Anciens collaborateurs

Margit Heinlaan

Dr Margit Heinlaan

Ancienne collaboratrice scientifique de l'Institut Forel, Chercheuse SCIEX - Scientist at National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics, Tallinn (Estonia) - Daphnia magma, nanoparticules, transfère trophique, écotoxicologie

05-2015 Institut F.-A. Forel, Université de Genève, Chercheuse SCIEX


  • Nanoecotoxicologie
  • Toxicologie aquatique



PhD in Environmental Conservation, (Estonian University of Life Sciences), Tartu, Estonia

(PhD Thesis « Ecotoxicological evaluation of synthetic nanoparticles and particulate environmental samples » ; supervisors prof. H-C. Dubourguier, Dr. A.- Kahru, prof. K. Sepp)
2005 – 2006

Chemical and environmental technology MSc studies (Tallinn Technical University), Tallinn, Estonia

2003 - 2003

ERASMUS exchange student at Institut Supérieur d’Agriculture de Lille, France

2000 - 2005

BSc (landscape protection and management, Estonian Agricultural University) Tallinn, Estonia



Ivask, A.; Kurvet, I.; Kasemets, K.; Blinova, I.; Aruoja, V.; Suppi, S.; Vija, H.; Käkinen, A.; Titma, T.; Heinlaan, M.; Visnapuu, M.; Koller, D.; Kisand, V.; Kahru, A. (2014). Size-dependent Toxicity of Silver Nanoparticles to Bacteria, Yeast, Algae, Crustaceans and Mammalian Cells in Vitro. PLoS ONE, 9(7), e102108 ( doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0102108)

Ivask, Angela; Juganson, Katre; Bondarenko, Olesja; Mortimer, Monika; Aruoja, Villem; Kasemets, Kaja; Blinova, Irina; Heinlaan, Margit; Slaveykova, Vera; Kahru, Anne. (2014). Mechanisms of toxic action of Ag, ZnO and CuO nanoparticles to selected ecotoxicological test organisms and mammalian cells in vitro: a comparative review. Nanotoxicology, 8, 57 - 71. ( doi: 10.3109/17435390.2013.855831 )

Sihtmäe, M.; Blinova, I.; Künnis-Beres, K.; Kanarbik, L.; Heinlaan, M.; Kahru, A. (2013). Ecotoxicological effects of different glyphosate formulations. Applied Soil Ecology, 72, 215 - 224.( doi: 10.1016/j.apsoil.2013.07.005 )

Orupõld, K.; Heinlaan, M.; Põllumaa, L.; Dubourguier, H.C.; Kahru, A. (2012). Impact of oil shale opencast mining and combustion on Narva River and its tributaries: chemical and ecotoxicological characterisation. Oil Shale, 29(2), 173 - 189.( doi: 10.3176/oil.2012.2.06)

Heinlaan, Margit; Kahru, Anne; Kasemets, Kaja; Arbeille, Birgitte; Prensier, Gérard; Dubourguier, Henri-Charles (2011). Changes in the Daphnia magna midgut upon ingestion of copper oxide nanoparticles: a transmission electron microscopy study. Water Research, 45(1), 179 - 190.( doi: 10.1016/j.watres.2010.08.026 )

Blinova, I.; Ivask, A.; Heinlaan, M.; Mortimer, M.; Kahru, A. (2010). Ecotoxicity of nanoparticles of CuO and ZnO in natural water. Environmental Pollution, 158, 41 - 47.( doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2009.08.017 )

Mortimer, M.; Kasemets, K.; Heinlaan, M.; Kurvet, I.; Kahru, A. (2008). High throughput kinetic Vibrio fischeri bioluminescence inhibition assay for study of toxic effects of nanoparticles . Toxicology in Vitro, 22(5), 1412 - 1417.( doi: 10.1016/j.tiv.2008.02.011)

Heinlaan, Margit; Ivask, Angela; Blinova, Irina; Dubourguier, Henri-Charles; Kahru, Anne (2008). Toxicity of nanosized and bulk ZnO, CuO and TiO2 to bacteria Vibrio fischeri and crustaceans Daphnia magna and Thamnocephalus platyurus. Chemosphere, 71(7), 1308 - 1316.( doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2007.11.047)

Heinlaan, M.; Kahru, A.; Kasemets, K.; Kurvet, I.; Waterlot, C.; Sepp, K.; Dubourguier, H.C.; Douay, F. (2007). Rapid screening for soil ecotoxicity with a battery of luminescent bacteria tests. ATLA-Alternatives to Laboratory Animals, 35(1), 101 - 110.

Anciens collaborateurs