Symposium 2016

Claire-Anne Siegrist, MD, PhD, Pr. Dr.
Head - Department of Paediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Geneva and Geneva University Hospitals
Head - Vaccinology and Immunology Unit, University Hospitals of Geneva, Switzerland

Claire-Anne Siegrist is Professor of Vaccinology at the Facutly of Medicine - University of Geneva, Switzerland, attending physician for pediatric infectious diseases, vaccinology and immunology at the University Hospitals of Geneva, Director of the Pediatric Department, Faculty of Medicine - University of Geneva and Head of the WHO collaborating Center for Vaccine Immunology. Professor Siegrist has dedicated her professional life to vaccinology since 1994. She serves as an expert on various national and international advisory committees.

She was the President of the Swiss Advisory Committee for Immunizations between 2004 and 2014 and is a member of the UK Joint Committee for Vaccination and Immunization and of the SAGE/WHO expert body since 2008.

She is the PI of the randomized clinical trial of VSV-ZEBOV, one of the candidate vaccines against Ebola, and is currently studying the signatures of its immunogenicity and safety through a European grant from the Innovative Medicine Initiative.

Her engagement for the promotion of evidence-based vaccinology is recognized worldwide.

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