Geneva Water Hub’ Platform for International Water Law @ World Water Week

Connecting water, security and peace through ecosystems

Wednesday 29 August, 14.00-15.30, Room: FH Little Theatre


Mr Danilo Türk, Geneva Water Hub Lead Political Advisor and Chairman of the Global High Level-Panel on Water and Peace, will give the final reflections. Mr François Münger, Director of the Geneva Water Hub, will facilitate the Roundtable on water governance with a representative from the Secretariat of the Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes.

The relationship between water insecurity and peace has been increasingly appreciated and is attracting growing political attention. This is reflected in the focus of the recent Planetary Security Conference, The Hague, December 2017, reports published by the World Bank (Turbulent Waters), Wetlands International (Water Shocks), and the Global High-Level Panel on Water and Peace (A Matter of Survival). However, the role of ecosystems in translating the signal from climatic and hydrological variability into local contexts is still under-appreciated. Societal water access and use is very dependent on the status and management of ecosystems.


Refugees and Migrants: Promoting Ecosystem Protection and Human Rights

Wednesday 29 August, 14.00-15.30, Room: FH 300


Dr Mara Tignino, Reader at the Faculty of Law and the Institute of Environmental Sciences at the University of Geneva and Coordinator of the Platform for International Water Law at the Geneva Water Hub, will intervene as a commentator on the case studies presented during the session.

The millions of migrants and refugees in transient accommodation create an environmental and a humanitarian crisis. To find long-term and sustainable solutions, we need to increase awareness of the connection between the right to a healthy environment, and its connection with the right to safe water and sanitation. These are both rights and obligations, not just of states, but also for every individual.

Balancing the scientific approach with sustainable solutions is extremely challenging, as the intricacies of individual human agendas and politics often conflict with ecosystem protection and a holistic solution that considers all considerations, both human and ecological.


Intergenerational Dialogue for Water and Peace

Thursday, 30 August, 16:00-18:00, Swiss Booth (Expo Hall Nr.6)

intergenerational-dialogue.jpgIn the event « Intergenerational Dialogue for Water and Peace », young water leaders and experts will share their experiences, good practices and knowledge on water and peace. They will discuss common answers and solutions to global, regional and local water challenges.

Participants include: Ms Lindsey Aldaco-Manner, President of the World Youth Parliament for Water, Mr Mohammed Fawzi Bedredine, Senegal River Development Orgnization (OMVS), Mr Anders Jägerskog, Senior Water Resources Management Specialist, World Bank, Mr Jean LaPègue, Senior WASH Advisor, Action against Hunger and Ms Claudia Sadoff, Director General, International Water Management Institute (IWMI).

Ms Natasha Carmi, Lead Water Advisor at the Geneva Water Hub will facilitate the dialogue.

This event is jointly organised by the Geneva Water Hub and the International Secretariat for Water/Solidarity Water Europe.


Other events

The Geneva Water Hub’s Platform for International Water Law invites you to join the Swiss Reception on the topic “Blue Peace and Youth” which will be held on Monday, 27 August 2018, from 17:00 to 18:00 at the Swiss booth.

Programme of the events of the members of the Swiss Water Partnership. 


28 Aug 2018

