Ongoing projects
ENHANCER: Hormesis Responses in Phytoplankton Nanotoxicology and Implications for Ecological Risk Assessment

In the present project we address a major research gap in nanoecotoxicology concerning hormesis, as an underexplored but potentially important response of phytoplankton species, the base of the food chain, to engineered nanoparticles (ENPs) and its implications for ecological risk assessment and sustainable use of nanotechnology. To this end we combine high-throughput screening bioassays with different phytoplankton species, assessment of multiple physiological and biochemical endpoints in the species exposed to variety of ENPs, genomics and metabolomics, AI, and modeling.
- Funding: Weave/Lead Agency Swiss National Science Foundation United State National Science Foundation
- UniGe Responsible : Prof. Vera Slaveykova
- UCSB Responsible : Prof. Arturo Keller, University of California Santa Barbara, USA
- Collaborators: Mrs. Fiona Marine Traber, Mrs. Lucija Sara Kovacic
Deciphering the role of freshwater phytoplankton in metallic nanoparticle transformations (DEEPEN)

In the present project we address a major research gap in the environmental nanoscience concerning the possible controls of phytoplankton on nanoparticle transformations in freshwater environments underpinned by taking advantage of the combined use and enhanced analytical capabilities of hyphenated AF4-UV-Vis-FL-ICP-MS technologies, stable isotope labeling and metabolomics.
- Funding: Swiss National Science Foundation
- UniGe Responsible : Prof. Vera Slaveykova
- Collaborators: Mrs. Arin Kantarciyan, Mr. Rocco Gasco, Dr Ines Segovia Campos and Dr. Isabelle Worms
- Partner : Prof. Arturo Keller, Mrs Weiwei Li, University of California Santa Barbara, USA
Unveiling the effects of engineered nanoparticles on freshwater phytoplankton communities

This project aims to explore how engineered nanoparticles could disturb metabolic processes freshwater phytoplankton and to assess their ecological consequences and implications for biogeochemical cycles, from multi-algae mixture to lake communities.
- Funding: University of Geneva and Swiss National Science Foundation
- UniGe Responsible : Prof. Vera Slaveykova
- Collaborators: M. Rémy Millet
- Partner : Prof. Arturo Keller, Mrs Weiwei Li, University of California Santa Barbara, USA
Evaluation of the impact of a mixture of engineered nanoparticles on freshwater phytoplankton

The project explores how freshwater phytoplankton species respond to mixtures of engineered nanoparticles, using cutting-edge single particle and single cell techniques to uncover the nano-bio interactions and harmful effects, as well as their underlying mechanisms.
- Funding: University of Geneva and Swiss National Science Foundation
- UniGe Responsible : Prof. Vera Slaveykova
- Collaborators: Dr. Mariam Bakir Laso
Assessing the impact of nano- and microplastics on freshwater plankton

In this project we explore the impact of nano- and microplastics of different composition in freshwater ecosystems. The specific emphasis is on the understanding the nano-, microplastic-induced effects on the planktonic species at the base of the food web, such as phyto- and zooplankton and possible consequences for ecosystem services and biogeochemical cycles.
- Funding: University of Geneva
- UniGe Responsible : Prof. Vera Slaveykova
- Collaborators: Mrs. Matea Marelja
- Partner : Prof. Bas Ibelings, UNIGE
Toxic trace-metal nanocarriers stability in surface waters

This project aims to better address the interplays occurring between macromolecules and nanoparticles naturally present in natural waters on the dispersion of toxic trace-metals they associated. The accent is put on maximizing/validating the capabilities of AF4-MD-ICPMS to probe-out the thin changes occurring within this dynamic pool under changing climatic/seasonal conditions and different geographical sampling locations.
- Funding: Foundation Ernst et Lucie Schmidheiny
- UniGe Responsible : Dr. Isabelle Worms
- Partners : NSERC Alliance International Catalyst Grant, lead by Prof. Chad Cuss (Memorial University of Newfoundland, CA), Dr. Michael Tharaud and Prof. Marc Benedetti (IPGP, Paris), Prof. Kevin. J. Wilkinson (University of Montreal, CA). Prof. Vera I. Slaveykova (UniGe)
Towards better understanding of the adverse outcome pathways of silver nanoparticles in freshwater gastropods (NANOPATHS)

- Funding: Swiss National Science Foundation
- UniGe Responsible : Dr. Wei Liu
- PhD student : Ting Wang
- Partners: Prof. Vera Slaveykova, Dr. Mylène Docquier (Genomic platform iG3), Dr. Isabelle Worms, Dr. Emmanuel Castella.
Green Breath Box : Insights into biogeochemical cycles, environment, and sustainability
- Funding: Swiss National Science Foundation - Programme AGORA
- UniGe Responsible : Prof. Vera Slaveykova
- Collaborators :Prof. Andreas Mueller, Dr Rémy Kopp et M. Philippe Jenni, Dr Giulia Cheloni,
Mme Elodie Moulin et Mme Sarah Fragnière - Contact: Prof. Vera Slaveykova - courriel