
Grid view

  • Photo
    Dr Felipe Gomes Navec

    Presentation title: Molecular Epidemiology of the Ongoing Oropouche Virus Outbreak: Viral Evolution and Ecological Drivers

    Dr Felipe Gomes Navec

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    Dr Aitana Neves

    Presentation titel: The Centre for Pathogen Bioinformatics

    Dr Aitana Neves

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    Dr Amanda Rojek

    Presentation title: Treatment trials for Marburg virus

    Dr Amanda Rojek

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    Dr Arnaud L'Huillier

    Presentation Title: Clinical Primer : A fatal case of disseminated enterovirus infection

    Dr Arnaud L'Huillier

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    Dr Cornelius Roemer

    Presentation title: Pathoplexus: an open-source database for sharing viral pathogen genomic data

    Dr Cornelius Roemer

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    Dr Emma Hodcroft

    Presentation title: Enteroviruses evolution and diversity

    Dr Emma Hodcroft

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    Dr Eric Seruyange

    Presentation title: Marburg outbreak Rwanda

    Dr Eric Seruyange

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    Dr Eva Veronesi

    Presentation title: Mosquito surveillance and vector competence in Switzerland

    Dr Eva Veronesi

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    Dr Frédérique Jacquerioz

    Presentation title: Clinical Primer : update on Marburg outbreaks

    Dr Frédérique Jacquerioz

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    Dr Jackob Cramer

    Presentation titel: Lessons learned on Evidence Generation from Small Outbreaks

    Dr Jackob Cramer

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    Dr Jerome Sing

    Presentation title : Emerging viruses & vaccination in times of humanitarian crisi

    Dr Jerome Sing

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    Dr Joris Vandeputte

    Presentation title: Animal Vaccination and One Health Approach

    Dr Joris Vandeputte

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    Dr Julia Lechmann

    Presentation title: The Swiss national program for the surveillance of swine influenza A viruses in pigs and humans

    Dr Julia Lechmann

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    Dr Kari Johansen

    Presentation title: Mpox vaccines from research to public health use

    Dr Kari Johansen

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    Dr Kilian Schober

    Presentation title:    Adaptive immune responses are larger and functionally preserved in a COVID-19 hypervaccinated individual

    Dr Kilian Schober

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    Dr Maria Van Kerkhove

    Presentation title: The current landscape of emerging viruses: WHO’s perspective

    Dr Maria Van Kerkhove

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    Dr Marie-Céline Zanella

    Presentation title: Epidemiological surveillance of acute respiratory viral infections at Geneva University Hospitals: Insights and Innovations

    Dr Marie-Céline Zanella

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    Dr Melanie Saville

    Presentation title: The current landscape of new vaccines and vaccine innovation

    Dr Melanie Saville

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    Dr Pamela Bjorkman

    Presentation title: Towards a pan-sarbecovirus vaccine to protect against SARS-CoV-2 variants and animal sarbecoviruses without updating

    Dr Pamela Bjorkman

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    Dr Pauline Vetter

    Presentation title: Clinical primer Arboviruses – in Europa and on a global scale

    Dr Pauline Vetter

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    Dr Peter Strebel

    Presentation title: Measles eradication, challenges and perspectives

    Dr Peter Strebel

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    Dr Rebecca Grant

    Presentation title: Epidemiological surveillance of acute respiratory viral infections at Geneva University Hospitals: Insights and Innovations

    Dr Rebecca Grant

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    Dr Stefano Musumeci

    Presentation title : Clinical primer : A case of mpox reinfection 

    Dr Stefano Musumeci

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    Pr Alexandra Calmy

    Presentation title: MPX Clinical Trials: Unraveling a Complex Journey

    Pr Alexandra Calmy

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    Pr Anna Durbin

    Presentation title: Vaccines against Arboviruses

    Pr Anna Durbin

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    Pr Christian Althaus

    Presentation title: The Swiss Network for Infectious Diseases Dynamics (SNIDDY)

    Pr Christian Althaus

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    Pr Emily Gurley

    Presentation title: Prospects and approaches for hunting viral spillovers: Nipah virus in Bangladesh as a case study

    Pr Emily Gurley

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    Pr Heli Harvala

    Presentation title: Enteroviruses - harmless fellow passengers or next disease X?

    Pr Heli Harvala

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    Pr Justin Thomas Lessler

    Presentation title: There will be no warning for the next pandemic

    Pr Justin Thomas Lessler

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    Pr Kanta Subbarao

    Presentation title: Influenza Vaccines: Progress and Challenges

    Pr Kanta Subbarao

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    Pr Laurent Kaiser

    Presentation title: Mpox : the return of Smallpox ?

    Pr Laurent Kaiser

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    Pr Prof. Marion Koopmans

    Presentation title: Preparing for arboviruses in a changing delta

    Pr Prof. Marion Koopmans

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    Pr Martin Beer

    Presentation title: One Health/Influenza

    Pr Martin Beer

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    Pr Marylyn M. AddoNom

    Presentation title: Dissecting human immunity to a MERS vaccine candidate

    Pr Marylyn M. AddoNom

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    Pr Parham Sendi

    Presentation title: Pandemic preparedness in Switzerland

    Pr Parham Sendi

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    Dr Placide Mbala

    Presentation title: Emergence of Mpox in the Post-Smallpox Era

    Dr Placide Mbala

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    Pr Robbert Van der Most

    Presentation title: How innate immunity drives influenza-vaccine induced responses: implications for mRNA-based and H5-targeted vaccines.

    Pr Robbert Van der Most

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    Pr Ronald Dijkman

    Presentation title: Clinical primer Influenza viruses

    Pr Ronald Dijkman

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    Pr Tulio de Oliveira

    Presentation title: Viral Evolution and Scientific Leadership in the Global South

    Pr Tulio de Oliveira

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    Pr Xavier de Lamballerie

    Presentation title: Autochthonous arbovirus outbreaks in France

    Pr Xavier de Lamballerie

List view

  • Gomes Navec Felipe

    Presentation title: Molecular Epidemiology of the Ongoing Oropouche Virus Outbreak: Viral Evolution and Ecological Drivers

  • Neves Aitana

    Presentation titel: The Centre for Pathogen Bioinformatics

  • Rojek Amanda

    Presentation title: Treatment trials for Marburg virus

  • L'Huillier Arnaud

    Presentation Title: Clinical Primer : A fatal case of disseminated enterovirus infection

  • Roemer Cornelius

    Presentation title: Pathoplexus: an open-source database for sharing viral pathogen genomic data

  • Hodcroft Emma

    Presentation title: Enteroviruses evolution and diversity

  • Seruyange Eric

    Presentation title: Marburg outbreak Rwanda

  • Veronesi Eva

    Presentation title: Mosquito surveillance and vector competence in Switzerland

  • Jacquerioz Frédérique

    Presentation title: Clinical Primer : update on Marburg outbreaks

  • Cramer Jackob

    Presentation titel: Lessons learned on Evidence Generation from Small Outbreaks

  • Sing Jerome

    Presentation title : Emerging viruses & vaccination in times of humanitarian crisi

  • Vandeputte Joris

    Presentation title: Animal Vaccination and One Health Approach

  • Lechmann Julia

    Presentation title: The Swiss national program for the surveillance of swine influenza A viruses in pigs and humans

  • Johansen Kari

    Presentation title: Mpox vaccines from research to public health use

  • Schober Kilian

    Presentation title:    Adaptive immune responses are larger and functionally preserved in a COVID-19 hypervaccinated individual

  • Van Kerkhove Maria

    Presentation title: The current landscape of emerging viruses: WHO’s perspective

  • Zanella Marie-Céline

    Presentation title: Epidemiological surveillance of acute respiratory viral infections at Geneva University Hospitals: Insights and Innovations

  • Saville Melanie

    Presentation title: The current landscape of new vaccines and vaccine innovation

  • Bjorkman Pamela

    Presentation title: Towards a pan-sarbecovirus vaccine to protect against SARS-CoV-2 variants and animal sarbecoviruses without updating

  • Vetter Pauline

    Presentation title: Clinical primer Arboviruses – in Europa and on a global scale

  • Strebel Peter

    Presentation title: Measles eradication, challenges and perspectives

  • Grant Rebecca

    Presentation title: Epidemiological surveillance of acute respiratory viral infections at Geneva University Hospitals: Insights and Innovations

  • Musumeci Stefano

    Presentation title : Clinical primer : A case of mpox reinfection 

  • Calmy Alexandra

    Presentation title: MPX Clinical Trials: Unraveling a Complex Journey

  • Durbin Anna

    Presentation title: Vaccines against Arboviruses

  • Althaus Christian

    Presentation title: The Swiss Network for Infectious Diseases Dynamics (SNIDDY)

  • Gurley Emily

    Presentation title: Prospects and approaches for hunting viral spillovers: Nipah virus in Bangladesh as a case study

  • Harvala Heli

    Presentation title: Enteroviruses - harmless fellow passengers or next disease X?

  • Lessler Justin Thomas

    Presentation title: There will be no warning for the next pandemic

  • Subbarao Kanta

    Presentation title: Influenza Vaccines: Progress and Challenges

  • Kaiser Laurent

    Presentation title: Mpox : the return of Smallpox ?

  • Koopmans Prof. Marion

    Presentation title: Preparing for arboviruses in a changing delta

  • Beer Martin

    Presentation title: One Health/Influenza

  • AddoNom Marylyn M.

    Presentation title: Dissecting human immunity to a MERS vaccine candidate

  • Sendi Parham

    Presentation title: Pandemic preparedness in Switzerland

  • Mbala Placide

    Presentation title: Emergence of Mpox in the Post-Smallpox Era

  • Van der Most Robbert

    Presentation title: How innate immunity drives influenza-vaccine induced responses: implications for mRNA-based and H5-targeted vaccines.

  • Dijkman Ronald

    Presentation title: Clinical primer Influenza viruses

  • de Oliveira Tulio

    Presentation title: Viral Evolution and Scientific Leadership in the Global South

  • de Lamballerie Xavier

    Presentation title: Autochthonous arbovirus outbreaks in France

  • Pas de résultats