Corps professoral de la Faculté de droit

Doris Forster

Biographical note

Doris Forster was appointed Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Geneva in 2020. Her research areas include the unification and reception of law, legal pluralism in the past and present and religious law.

She studied law at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Warwick University (UK) (Certificate in English Law) and the University of Constance (Erste Juristische Staatsprüfung). Prof. Doris Forster received her doctorate in law (2015) from the University of Constance with a thesis on "Ona'ah und laesio enormis - Preisgrenzen im talmudischen und römischen Kaufrecht". Her thesis was awarded the prize of 42. Deutscher Rechtshistorikertag. During her dissertation, she was a member of the Exzellenzcluster "Kulturelle Grundlagen von Integration" at the University of Constance.

Prof. Forster subsequently completed a post-doctoral fellowship at the same university and was a visiting scholar at the University of Bologna. In addition, she spent time at various institutes for her research (University of La Sapienza (Rome), Institute of Roman Law (University of Paris II, Panthéon-Assas), Leopold-Wenger-Institut (LMU München)), including a master's degree in Roman and Oriental Law ("Corso di alta Formazione in diritto romano", La Sapienza, Rome).

After two years of practice at Siemens LLC (Dubai/Abu Dhabi, UAE) and the law firm CMS Hasche Sigle, she passed the second state legal examination in 2015 (Zweite Juristische Staatsprüfung).

Professor Doris Forster is a member of the Assembly of the University of Geneva, of the Conseil participatif of the Faculty of Law and was a substitute member of the Equality Commission of the same faculty (2021-2022).

On the academic level, she is a member of the International Fernand de Visscher Society for the History of Ancient Rights (SIHDA), of the Forum für den Vergleich der Rechtsdiskurse der Religionen (Hochschule für Jüdische Studien Heidelberg) and of the Steering Committee of the Centre for European Legal Studies (Centre d’excellence Jean Monnet) of the University of Geneva.



Droit des obligations: Back to the future ?
Colloque en l'honneur de la professeure Christine Chappuis
Mardi 20 juin 2023, Auditoire MR280, Uni Mail



Télécharger le programme











Environmental Damages and Tort Law
Conférence du Prof. Jaap Spier, Université de Cambridge
Jeudi 8 décembre 2022 | MR030 - 10h15-12h00

Table ronde - The Law as a Crowbar to Avoid Climate Catastrophes
Vendredi 9 décembre 2022 | MR150 - 11h00 - 13h00



Can the law meaningfully contribute to come to grips with the global challenges, particularly climate change? How to strike a fair balance between the hugely diverging intra and inter-generational interests? How to keep the floodgates shut without compromising the most vulnerable countries and people and the environment?







La protection procédurale spéciale des femmes dans l'Alexandrie augustéenne
Conférence du Prof. Dr. Dr. José-Domingo Rodriguez Martin (Université de Vienne)



Les documents de mariage d'Alexandrie, rédigés sous la forme de συγχώρησις, prouvent qu'à l'époque augustéenne, une protection procédurale particulière était accordée à l'épouse par rapport à son mari. L'inclusion dans ces actes de clauses exécutoires d'origine ptolémaïque est très intéressante à la fois pour l'avantage procédural qu'elles offrent par rapport au mari et comme preuve de leur application effective à l'époque romaine. Ces clauses ont été maintenues pendant toute la période romaine, mais on peut se demander aujourd'hui si cette protection particulière a été conservée ou si elle a été remplacée par des systèmes spécifiquement romains.


Le restatement en common law : un instrument méconnu d’amélioration de la qualité du droit
Déjeuner-débat du CETEL avec le prof. Henry E. SMITH (Harvard Law School)


The Principles of European Tort Law - Where are the gaps and how to fill them
Conference in honour of Bénédict Winiger


43. Rechtshistorikertag, 8.-12.08.2022, Zurich, 'Geltungsformen des Rechts'


Workshop - « Nous et les autres ? » Homogénéité et diversité dans l’histoire du droit
1er juin 2022 | Uni Bastions, salle B216


Latin terms in the decisions of the European Court of Justice: European legal tradition or new history in European law ?
08 Décembre 2021| 10h15 | Uni-Mail Salle R380 (live streamed)

Merike Ristikivi, University of Tartu, Estonia



The development of law in continental Europe has relied heavily on the Latin language and the system of concepts based on Roman Law. Historically, Latin has been extremely closely connected with the development of European law. In the past centuries, Latin used to play the role of a common legal language, which was applied across the boundaries of local law. In a way, Latin can be called the common mother tongue of European legal culture: the bulk of legal literature as well as legislation was compiled in Latin. On the basis of Latin, jurisprudence has developed over the centuries, even at the time when national languages became more dominating in science. Although Latin ceased to be the language of law and legal science in the 21st century, its significance as a technical means of communication between lawyers in Europe remains.

The presentation of Merike Ristikivi will focus on the Latin terms used in the decisions of the European Court of Justice and aims at exploring the vocabulary employed by European legal practitioners when formulating their decisions. The special attention will be paid to the Latin terms which judges have adopted in their active vocabulary in recent years. Merike Ristikivi will observe the connection between the usage of these new terms and the terms which carry the historical tradition of European law.

Driverless Cars: droit de la responsabilité civile et voitures autonomes
02 Décembre 2021 | 10h15 | Salle R030 et via ZOOM

Poster-Driverless-Cars.jpgAutomobiles are the technological innovation that has most influenced the 20th century’s social, economic, and legal structure. More than 100 years after the introduction of the auto, in an era again displaying extensive technological change, vehicular traffic is set to undergo major, radical, abrupt transformations. This book describes the scenarios and prospects stemming from the emergence of highly automated, connected driving. The key contribution of artificial intelligence will usher in an unprecedented mobility paradigm combining efficiency, safety, and environmental sustainability. Current and forthcoming problems, challenges, and at times tragic choices associated with the imminent “mobility revolution” are analyzed in the light of the Law and Economics method, of which the author Guido Calabresi (Yale University) is one of the founding fathers and (for over the past 50 years) a visionary scholar, and in the perspective of a dialogue between law and technology conducted by Enrico Al Mureden (University of Bologna) - professor of Civil Law and Product Safety, Product Liability and Automotive - through a systematic reading of the traditional categories of civil law and the harmonized technical standardization that dominates the automotive sector globally.



vom 26.04.-05.07.2021 statt






 Legal aspects of autonomous driving cars

The advancement of technology that makes it possible to entrust tasks traditionally performed by the driver to automated systems increasingly connected with road infrastructures requires a reconsideration of the rules governing road traffic and civil liability in the event of accidents.

The main legal issues generated by the spread of highly automated vehicles and the solutions that are emerging in the context of the European Union and the US will be reconstructed on the basis of an interdisciplinary approach.

On en parle dans le Journal de l'UNIGE:












Corps professoral de la Faculté de droit