
Dr Frédérique Jacquerioz, University Hospital of Geneva, Switzerland

Dr Frédérique Jacquerioz

Presentation title: Clinical Primer : update on Marburg outbreaks

Dr Frédérique Jacquerioz is a general internist (IFSM 2001) specialising in tropical and travel medicine (IFSM 2015) with a diploma in tropical medicine from the London School of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene (2002). She trained in epidemiology and public health at Tulane University's School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine (SPHTM) in the United States, obtaining a master's degree in public health (2005). She currently works as the medical officer responsible for communicable diseases in the Department of Primary Care Medicine at Geneva University Hospitals, with a joint position at the Centre for Emerging Viral Diseases, and runs the Covid-19 and monkeypox outpatient screening and vaccination centres. Dr F. Jacquerioz previously held the position of Assistant Professor of Public Health at the Tulane SPHTM (2003-2011) and Visiting Professor at the Alexander von Humbolt Institute of Tropical Medicine in Peru (2011-2015). During the Ebola epidemic in West Africa from 2014 to 2016, she was deployed as a WHO consultant to Guinea, Sierra Leone, and Liberia, as well as bordering countries contributing to the training of hundreds of health professionals and the development of clinical guidelines and training materials for the management of viral haemorrhagic fevers.

She is currently a member of WHO working groups on Covid-19 and Monkeypox, and a member of the committee of the Swiss Society of Tropical and Travel Medicine. Her research focuses on the prevention, epidemiology and management of communicable diseases in the ambulatory population.

ORCID: 0000-0002-6957-0920 
