
Grégoire Mallard

Grégoire Mallard

Director of Research and Professor in the Department of Anthropology and Sociology at the Geneva Graduate Institute

After earning his PhD at Princeton University in 2008, Pr. Mallard was Assistant Professor of Sociology at Northwestern University until he joined the Institute. He is the author of Fallout: Nuclear Diplomacy in an Age of Global Fracture (University of Chicago Press, 2014) and Gift Exchange: The Transnational History of a Political Idea (Cambridge University Press 2019).

From 2017 until 2022, he has lead an ERC project titled Bombs, Banks and Sanctions, which focused on the evolution of unilateral sanctions in the global context of the Iran nuclear negotiations. He is also the co-editor of Contractual Knowledge: One Hundred Years of Legal Experimentation in Global Markets (Cambridge University Press 2016), and Global Science and National Sovereignty: Studies in Historical Sociology of Science (Routledge 2008). His other publications focus on prediction, the role of knowledge and ignorance in transnational lawmaking and the study of harmonization as a social process—some of which can be download on his website

Since 2019, he has served on the scientific commitee of the “Rencontres Recherche et Création” of the Festival d’Avignon and has participated as “scientific advisor” in various of documentaries and films; he is now preparing a documentary on humanitarian action in contexts of sanctions.
