Individual eco-gestures


Turn off everything

Turn off lights, computers and any device in standby mode when you leave. Use power strips with switches to make life easier.


Wear warm clothes

A jumper, good shoes and comfortable clothes provide a valuable sense of warmth.


Close blinds

The heat stays inside and you will benefit from it the next day.


Avoid using private appliances

Kettles, coffee machines and other small appliances consume a lot of energy, even on standby. Prefer collective equipment.


Don't cover radiators

Furniture, files or clothes left on or in front of the radiators reduce their performance.


Ventilate widely

By opening the windows wide once or twice a day, you can renew the air and save on heating.


No auxiliary heater

Individual electric heaters and hot air blowers consume a lot of energy. They are prohibited at the UNIGE.


Take the stairs instead

Lifts also consume energy. Go for a healthy choice instead.


Unplug your chargers

Plug chargers consume electricity even when they are not connected to a device. Do not leave your batteries unattended when charging.


Inform yourself and those around you

Share good practice with your colleagues and friends.

For our research staff


Start energy-intensive processes during off-peak hours and at night

This will help you to avoid consumption peaks.


Identify equipment that can be turned off completely, especially at night

20 minutes of start-up time is better than kWh consumed unnecessarily.


Share equipment, especially fridges

A freezer on for one sample? Give it to a colleague and turn it off.