Grid view
Yves Bauer
Christopher T. Bavitz
WilmerHale Clinical Professor of Law
Vice Dean for Experiential and Clinical Education Managing Director, Cyberlaw Clinic at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society - Harvard Law School / Cyberlaw Clinic at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and SocietyChristopher T. Bavitz
Neil Beloufa
Valérie-Laure Benabou
Professor at the Faculty of Law and Political Science - University of Paris-Saclay/UVSQ
Valérie-Laure Benabou
Yaniv Benhamou
Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law and Digital Law Center (DLC) – University of Geneva
Yaniv Benhamou
Alexandra Bensamoun
Professor at the Faculty of Law and Political Science - University of Paris-Saclay
Alexandra Bensamoun
Emmanuelle Bermès
Head of the "Digital technologies applied to history” at Ecole Nationale des chartes / PSL
Emmanuelle Bermès
Sérgio Branco
Director of the Instituto de Technologia e Sociedade in Rio de Janeiro
Sérgio Branco
Yves Citton
Professor of Literature and Media at the University Paris 8 and executive director of the Ecole Universitaire de Recheche ArTeC
Yves Citton
Primavera De Filippi
Director of Research at the CNRS in Paris and Faculty Associate at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University
Primavera De Filippi
Jacques de Werra
Full Professor at the Faculty of Law and Digital Law Center (DLC) - University of Geneva
Jacques de Werra
Gaetano Dimita
Senior Lecturer in International Intellectual Property Law at the Queen Mary University of London
Gaetano Dimita
Anaïs Emery
General and artistic director of the Geneva International Film Festival (GIFF)
Anaïs Emery
Maria Eriksson
Guest researcher/lecturer - Seminar for Media Studies Department of Arts, Media, Philosophy at University of Basel
Maria Eriksson
Amélie Favreau
Honor Felisberto
François Fleuret
Full Professor and head of the Machine Learning group in the department of Computer Science - University of Geneva
François Fleuret
Anne-Christine Fornage
Vice Rector "External Relations and Scientific Communication"
Anne-Christine Fornage
Nicolas Galley
Thomas Gauffroy-Naudin
Research assistant at the Digital Humanities departement - University of Geneva
Thomas Gauffroy-Naudin
Philippe Gilliéron
Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law - University of Lausanne Attornay-at-Low at Wilhem Gilliéron Avocats
Philippe Gilliéron
Juan Gomez
Florence Guillaume
Full Professor of civil and private international law at the Faculty of Law - University of Neuchâtel
Florence Guillaume
Daniel Hall
Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment TU Delft, Netherlands
Daniel Hall
Mathieu Jaton
Hugues Jeannerat
Béatrice Joyeux-Prunel
Full Professor on the new chair in Digital Humanities at the University of Geneva
Béatrice Joyeux-Prunel
Daniel Kraus
Full Professor of innovation and intellectual property at the Faculty of Law - University of Neuchâtel
Daniel Kraus
Philip Kübler
Paolo Lanteri
Legal Counsellor, Copyright Law Division at World Intellectual Property Organization – WIPO
Paolo Lanteri
Aude Launay
Micheline Louis-Courvoisier
Michaela MacDonald
Grégoire Mallard
Director of Research and Professor in the Department of Anthropology and Sociology at the Geneva Graduate Institute
Grégoire Mallard
Micaela Mantegna
Florian Martin-Bariteau
Associate Professor of Law and the University Research Chair in Technology and Society - University of Otawa
Florian Martin-Bariteau
Anthony Masure
Associate Professor and Head of Resarch at the Haute École d’Art et de Design HEAD – Genève, HES-SO
Anthony Masure
Giuseppe Mazziotti
Abreu Professor in Law and Innovation at Catolica Global School of Law - Portugal
Giuseppe Mazziotti
François Moreau
Professor of Economics at the University Sorbonne Paris Nord and Deputy Director of the CEPN
François Moreau
Xavier Oberson
Gadi Oron
CEO of CISAC - International Confederation of Authors and Composers Societies
Gadi Oron
Thomas Paris
Researcher at CNRS, Associate Professor at HEC Paris and Scientific Director for the MS MAC - Media, Art & Creation
Thomas Paris
Marc Perrenoud
Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences – University of Lausanne
Marc Perrenoud
Loïc Riom
Junior Lecturer at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences - University of Lausanne
Loïc Riom
Sven Riva
Vincent Salvadé
Full Professor at the Faculty of Law – University of Neuchâtel Deputy CEO of SUISA
Vincent Salvadé
Thibault Schrepel
Associate Professor of Law at VU Amsterdam (Amsterdam Law & Technology Institute)
Thibault Schrepel
Alain Strowel
Full Professor at the Faculty of Law - Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium
Alain Strowel
Nathalie Tissot
Lonneke van der Plas
Margot Voisin
Research and teaching assistant at the Faculty of Law and Digital Law Center (DLC) - University of Geneva
Margot Voisin
Frédéric Young
General delegate of SCAM (Société Civile des Auteurs Multimédia) and SACD (Société des Auteurs et Compositeurs Dramatiques) in Belgium
Frédéric Young
List view
Bauer Yves
Research Assistant at the Faculty of Law - University of Neuchâtel
Bavitz Christopher T.
WilmerHale Clinical Professor of Law
Vice Dean for Experiential and Clinical Education Managing Director, Cyberlaw Clinic at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society - Harvard Law School / Cyberlaw Clinic at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society -
Beloufa Neil
Visual Artist and producer at EBB
Benabou Valérie-Laure
Professor at the Faculty of Law and Political Science - University of Paris-Saclay/UVSQ
Benhamou Yaniv
Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law and Digital Law Center (DLC) – University of Geneva
Bensamoun Alexandra
Professor at the Faculty of Law and Political Science - University of Paris-Saclay
Bermès Emmanuelle
Head of the "Digital technologies applied to history” at Ecole Nationale des chartes / PSL
Branco Sérgio
Director of the Instituto de Technologia e Sociedade in Rio de Janeiro
Citton Yves
Professor of Literature and Media at the University Paris 8 and executive director of the Ecole Universitaire de Recheche ArTeC
De Filippi Primavera
Director of Research at the CNRS in Paris and Faculty Associate at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University
de Werra Jacques
Full Professor at the Faculty of Law and Digital Law Center (DLC) - University of Geneva
Dimita Gaetano
Senior Lecturer in International Intellectual Property Law at the Queen Mary University of London
Emery Anaïs
General and artistic director of the Geneva International Film Festival (GIFF)
Eriksson Maria
Guest researcher/lecturer - Seminar for Media Studies Department of Arts, Media, Philosophy at University of Basel
Favreau Amélie
Associate professor in Law at the University of Grenoble-Alpes
Felisberto Honor
Graduate Assistant at the Faculty of Law – University of Lausanne
Fleuret François
Full Professor and head of the Machine Learning group in the department of Computer Science - University of Geneva
Fornage Anne-Christine
Vice Rector "External Relations and Scientific Communication"
Galley Nicolas
Art Market studies, Director of Studies at the University of Zurich
Gauffroy-Naudin Thomas
Research assistant at the Digital Humanities departement - University of Geneva
Gilliéron Philippe
Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law - University of Lausanne Attornay-at-Low at Wilhem Gilliéron Avocats
Gomez Juan
Media Artist and interaction designer at HEAD – Genève, HES-SO
Guillaume Florence
Full Professor of civil and private international law at the Faculty of Law - University of Neuchâtel
Hall Daniel
Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment TU Delft, Netherlands
Jaton Mathieu
CEO Montreux Jazz Festival
Jeannerat Hugues
Titular Professor at the Faculty of Law - University of Neuchâtel
Joyeux-Prunel Béatrice
Full Professor on the new chair in Digital Humanities at the University of Geneva
Kraus Daniel
Full Professor of innovation and intellectual property at the Faculty of Law - University of Neuchâtel
Kübler Philip
CEO of ProLiteris, the copyright society for literature and art
Lanteri Paolo
Legal Counsellor, Copyright Law Division at World Intellectual Property Organization – WIPO
Launay Aude
Philosopher, independent researcher
Louis-Courvoisier Micheline
Vice-rector at the University of Geneva
MacDonald Michaela
Teaching Fellow at Queen Mary University of London
Mallard Grégoire
Director of Research and Professor in the Department of Anthropology and Sociology at the Geneva Graduate Institute
Mantegna Micaela
Berkman Klein Center at Harvard
Martin-Bariteau Florian
Associate Professor of Law and the University Research Chair in Technology and Society - University of Otawa
Masure Anthony
Associate Professor and Head of Resarch at the Haute École d’Art et de Design HEAD – Genève, HES-SO
Mazziotti Giuseppe
Abreu Professor in Law and Innovation at Catolica Global School of Law - Portugal
Moreau François
Professor of Economics at the University Sorbonne Paris Nord and Deputy Director of the CEPN
Oberson Xavier
Full Professor at the Faculty of Law – University of Geneva
Oron Gadi
CEO of CISAC - International Confederation of Authors and Composers Societies
Paris Thomas
Researcher at CNRS, Associate Professor at HEC Paris and Scientific Director for the MS MAC - Media, Art & Creation
Perrenoud Marc
Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences – University of Lausanne
Riom Loïc
Junior Lecturer at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences - University of Lausanne
Riva Sven
Research Assistant at the Faculty of Law – University of Neuchâtel
Salvadé Vincent
Full Professor at the Faculty of Law – University of Neuchâtel Deputy CEO of SUISA
Schrepel Thibault
Associate Professor of Law at VU Amsterdam (Amsterdam Law & Technology Institute)
Strowel Alain
Full Professor at the Faculty of Law - Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium
Tissot Nathalie
Full Professor at the Faculty of Law - University of Neuchâtel
van der Plas Lonneke
Group Lead at Idiap Research Institute, Martigny, Switzerland
Voisin Margot
Research and teaching assistant at the Faculty of Law and Digital Law Center (DLC) - University of Geneva
Young Frédéric
General delegate of SCAM (Société Civile des Auteurs Multimédia) and SACD (Société des Auteurs et Compositeurs Dramatiques) in Belgium