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Book review : E. Schmid, Taking Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights Seriously in International Criminal Law
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International Land Investments or the Environment Put Up for Auction : the Case of the Niger Basin
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L’entrée en vigueur de la Convention des Nations Unies sur le droit relatif aux utilisations des cours d’eau internationaux à des fins autres que la navigation
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“A ‘Dialogic’ Approach in Perspective”
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Farmland Investments and Water Rights in Africa: The Legal Regimes at Stake
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Note de Mara Tignino sur “The Kishenganga Awards and their Contributions to International Water Law”
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The Notion of Environmental Flows and the Law Applicable to International Watercourses
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Farmland Investments and Water Rights: The legal regimes at stake
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The Duty to Cooperation in International Water Law – Examining the Contribution of the UN Water Conventions to Facilitating Transboundary Water Cooperation
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The UNECE Water Convention and Multilateral Environmental Agreements
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Les Principes du Droit International des Eaux : Le cas de l’Aquifère du Guarani »
Alessandra Franca, membre la Plateforme, publie le livre sur le thème: « Les Principes du Droit International des Eaux : Le cas de l’Aquifère du Guarani », Presses Académiques de France, 2014, 365pp.
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Public Participation and Water Resources Management : Where Do We Stand in International Law ?
Mara Tignino et Komlan Sangbana (eds.), Public Participation and Water Resources Management : Where Do We Stand in International Law ? Proceedings. International Conference, Geneva 13 December 2013, UNESCO, 2015, 154pp.
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The Rio Declaration Commentary: Principle 23, The Environment of Oppressed Peoples
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Rio Declaration Commentary: Principle 19. Notification and Consultation on Activities with Transboundary Impact
Principle 19: Notification and Consultation on Activities with Transboundary Impact
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La participation du public dans le cadre de l’Organisation pour la mise en valeur du fleuve Sénégal
Komlan Sangbana, « La participation du public dans le cadre de l’Organisation pour la mise en valeur du fleuve Sénégal »
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Le principe de la participation du public et la Commission Mixte Internationale
Mara Tignino, « Le principe de la participation du public et la Commission Mixte Internationale »