Former collaborators
Grid view
Mr Philippe Arpagaus
Mrs Pauline Bellot
Former Trainee in final year, Master II in "Ecophysiology and Ecotoxicology" at Sorbonne University (Paris)
Mrs Pauline Bellot
Dr Irina Catianis
Former visiting scientist (2014) - Scientist at National Institute for Research and Dev. of Marine Geology and Geoecology (GeoEcoMar) Bucharest (Romania) - Sediment ecotoxicity
Dr Irina Catianis
Mrs Cindy Correia de Almeida
Professor Janusz Dominik
Former associate professor (July 2011) - Human impact on aquatic environment, limnology, (radio)geochemistry, ecotoxicology, sedimentology, sediment dating, interdisciplinary teaching
Professor Janusz Dominik
Mrs Perrine Dranguet
Former PhD student - Biofilms, mercury, microbial ecotoxicology
Mrs Perrine Dranguet
Mme Valérie Gagnaux
Dr Andrea Garcia Bravo
Former Post Doc - Research Scientist at Department of Ecology and Genetics, Limnology University of Uppsala (Sweden) - Phytoplankton, mercury, stable isotopes
Dr Andrea Garcia Bravo
Dr Margit Heinlaan
Former SCIEX Researcher - Scientist at National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics, Tallinn (Estonia) - Daphnia magma, nanoparticles, trophic transfer, ecotoxicology
Dr Margit Heinlaan
Dr Javier Jimenez
Former Post Doc - Marie Curie Fellow at Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, Pau (France) - Nanoparticles, sp ICP-MS, FlFFF-multidetection
Dr Javier Jimenez
Dr Séverine Le Faucheur
Mrs Elise Morel
Former visiting PhD student (2015) - PhD student at University of Montreal (Canada) - Phytoplankton, nanoparticles, transcriptomics
Mrs Elise Morel
Dr Monika Mortimer
Former SCIEX researcher - Research Scientist at UC CEIN, University of California, Santa Barbara (USA) - Protozoa, nanoparticles, ecotoxicity
Dr Monika Mortimer
Mrs Nhung HA Nguyen
Former visiting PhD student (2014, 2015) - PhD student at Technical University of Liberec, Liberec (Czech Republic) - Phytoplancton, nanoparticules, écotoxicité
Mrs Nhung HA Nguyen
Dr Nicole Regier
Mrs Sara Sørensen
Former visiting PhD Student (2014) - PhD student at the DTU TU ENVIRONMENT, Technical University of Denmark (Danmark) - Phytoplancton, nanoparticules, écotoxicité
Mrs Sara Sørensen
Dr Konstantin Startchev
Former scientific collaborator (2014-2015) - Nanoparticles, proteins, computer vision
Dr Konstantin Startchev
Mrs Coralie Suscillon
Former PhD student - lab-on-chip; whole cell biocensor, dielectrophoresis, phytoplankton
Mrs Coralie Suscillon
Mrs Nadia Rachel von Moos
Former PhD student - Scientist at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL) - Phytoplankton, nanoparticles, oxidative stress, biocensor
Mrs Nadia Rachel von Moos
Dr Xu Yan
Former collaborator - Visiting Scholar - China Scholarship Council Fellow
Dr Xu Yan
Mrs Mariana Zazu
Former visiting scientist - Scientist at National Institute for Research and Dev. of Marine Geology and Geoecology (GeoEcoMar) Bucharest (Romania) - Sediment ecotoxicity
Mrs Mariana Zazu
List view
Arpagaus Philippe
Former collaborator - Technician - Pilot of boat
Bakir Mariam
Former Post Doc
Bellot Pauline
Former Trainee in final year, Master II in "Ecophysiology and Ecotoxicology" at Sorbonne University (Paris)
Catianis Irina
Former visiting scientist (2014) - Scientist at National Institute for Research and Dev. of Marine Geology and Geoecology (GeoEcoMar) Bucharest (Romania) - Sediment ecotoxicity
Cheloni Giulia
Former Post Doc, Marie Heim-Vögtlin-fellow
Chonova Teofana
Former academic staff
Correia de Almeida Cindy
Former staff - apprentice
Cossart Thibaut
Former PhD
Dominik Janusz
Former associate professor (July 2011) - Human impact on aquatic environment, limnology, (radio)geochemistry, ecotoxicology, sedimentology, sediment dating, interdisciplinary teaching
Dranguet Perrine
Former PhD student - Biofilms, mercury, microbial ecotoxicology
Flück Rebecca
Former collaborator - PhD Student
Gagnaux Valérie
Former collaborator - phytoplankton, mercury
Garcia Bravo Andrea
Former Post Doc - Research Scientist at Department of Ecology and Genetics, Limnology University of Uppsala (Sweden) - Phytoplankton, mercury, stable isotopes
Guilmot Sébastien
Former collaborator - PhD Student
Heinlaan Margit
Former SCIEX Researcher - Scientist at National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics, Tallinn (Estonia) - Daphnia magma, nanoparticles, trophic transfer, ecotoxicology
Jimenez Javier
Former Post Doc - Marie Curie Fellow at Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, Pau (France) - Nanoparticles, sp ICP-MS, FlFFF-multidetection
Le Faucheur Séverine
Former collaborator - Research and Teaching Fellow
Li Mengting
Former PhD fellowships
Ma Cuizhu
Former CSC excellence fellow PhD student
Marbach Vanessa
Former Apprentice
Marle Pierre
Former collaborator - PhD Student
Marlita Marlita
Former Excellence scholarship PhD student
Mehmeti Lirie
Former collaborator - apprentice
Mismetti Sylia
Former apprentice
Moinecourt Carmen
Former collaborator - Assistant
Morel Elise
Former visiting PhD student (2015) - PhD student at University of Montreal (Canada) - Phytoplankton, nanoparticles, transcriptomics
Mortimer Monika
Former SCIEX researcher - Research Scientist at UC CEIN, University of California, Santa Barbara (USA) - Protozoa, nanoparticles, ecotoxicity
Moulin Elodie
Former collaborator - Assistant
Nashashibi Maysan
Former research Assistant
Nguyen Nhung HA
Former visiting PhD student (2014, 2015) - PhD student at Technical University of Liberec, Liberec (Czech Republic) - Phytoplancton, nanoparticules, écotoxicité
Ramel Quentin
Former collaborator apprentice
Regier Nicole
Former academic staff - Research and Teaching Fellow
Santos Debora
Former apprentice
Santos João
Former PhD student – Assistant
Sørensen Sara
Former visiting PhD Student (2014) - PhD student at the DTU TU ENVIRONMENT, Technical University of Denmark (Danmark) - Phytoplancton, nanoparticules, écotoxicité
Startchev Konstantin
Former scientific collaborator (2014-2015) - Nanoparticles, proteins, computer vision
Suscillon Coralie
Former PhD student - lab-on-chip; whole cell biocensor, dielectrophoresis, phytoplankton
Trindade Kevin
Former staff - Apprentice
von Moos Nadia Rachel
Former PhD student - Scientist at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL) - Phytoplankton, nanoparticles, oxidative stress, biocensor
Wang Keji
Former CSC Excellence doctoral fellow
Wang Linqiong
Former CSC Excellence doctoral fellow
Yan Xu
Former collaborator - Visiting Scholar - China Scholarship Council Fellow
Zazu Mariana
Former visiting scientist - Scientist at National Institute for Research and Dev. of Marine Geology and Geoecology (GeoEcoMar) Bucharest (Romania) - Sediment ecotoxicity
Zhang Xing
Former Visiting Scientist, Excellence Fellow of CSC
- Pas de résultats