
Pr Alexandra Calmy, MD, PhD, University Hospitals of Geneva, Switzerland

Pr Alexandra Calmy

Presentation title: MPX Clinical Trials: Unraveling a Complex Journey

Dr. Alexandra Calmy is a Full Professor in the Department of Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Geneva, and serves as Head of the HIV Unit in the Infectious Diseases Division at Geneva University Hospitals (HUG). She is also the Director of the Clinical Research Center at HUG and the University of Geneva and has been Vice-Dean for Clinical Research at the Faculty of Medicine since 2023. 

After earning her medical degree in Geneva, Dr. Calmy specialized in internal medicine and infectious diseases. She furthered her expertise with a PhD in clinical research focused on HIV/AIDS, obtained in 2009 in Sydney, Australia. Her research is dedicated to therapeutic strategies for HIV and has recently expanded to include antiviral treatments for COVID-19 and MPOX. 

Dr. Calmy actively contributes to the scientific advisory board of the Swiss HIV Cohort Study (SHCS) and co-chairs the European AIDS Clinical Society (EACS) guidelines for antiretroviral therapy. She chairs the research protocol evaluation team of the French National Agency for Research on AIDS, Hepatitis, and Emerging Viruses (ANRS-MIE) and has led WHO working groups on HIV management since 2010. 

Globally acknowledged for her expertise, she has led pivotal clinical trials and served as a member of the Swiss Federal Task Force on COVID-19 from 2020 to 2022, followed by her role on the Science Advisory Panel. 

Appointed Full Professor in 2021, Dr. Calmy remains dedicated to advancing research, improving clinical care, and contributing to public health policy in the field of infectious diseases. 
