Members and Partners


Carla Bagnoli is Professor of Theoretical Philosophy at the Department of Linguistic Studies and Cultures of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, where she is responsible for the Lab-Applied Ontology, member of the DH-More and CRID. She specializes in the theory of rational agency and practical rationality, meta-ethics, moral and social epistemology, with a particular interest in issues of normativity, responsibility, objectivity, and the role of emotions in practical reasoning and agency.  She has held visiting fellowships at the universities of Harvard, Amsterdam, Paris Panthéon-Sorbonne, ENS Lyon, Oxford, and Oslo. Her articles appear in Oxford Studies in Agency and Responsibility, Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, Synthese, Theoria, Philosophia, and Canadian JP. She edited Morality and the Emotions (Oxford UP 2011), and Constructivism in Ethics (Cambridge UP 2013). Her most recent book is Teoria della Responsabilità (Il Mulino 2019). More information.






Maria Paola Ferretti is interim Professor of Political Theory and Philosophy at the Goethe University of Frankfurt on Main, where she is also a fellow of the Research Centre “Normative Orders”. She specializes in political philosophy, with a particular interest in the ethics of public policies, theories of justice,   theories of public justification, political corruption and risk governance. She has published articles in such journals as Social Philosophy & Policy, Journal of Applied Philosophy, Philosophy Compass, Philosophy Politics and Economics. She is the author of The Public Perspective. Public Justification and the Ethics of Beliefs (Rowman and Littlefield) and with E. Ceva of Political Corruption. The Internal Enemy of Public Institutions (Oxford University Press).




Sandra Lavenex is Professor of European and International Politics at the Department of Political Science and International Relations of the University of Geneva, where she is also a member of the Global Studies Institute. Sandra Lavenex is also a visiting professor at the College of Europe. Her research focuses on international governance and institutions, with a focus on migration policies at the nexus with human rights, development, trade and security policies; differentiated (external) integration in the European Union and the reverberation of EU rules on third countries; and the conceptualization and measurement of democratic governance in the international realm. Her work has appeared in journals such as Global Governance, the Journal of Common Market Studies, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Journal of European Public Policy, Regulation and Governance or West European Politics. Her latest book is  EU Democracy Promotion by Functional Cooperation: The European Union and Its Neighbourhood, London: Palgrave  (co-authored with Frank Schimmelfennig, Tina Freyburg, Tatiana Skripka and Anne Wetzel). More information.




Juha Räikkä is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Turku, Finland. He is also the Research Vice Dean of the Faculty of the Social Sciences and the Head of the doctoral program of the Faculty. Räikkä has been interested in issues such as autonomy, privacy, self-deception, conspiracy theories, equality, national self-determination, minority rights, and the feasibility of political theories. He has published in journals such as The Monist, Australasian Journal of Philosophy, The Journal of Political Philosophy, Synthese, Res Publica, Metaphilosophy, Theoria, Ratio, Philosophia, Argumentation, Bioethics, The Journal of Value Inquiry, Neuroethics, and The Journal of Social Philosophy.









Fabrice Teroni is Associate Professor in philosophy at the University of Geneva and project leader at CISA, the Swiss Centre for Affective Sciences. He works in the philosophy of mind and epistemology. His background is in the philosophy of memory, of perception and of affective states. He has published several articles and monographs on the general theory of emotions (The Emotions: A Philosophical Introduction, Routledge), on shame (In Defense of Shame: The Faces of an Emotion, Oxford) and on memory. He is also interested in the nature of emotions elicited by fiction, in the involvement of the self in emotions as well as in the phenomenology and epistemology of memory. More information








Frédéric Varone is full professor of political science at the University of Geneva (Switzerland). He was a member of the Research Committee of the Swiss National Science Foundation and is an elected member of the Geneva Court of Auditors. His current research interests include comparative public policy, program evaluation, public sector reforms, interest groups and political elites. He has published articles in major journals of political science (e.g. American Journal of Political Science, Comparative Political Studies, West European Politics, European Journal of Political Research), policy analysis (Governance, Journal of European Public Policy, Journal of Public Policy) and public administration (Public Administration Review, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, Public Administration). More information