Articulate face-to-face, distance and blended learning

Improving interactivity

Fostering interactivity in a university course is a real challenge, especially in a distance or blended learning context where contact with students is not as direct as in a face-to-face setting.

Despite the distance, e-learning tools and the process of pedagogical scripting can help you to move from a “traditional” lecture in which students are passive recipients of knowledge to an "interactive" lecture in which your students become actors and actresses of the course through active participation. In particular, this will allow you to generate interest in your discipline, keep your students' attention and motivate them to learn regularly (as opposed to a simple intensive pre-examination cram session).

How do you set up these interactive lectures ? Generally speaking, we advise you to significantly reduce the amount of content you present, this is an opportunity to rethink your course and to use the “flipped classroom” approach (concepts presented before the sessions). Thanks to the time saved by using this method, you will be able to integrate pedagogical activities in parallel to your presentations of "classic" theoretical content, in order to mobilize your students on a particular theme. Such activities are more or less complex and time-consuming and can be adapted to your pedagogical objectives.   

Examples of e-learning platforms and applications to...

Mentimeter & Wooclap: Web applications allowing to choose among a wide range of questions (multiple choice, word cloud, visual questions...) [limited free version].

Votamatic: Web application to create surveys (multiple choice, true/false).

Pingo: Web application to create polls (multiple choice, true/false) but also to ask open-ended questions and to organize the answers in the form of clouds of keywords.

Padlet: A collaborative platform for sharing and structuring different types of multimedia content. Fill the form on Digital Workplace to use the UNIGE site license.

Beekee: Social network type platform that allows you to follow your students' learning from a constructivist knowledge perspective by encouraging interaction.

Speak-Up: Platform allowing students to ask questions anonymously. Possibility to remove anonymity with integration on Moodle.

Smart Notebook: Presentation software pre-installed in many UNIGE auditoriums and seminar rooms that can be used as an interactive platform. Wide range of features and educational activities. Download basic version for installation on a workstation.