
Emmanuelle Bermès

Emmanuelle Bermès

Head of the "Digital technologies applied to history” at Ecole Nationale des chartes / PSL

Emmanuelle Bermès is an archivist and paleographer, she has devoted her entire career over the past twenty years to the development of digital technologies for heritage (Bibliothèque nationale de France and Centre Pompidou). She has been involved in the digitization and development of the Gallica digital library, long-term preservation of digital materials, and the deployment of the semantic web and data mining.

She has been a lecturer at the Ecole nationale des chartes since 2022, and she is the director of the master's degree "Digital technologies applied to history".

Active at the international level, she is involved in promoting the development of artificial intelligence in cultural institutions with the AI4LAM (Artificial Intelligence for Libraries, Archives and Museums) community. She is the author of a doctoral thesis on Le numérique en bibliothèque : naissance d'un patrimoine (Digital libraries: the birth of a heritage), of several books on digital technologies for libraries and of the blog Figoblog.
