Integration and Implementation Insights : a weblog for researchers
Integration and Implementation Insights (also known as i2Insights) is a community weblog for researchers who are interested in sharing concepts and methods for understanding and acting on complex societal and environmental problems (problems like refugee crises, global climate change, and inequality).
The blog is run by the Integration and Implementation Sciences (i2S) team at The Australian National University. The blog complements the i2S resources repository, which provides a range of tools for tackling complex societal and environmental problems, as well as other useful information, including journals and professional associations, where resources and like-minded colleagues can be located.
Read the current post, "Scaffolding transdisciplinary contributions" by Roderick Lawrence, Honorary Professor in the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Geneva. Scaffolding is a metaphor transferred from building construction and used in pedagogy and teaching methods. This metaphor has also been applied to multi-stakeholder processes that require collective decision making about complex societal challenges.
Actualités 2020