Several emergency measures must be implemented to face possible energy shortages during the 22-23 winter season, in line with the action plan adopted by the Geneva State Council. The University of Geneva is a key player for several reasons: as a major consumer, it is one of the institutions that must immediately implement a voluntary sobriety plan; as an institution housing critical activities, it must mitigate the risks as best it can; as a public institution, it has a duty to set an example; and as a higher scientific education institution, it must fulfil its mission of expertise and teaching on these issues.

The UNIGE is also committed to a strong environmental approach that aims to massively reduce its dependence on fossil fuels.

Each year, the University of Geneva consumes

  • 47'000 MWh of electricity
  • 17'500 MWh of gas
  • 5'500 MWh of fuel oil

Which sums up to the electricity consumption of almost 12,000 Swiss households.


State Council action plan

Agir pour économise l’énergie (GE)

Stop gaspillage (Confédération)