Indian Himalayas Climate Adaptation Programme IHCAP
Indian Himalayas
The Indian Himalayan Region (IHR), with geographical coverage of over 5.3 lakh kilometre square, extends over 2,500 kilometres in length between the Indus and the Brahmaputra river systems.
The IHR physiographically, starting from the foothills in the south (Siwaliks), extends up to Tibetan plateau in the north (Trans-Himalaya). Three major geographical entities, the Himadri (Greater Himalaya), Himanchal (Lesser Himalaya) and the Siwaliks (Outer Himalaya), extending almost uninterrupted throughout its length, are separated by major geological fault lines.
The region is responsible for providing water to a large part of the Indian subcontinent.Many rivers considered holy like the Ganga and Yamuna flow from the Himalayas.
The importance attached to Himalayas by India can be gauged from the fact that as a region it is the only one which has a mission dedicated to it, namely theNational Mission for Sustaining the Himalayan Ecosystem (NMSHE) as part of the National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC).... Read more
Indian Himalayas Climate Adaptation Programme
Indian Himalayas Climate Adaptation Programme (IHCAP) is a project under Global Programme Climate Change (GPCC) of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). In India it is anchored under the Framework of Science and Technology Agreement of November 2003 between the Swiss Federal Council and the Government of India and is being implemented as a bilateral cooperation programme with Department of Science & Technology.
The IHCAP builds on capacity and knowledge enhancement related to three pillars:
Scientific and technical knowledge cooperation between Indian and Swiss scientific institutions
Strengthening Institutions for adaptation measures among vulnerable communities
- Mainstreaming adaptation policies for improved action in the Indian Himalayan Region...... Read more