Articulate face-to-face, distance and blended learning
The Zoom videoconferencing system allows you to give or follow a live online course, moderate webinars and organize collaborative activities. The Zoom UNIGE platform can be accessed at, using an ISIs login. During the first connection, click on "Sign-In" to configure your account (see tutorial 0: connecting to Zoom with a UNIGE ISIs account (in French), as well as the other tutorials available via the weblinks below).
Functionalities such as "large meeting" and "webinar" for teaching live to a large number of students (more than 300) are available upon request for instructors, please contact technical support on Digital Workplace.
Zoom can also be used by instructors to record their classes or video clips that they can share with students (with tools such as PowerPoint sharing, whiteboard, local or cloud recording, etc.).
The use of the Zoom service involves the collection and processing of personal data by Zoom. Zoom's personal data policy is available here. See also the tutorial detailing best practices in terms of security and confidentiality on Zoom.
View tutorials provided by UNIGE (in French)
Connecting to Zoom with a UNIGE ISIs account
To create your Zoom UNIGE account, you will need to have your ISiS credentials. If however you do not have an ISiS account but are eligible to have access to a Zoom UNIGE account (ex: speaker in a UNIGE training course, employee of one of the UNIGE-IHEID joint centers, etc.), please contact technical support. A link will then be sent to you and you will be able to create your account using your personal email address and a password that you will create.
Tutorial: Connecting to Zoom with a UNIGE ISIs account (in French)
Scheduling a Meeting or class on Zoom
Please note, if you have not yet created your Zoom UNIGE account, your meeting will be limited to 40 min (free public account). In this case, please follow the steps in the previous tutorial “log into Zoom with a UNIGE ISIs account”.
Tutorial: Scheduling a Meeting
Scheduling a Meeting or class on Zoom from a tablet or mobile device
Tutorial: Organiser une réunion / un séminaire / un cours sur iPad (in French)
Tutorial: Scheduling a Meeting
Joining a Meeting or class on Zoom
Warning: Before joining a meeting, make sure you have a working microphone and speakers (or headphones). In addition, please note that by default, your microphone will often be muted when you arrive in the meeting, so be sure to turn it on before speaking..
Recording a Meeting or class on Zoom
Warning: Make sure to inform your participants at the start of the meeting / course that they will be recorded. In some cases recording is not desired/allowed. This tutorial shows you how to turn off recording.
Tutorial: Recording management
Moderate a Meeting or class on Zoom
This tutorial introduces you to some of the tools that help you moderate a meeting / course on Zoom (e.g. sharing your screen, using the whiteboard, creating breakout-out rooms, using the chat).
The use of some of these tools to moderate meetings/classes on Zoom is further detailed in subsequent tutorials.
Tutorial: Sharing your screen in a Meeting
Also see Meeting and Webinar Best Practices
Running a Poll on Zoom
It is possible to create and launch a survey spontaneously during a course / meeting. However, this can take a little time, so it is strongly recommended to configure your poll (s) before your course / meeting.
Tutorial: Polling for Meetings
Changing your username in a Zoom Meeting
This can be useful if you do not want your full name to appear (ex: if you wish for the identifiy of participants to remain relatively confidential, or if you organize a “simulation / role play” educational activity with your students / participants).
Tutorial: Managing participants in a meeting
Using “break-out rooms” for collaborative activities on Zoom
This function is particularly relevant when you want to integrate an interactive and collaborative dimension into your class or meeting. We recommend that you plan this activity and structure the sub-groups before your class / meeting and that you brief the participants about the activity beforehand. You have the possibility of assigning each participant to a subgroup in a “randomized” manner, which can be done relatively quickly. However, if your pedagogical scenario requires a very precise composition of the groups, it may take you a little time to compose each sub-group. Therefore, depending on the size of the group, it is advisable to configure the sub-groups when setting up the meeting (before the course), OR to be assisted by someone (e.g. coordinator, teaching assistant) who will compose the sub-groups while you present the activity and its objectives. As a facilitator of the Zoom meeting, you will be able to move virtually within each of sub-group, be called their members, as well as ending the activity in order to bring the group together back to the main Zoom room.
Tutorial: Managing breakout rooms
Good practices when interacting on Zoom
If several studies have shown that the use of video is not always necessary (or that it can even be counterproductive) during small work-related meetings on Zoom, this principle is not always transposed as such in online teaching. In fact, non-verbal contact with the students allows the instructor to adapt the pace of his/her class, provide additional information or offer an interactive activity in order to energize a group. During a synchronous class on Zoom, it is crucial to define the rules for speaking and interacting with students. We recommend that you establish these at the start of the course / module and possibly put them in writing (e.g. in a student guide).
Tutorial: Meeting and Webinar Best Practices
Scheduling and using “Webinar” on Zoom
The “Webinar” tool and the “large meeting” option allow you to teach live to a large number of students (more than 300). These functions are available on request for teachers (contact technical support). This tutorial explains how to schedule and manage a Webinar.
The use of "webinar" vs "meeting" for teaching in Zoom depends on the intended pedagogy as much as the size of the group. In "webinar", interaction with students is mainly done via the Q&A tool (you can then select those questions that you wish to address, or have someone compile them for you), while in "meeting", students can potentially all speak (and interrupt), communicate by chat, activate their video, etc. For a large group of participants, webinar is more adequate and manageable for the instructor, but he / she will not see the students and interactions will be limited.
Tutorial: Getting Started with Webinar
Setting up a virtual background for your Zoom meetings
How to set up an image / background that appears behind you when you teach or participate in a meeting on Zoom.
Understanding & Managing security and privacy issues on zoom
Understanding the questions and good practices related to the use of personal data and confidentiality on Zoom, as well as how to increase security when scheduling and running a course / meeting on Zoom.
Tutorial: Understanding & managing security and privacy issues
Using Zoom in a Live-Streaming Hybrid-Flexible (HyFlex) setting
Tutorial: Utiliser Zoom dans un contexte d’enseignement mixte en Live-Streaming / Co-Modal
Zoom for exams
Tutorial: Zoom for Exams – Scheduling & organizing oral exams with Zoom
Securing your zoom meetings
Zoom meetings may be subject to attacks or disruptions caused by unwanted users. To limit the risks of these phenomena (also known as Zoombing), please apply the parameters indicated in these tutorials.