Archives des actualités

2017 - L'année du droit de l'eau

2017 can, and indeed should, be called “the Year of Water Law.” A number of water lawyers have been honored by organizations and associations across the globe for their significant contribution to the legal field of knowledge in water resources management.

Dr. Salman Salman received the Crystal Drop Award from the International Water Resources Association (IWRA) at the IWRA 16th Congress in Cancun, Mexico in June 2017. The Award, which Dr. Salman shared with Dr. Cecilia Tortajada, is the highest award of the IWRA, and is presented once every three years. The IWRA congratulated Dr. Salman for “achieving this unique distinction and attaining this notable award from the Association. Your extensive knowledge and broad experience in the water resources sector are, certainly, of an unparalleled match."

Dr. Lilian del Castillo Laborde, was also honored in the same Congress in Cancun by the IWRA, and was awarded the notable and noble status of “Distinguished Honorary Member.” Lilian is a long-time member of the IWRA, and has served IWRA in various positions, including Vice President. She is also a member of the Executive Council of the International Association for Water Law.

Professor Gabriel Eckstein’s leading role as the Chair of the International Scientific Committee of the IWRA was widely acknowledge with deep appreciation by the IWRA in Cancun. The Committee was shouldered with the responsibility of organizing the IWRA Cancun Congress which turned into a major success, attended by more than 1,400 experts who presented and discussed more than 400 papers. Acknowledgement of Gabriel’s leading role was made during both, the opening and closing sessions of the Congress.

Professor Stephen McCaffrey was awarded in August 2017 the Stockholm Water Prize for his unparalleled contribution to the evolution and progressive realization of international water law. In its citation, the Stockholm Water Prize Nominating Committee recognized Professor McCaffrey’s “path-breaking leadership and legal scholarship in international water law. He has made a unique contribution in three specific areas: his seminal work on Treaty negotiation; his major scholarly works, including his book The Law of International Watercourses and; his leadership providing expert legal advice, wise counsel, training and facilitation of complex negotiations with a wide range of stakeholders.”

Dr. Mara Tignino, Reader at at the Faculty of Law of the University of Geneva, and Coordinator of the Platform for International Water Law at the Geneva Water Hub, received the award “Women Peacebuilders for Water” at the international conference “Rules of Water, Rules for Life”, organized by the Milan Center for Food Law and Policy, in Italy in September 2017. This award marks the seventeenth anniversary of Resolution 1325 adopted by the United Nations Security Council on the contribution of women to peacebuilding in post-conflict situations. The award was given to Mara Tignino by the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, Ms Hilal Elver, and was motivated by her research in international water law and her dedication to the creation of new generations of international lawyers.

Truly, 2017 has turned out to be the Year of Water Law.

31 oct. 2017

