Isabelle Worms

Dr Isabelle Worms
Research Associate
A208 - Laboratory: 106, Sciences I
Office: +41 22 379 05 90 - Laboratory: +41 22 379 63 71
I am currently responsible for methodological developments on the asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation technique (AF4) linked to multiple detectors (MD), including inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS).
This complex combined-technique allows in-depth characterization of organic and inorganic nano-components present in water and serving as carriers for the transfer of metal contaminants from their sources through the environment, as well as to probe out the fate and reactivity of nano-objects with environmental components from macromolecules to cells.
Thus, research projects I’m involved in cover diverse interactions between trace metal species within all environmental compartments where water is present as liquid, including:
Contaminated Soils:
SNSF Project, Release, biomethylation and biovolatilisation of antimony in soils led by Pr. Adrien Mestrot (UniBe).
Soil Water/Bacteria/Plant Interactions:
Exploring the role of rhizobacterium Ensifer meliloti on cadmium speciation and cadmium accumulation in rice (Oryza sativa L.) led by Pre. Vera Slaveykova and Ms. Keji Wang.
Behaviors of trace-metal contaminants in Surface Waters:
- Implementation of innovative methods to characterize dissolved organic matter (DOM) and its role in the metal cycle in surface waters under a changing environment. My own project financed by Schmidheiny Foundation.
- SNSF project Advanced in situ sensing systems for high resolution speciation in aquatic ecosystems Pr. Eric Bakker and Dre. Marylou Tercier-Waeber.
- Hg-ENTRAQS: Factors controlling entry and transfer of mercury in aquatic food webs Collaboration with Pre. Claudia Cosio from Reims University (FR) financed by Region Champagne-Ardennes (FR).
Interactions of engineered- and accidental- nano/micro (metal-based or not) particles with Aquatic Organisms:
- (Phyto)plankton
DEEPEN Deciphering the role of freshwater phytoplankton in metallic nanoparticle transformations.
Micro-Nano-plastics Assessing the impact of nano- and microplastics on freshwater plankton led by Pre. Vera Slaveykova.
- Invertebrate (Snails and their biological fluids)
NANOPATHS SNSF project Towards better understanding of the adverse outcome pathways of silver nanoparticles in freshwater gastropods led by Dre. Wei Liu
As well as informal collaborations
For the quantification of metallo-proteins with Pr. Ross Dean Milton
And to apply AF4 and ICP-MS based techniques (single-event-ICP-MS) in novel ways to improve understanding in nanometrology of natural nano-colloids with Pr. Chad Cuss from Memorial University of Newfoundland (CA).
MSD in Molecular (Bio)Chemistry, I’ m passionate by the reactivity of metallo-proteins, and metals in Biology in general. Have a look on these super publications:
- Nies DH. The biological chemistry of the transition metal "transportome" of Cupriavidus metallidurans. Metallomics. 2016 May 1;8(5):481-507.
- Crichton RR, Pierre JL. Old iron, young copper: from Mars to Venus. Biometals. 2001 Jun;14(2):99-112.
I’d loved to play live music, maybe too much for my past MsD. an PhD. supervisors :) click on the notes to hear some SKAJAZZ