
Pr Anna Durbin, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (JHSPH), USA

Pr Anna Durbin

Presentation title: Vaccines against Arboviruses

Anna Durbin is currently Professor of International Health and Director of the Center for Immunization Research at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (JHSPH).  

She has been the Principal Investigator for more than 35 flavivirus vaccine clinical trials. Her research interest involves the human responses to live attenuated vaccines and subunit protein vaccines, with a primary focus on the flavivirus vaccines, particularly those for dengue. West Nile virus, and Zika virus.  

Her group conducted the pivotal clinical trials of live attenunated dengue vaccines developed at the US NIH leading to the tetravalent formulation that recently completed Phase 3 clinical trial in Brazil. She and her group have developed two dengue controlled human infection models (D-CHIM) and two Zika virus CHIMs to down-select candidate vaccines and characterize the human immune response to dengue & Zika viruses. She is utilizing D-CHIM studies to evaluate novel dengue antivirals as prophylaxis and treatment for dengue. 
