
Gregory Giuliani - Conferences

CV | Publications | Conferences

148. Giuliani G., Towards a national Land Cover mapping service using Data Cube & Machine Learning, EuroGEO Workshop, Bolzano, Italy, October 2, 2023 WWW

147. De Salvo P, Giuliani G., GEO Infrastructure moving forward, GEO Opean Data & Open Knowledge Workshop, Geneva, Switzerland, June 16, 2023 WWW

146. Giuliani G., From the Swiss Data Cube to Digital Earth Switzerland, GEO Opean Data & Open Knowledge Workshop, Geneva, Switzerland, June 15, 2023 WWW

145. Giuliani G., From the Swiss Data Cube to Digital Earth Switzerland, 4th International Society for Digital Earth Lectures, online, May 23, 2023 WWW

144. Giuliani G., The Swiss Data Cube: EO Open Science for Environmental Monitoring, Brazilian Remote Sensing Symposium, Florianoplois, Brazil, April 5, 2023 WWW

143. Giuliani G., The Swiss Data Cube:Satellite Analysis Ready Data for Switzerland, Transition Workshop, Geneva, Switzerland, March 30, 2022

142. Giuliani G., Towards Integrated Essential Variables for Environmental Sustainability, INPE seminar, National Institute for Space Research, Sao José Dos Campos, Brazil, March 30, 2023

141. Giuliani G., The Swiss Data Cube: Past, Present, and Future, INPE seminar, National Institute for Space Research, Sao José Dos Campos, Brazil, March 23, 2023

140. Giuliani G., The Swiss Data Cube: EO Open Science for Environmental Monitoring, GIS course seminar, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland, March 1, 2023

139. Giuliani G., The Swiss Data Cube: EO Open Science for Environmental Monitoring, Earth Observation Training in Science and Technolog, Space Research Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland, February 2, 2023

138. Giuliani G., The Swiss Data Cube: EO Open Science for Environmental Monitoring, EXCELSIOR H2020 project, ERATOSTHENES Centre of Excellenc , Cyprus, December 15, 2022

137. Giuliani G., The Swiss Data Cube:Satellite Analysis Ready Data for Switzerland, Federal Statistical Office Briefing, Neuchâtel, Switzerland, December 14, 2022

136. Giuliani G.,  Is the African Great Green Wall greening? Some positive signs from a 20-years’ time-series of satellite observations, INTECOL 2022, Geneva, Switzerland, August 29, 2022, WWW

135. Giuliani G., The Swiss Data Cube:Satellite Analysis Ready Data for Switzerland, Transition Workshop, Geneva, Switzerland, June 30, 2022 WWW

134. Giuliani G., The Swiss Data Cube:Satellite Analysis Ready Data for Switzerland, swisstopo Briefing, Bern, Switzerland, June 24, 2022

133. Giuliani G., Earth Observations Data Cube: EO Open Science for Environmental Monitoring, Sustainable Caucasus, online, June 8, 2022

132. Giuliani G., The Swiss Data Cube: EO Open Science for Environmental Monitoring, Earth Day, Space Research and Technology Institute , Sofia, Bulgaria, April 27, 2022

131. Giuliani G., Earth Observations Data Cube: EO Open Science for Environmental Monitoring, GIS course seminar, Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies, Bari, Italy, January 4, 2022

130. Giuliani G., EO Open Science for Environmental Monitoring, GIS course seminar, Politechnico di Milano, Milano, Italy, December 2, 2021

129. Giuliani G., EO Open Science for Environmental Monitoring, ITU Webinars - IoT for Interoperability of IoT and satellite data for Earth observation supporting sustainable development, Online, December 14, 2021, WWW

128, Giuliani G., Lacroix P., Essential Extractive Variables to support ASGM policy development and implementation, GEO Week 2021, Online, November 23, 2021, WWW

127. Giuliani G., Big Data satellitaire pour observer les changements environnementaux, Journée Romande de la Géoinformation, Lausanne, Switzerland, November 23, 2021 WWW

126. Giuliani G., The Swiss Data Cube: EO Open Science for Sustainable Development, Swiss Commission on Remote Sensing, Geneva, Switzerland, November 19, 2021 WWW 

125. Giuliani G., The Swiss Data Cube: EO Open Science for Environmental Monitoring, GRID-Geneva Science Day, Geneva, Switzerland, November 17, 2021 WWW

124. Giuliani G., The Swiss Data Cube: Earth Observations for Environmental Monitoring, Geneva Cryosphere Hub - COP26, Geneva, Switzerland, November 3, 2021 WWW

123. Giuliani G., Knowledge generation using satellite Earth Observations to support the SDGs: a use case on Land Degradation, UN World Data Forum, Bern, Switzerland, October 5, 2021 WWW

122. Giuliani G. The Swiss Data Cube: EO Open Science for Sustainable Development, 10th International Session of IFGR, Montreux, Switzerland, September 29, 2021 WWW

121.  Giuliani G., The Swiss Data Cube: Big EO Data for monitoring the SDGs, UNIGE's Data Science Day, Geneva, Switzerland, September 16, 2021 WWW

120. Giuliani G., Monitoring SDGs from Space, UNIGE's Data Science Day, Geneva, Switzerland, September 16, 2021 WWW

119. Giuliani G., The Swiss Data Cube - Towards a Digital Earth solution for Sustainable Development, International Forum on Big Data for Sustainable Development Goals, Beijing, China, September 8, 2021 WWW

118. Giuliani G., The Swiss Data Cube - Earth Observations Open Science for Sustainable Development, Digital Innovators seminar, Geneva, Switzerland, September 1, 2021 WWW

117. Giuliani G., Modelling Accessibility to Urban Green Areas Using Open Earth Observations Data, 12th International Symposium on Digital Earth, Salzburg, Austria, July 7, 2021 WWW

116. Rodila D., Giuliani G., The Swiss Data Cube: A Platform as a Service (PaaS) for Environmental Monitoring, Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing (PASC) Conference, July 5, 2021 WWW

115. Giuliani G., The Swiss Data Cube: EO Data Science for Sustainable Development, Swiss Conference onData Science, Luzern, Switzerland, June 8, 2021 WWW

114. Giuliani G., Swiss Data Cube - Observer les changements environnementaux par satellite, Forum SITG, May 20, 2021 WWW

113. Giuliani G., The Swiss Data Cube: Enhancing Earth Observations data interoperability with Analysis Ready Data, Data Science Seminar, March 11, 2021 WWW

112. Giuliani G.,  Large volumes of various types of data  and users: the Swiss Data Cube, RasterRevealed, January 15, 2021 WWW

111. Giuliani G., Towards Knowledge generation to support the SDGs: Assessing Land Degradation, ERA-PLANET Annual Meeting, December 4, 2020 WWW

110. Giuliani G., Big Data for Big Challenges: The Swiss Data Cube for Environmental Monitoring, GEOINFO 2020 - XXI Brazilian Symposium on Geoinformatics, Sao José do Campos, Brazil, December 2, 2020 WWW

109. Giuliani G., Le Swiss Data Cube : Big Data Satellitaires pour surveiller l'Environnement, Les Midis-MAP du Cartel, Université de Sherbrooke, Canada, November 25, 2020 WWW

108. Giuliani G., Earth Observations Data Cube (EODC): Big EO Data for Sustainable Development, GIS course seminar, Politechnico di Milano, Milano, Italy, November 24, 2020 WWW

107. Giuliani G., Swiss Data Cube - Observer les impacts des changements climatiques du Grand Genève par satellite, GE-EN-VIE Annual Meeting, Geneva, Switzerland, November 10, 2020 WWW

106. Giuliani G.,  The Swiss Data Cube - A Platform as a Service (PaaS) for Environmental Monitoring, E-Shape General Assembly, October 19, 2020 WWW

105. Giuliani G., Röösli C., Peduzzi P., Big Data for Big Challenges: The Swiss Data Cube for Environmental Monitoring, Conversations with Academia, Knowledge & Learning Commons at UN Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland, October 8, 2020 WWW

104. Giuliani G., Big Data for Big Challenges: The Swiss Data Cube for Environmental Monitoring, Transition Workshop 2020, Fondation Braillard, July 14, 2020 WWW

103. Giuliani G., Big Data for Big Challenges: The Swiss Data Cube for Environmental Monitoring, Sustainability Transitions: Design, Diplomacy and Data, Geneva Summer School, Geneva, Switzerland, June 30, 2020 WWW

102. Flahault A., Giuliani G., Impacts environnementaux et conséquences sanitaires, Confiné-es: pour le meilleur et pour le pire, Geneva, Switzerland, June 23, 2020 WWW

101. Giuliani G., The Swiss Data Cube - A Step Towards Digital Switzerland, GEO Virtual Symposium 2020, June 16, 2020 WWW

100. Giuliani G., Schaepman M., Big Data for Big Challenges: The Swiss Data Cube for Environmental Monitoring, World Economic Forum Annual Meeting, Davos, Switzerland, January 23, 2020

99. Giuliani G., Mazzetti P., Santoro M., Nativi S., van Bemmelen J., Colangeli G., Lehmann A.,From Data to Knowledge using the GEOSS platform to support Sustainable Development Goals, 11th International Symposium on Digital Earth, Florence, Italy, September 26, 2019 WWW

98. Giuliani G., Peduzzi P., Chatenoux B., Richard J.-P., Poussin C., Schaepman M., Small D., Steinmeier C., Psomas A., Ginzler C., The Swiss Data Cube: Earth Observations for monitoring Switzerland's environment in space and time, 11th International Symposium on Digital Earth, Florence, Italy, September 25, 2019 WWW

97. Giuliani G., The Swiss Data Cube - A Step Towards Digital Switzerland, ESA Phi Week, Frascati, Italy, September 12, 2019 WWW

96. Giuliani G., Swiss Data Cube: Big EO Data for Sustainable Development, World Conference of Science Journalists, Lausanne, Switzerland, July 4, 2019 WWW

95. Giuliani G., Guigoz Y., Insights on Essential Variables at national & regional scales, GEO-GNOME Workshop, Bern, Switzerland, June 24, 2019 WWW

94. Giuliani G., Mazzetti P., Nativi S., Santoro M., van Bemmelen J., Colangeli G., Lehmann A., Towards knowledge generation to support Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) using the GEOSS platform, ESA Living Planet Symposium, Milan, Italy, May 14, 2019 WWW

93. Giuliani G., Swiss Data Cube: Big Data Satellitaires pour surveiller l'Environnement, Forum SITG - Biodiversité numérique et territoire, Geneva, Switzerland, May 9, 2019 WWW

92. Giuliani G., Earth Observations Data Cube: Big EO Data for Sustainable Development, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe - Regional Conference on Environmental Data, Geneva, Switzerland, May 8, 2019

91. Giuliani G., Big Earth Observations Data for Environmental Monitoring, Data sciences: Challenges for our Society, Yerevan, Armenia, April 10, 2019 WWW

90. Giuliani G., Mazzetti P., Nativi S., Santoro M., van Bemmelen J., Colangeli G., Lehmann A., Towards Knowledge generation to support the SDGs: Assessing Land Degradation, European Commission, Brussels, Belgium, February 12, 2019

89. Giuliani G., Peduzzi P., Chatenoux B., Richard J.-P., Poussin C., Schaepman M., Small D., Steinmeier C., Psomas A., Ginzler C., The Swiss Data Cube: Big EO Data for Sustainable Development, EPFL LESO Lunchtime, Lausanne, Switzerland, December 14, 2018 WWW

88. Giuliani G., Peduzzi P., Chatenoux B., Richard J.-P., Poussin C., Schaepman M., Small D., Steinmeier C., Psomas A., Ginzler C., The Swiss Data Cube: Big EO Data for Sustainable Development, Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Bern, Switzerland, December 2, 2018 WWW

87. Giuliani G., Peduzzi P., Chatenoux B., Richard J.-P., Poussin C., Schaepman M., Small D., Steinmeier C., Psomas A., Ginzler C., Swiss Data Cube - A step towards Digital Switzerland, GEO Plenary XV, Kyoto, Japan, October 31, 2018 WWW

86. Giuliani G., Mazzetti P., Nativi S., Santoro M., van Bemmelen J., Colangeli G., Lehmann A., Towards Knowledge generation to support the SDGs: Assessing Land Degradation, GEO Plenary XV, Kyoto, Japan, November 1, 2018 WWW

85. Giuliani G., The GEOSS Yellow Pages and there resource registration, GEO Plenary XV, Kyoto, Japan, October 31, 2018 WWW

84. Giuliani G., Lacroix P., Chatenoux B., Lehmann A., Ambrosone M., Definition of candidate Essential Variables for the monitoring of mineral resources exploitation, GEO Plenary XV, Kyoto, Japan, October 30, 2018 WWW

83. Giuliani G., Guigoz Y., Giamberini M., Palazzi E., Poussin C., Chatenoux B., Snow Cover evolution using the Swiss Data Cube in Gran Paradiso, GEO Plenary XV, Kyoto, Japan, October 29, 2018 WWW

82. Giuliani G., Swiss Data Cube: Bringing EVs and SDG indicators into the GEOEssential Dashboard, EuroGEOSS Workshop, Geneva, Switzerland, September 13, 2018 WWW

81. Giuliani G., Swiss Data Cube, ECVs, and GEOEssential, EuroGEOSS Workshop, Geneva, Switzerland, September 13, 2018 WWW

80. Giuliani G., Swiss Data Cube: Big EO Data for Sustainable Development, EuroGEOSS Workshop, Geneva, Switzerland, September 12, 2018 WWW

79. Frau L., Rizvi S., Chatenoux B., Richard J.-P., Giuliani G., Snow Observations from Space: An approach to map snow cover from three decades of Landsat imagery across Switzerland, IGARSS, Valencia, Spain, July 27, 2018 WWW

78. Giuliani G., Chatenoux B., Honeck E., Richard J.-P., Towards Sentinel 2 Analysis Ready Data: A Swiss Data Cube Perspective, IGARSS, Valencia, Spain, July 27, 2018, WWW

77. Giuliani G., Essential Variables –insights to their development,GEO Cold Regions Initiative side-event at POLAR2018, Davos, Switzerland, June 19, 2018 WWW

76. Giuliani G., Peduzzi P., The Swiss Data Cube: Big Data for Sustainable Development, Showcase remote sensing of the environment, Federal Office for the Environment, Bern, Switzerland, May 16, 2018

75. Giuliani G., The Swiss Data Cube: Big Data for Sustainable Development, 3rd GEO Data Providers Workshop, Frascati, Italy, May 3, 2018 WWW

74. Giuliani G., ERA-Planet: GEOEssential, 3rd GEO Data Providers Workshop, Frascati, Italy, May 3, 2018 WWW

73. De Sherbinin A.., Maso J., Giuliani G., GEO Data Management Principles & the GEOSS Platform, 3rd GEO Data Providers Workshop, Frascati, Italy, May 2, 2018 WWW

72. Van Bemmelen J., De Salvo P., Nativi S., Giuliani G., Frazier R, Colangeli G., The GEOSS Platfrom Journey, 3rd GEO Data Providers Workshop, Frascati, Italy, May 2, 2018 WWW

71. Giuliani G., The Swiss Data Cube : Big EO Data for Sustainable Development, World Summit on the Information Society, Geneva, Switzerland, March 23, 2018. WWW

70. Giuliani G., The Swiss Data Cube : Earth Observations for monitoring the environment of Switzerland in space and time, GEO Plenary XIV, Washington DC, USA, October 24, 2017.

69. Giuliani G. (on behalf of Guigoz Y.), Spatial Data Infrastructure Pilot for the Caucasus, GEO Plenary XIV, Washington DC, USA, October 24, 2017.

68. Giuliani G., Monitoring Essential Climate and Biodiversity Variables, GEO Plenary XIV, Washington DC, USA, October 23, 2017.

67. Giuliani G., Leverage the EVs concept and implementation in the GCI: the GEOEssential project, GEO Plenary XIV, Washington DC, USA, October 23, 2017.

66. Giuliani G., GCI Registration: Yellow Page approach, GEO Plenary XIV, Washington DC, USA, October 23, 2017.

65. Giuliani G., GEOEssential WP7: GEOEssential Dashboard: From EVs to Policy Goals, ERA-Planet Kick Off Meeting, Rome, Italy, October 10, 2017 WWW

64. Giuliani G., Citizen sensing of solid waste disposals: crowdsourcing as tool supporting waste management in a developing country, 16th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, Santa Margherita di Pula, Italy, October 5, 2017 WWW 

63. Giuliani G., UN Environment / GRID-Geneva environmental monitoring activities, Briefing to University of Geneva - Geneva Summer School on Global Environment, Energy and Risk, Geneva, Switzerland, June 27, 2017 WWW

62. Giuliani G., The Swiss Data Cube : Earth Observations for monitoring the environment of Switzerland in space and time, Journée des Laboratoires SIG de Suisse Romande, Martigny, Switzerland, June 22, 2017 WWW

61. Giuliani G., The Swiss Data Cube : Earth Observations for monitoring the environment of Switzerland in space and time, Journée de la recherche ISE, Geneva, Switzerland, June 1, 2017 WWW

60. Colangeli G., Giuliani G., What if metadata.., 2nd GEO Data Providers Workshop, Florence, Italy, April 20, 2017 WWW

59. Giuliani G., Peduzzi P., Monitoring Essential Climate and Biodiversity Variables, 2nd GEO Data Providers Workshop, Florence, Italy, April 20, 2017 WWW

58. Giuliani G., Nativi S., Santoro M., De Salvo P., Ochiai O., Frazier R., GCI Registration: Yellow Page approach, 2nd GEO Data Providers Workshop, Florence, Italy, April 20, 2017 WWW

57. Lehmann A., Giuliani G., UNIGE EnviroSPACE presentation, 1st Forum on Water-Energy-Food Nexus, WMO, Geneva, Switzerland, January 25, 2017

56. Giuliani G., From Climate data to Climate knowledge: how to share and integrate climate data & information, UNECE Expert Forum for producers and users of climate change-related statistics, Geneva, Switzerland, October 5, 2016 WWW

55. Giuliani G., Ray N. Lehmann A., Data4SDGs: challenges and opportunities, Journée Environnement de l'ISE, Geneva, Switzerland, September 13, 2016 WWW

54. Giuliani G., Le partage de données environnementales, 5ème édition de l'école Géomatique du GDR MAGIS, Saint-Paul-en-Jarez, France, June 2, 2016 WWW

53. Giuliani G. & Lehmann A., Data Sharing for Natural Capital. Natural Capital Symposium - Learning Exchange session, Stanford University, California, USA, March 22, 2016 WWW

52. Giuliani G., Lehmann A., Ray N., University of Geneva GEOSS activities, Nationale GEO/GEOSS Koordinationssitzung, Federal Office for the Environment, Bern, Switzerland, March 1, 2016

51. Giuliani G., Automated Data Processing: on the way toward Big Data. GRID Science Day & 30th Anniversary, Geneva, Switzerland, September 3, 2015

50. Giuliani G., Lacroix P., Guigoz Y., Ray N., Bringing GEOSS services into practice, LocalSats/IASON/EOPOWER joint event, Thessaloniki, Greece, April 23, 2015

49. Giuliani G., Trakas A., Location, Interoperability and Open Standards - Input from the OGC, Third meeting of the Task Force on Access to Information under the Aarhus Convention, Geneva, Switzerland, December 5, 2014 WWW

48. Giuliani G., Ray N., Lehmann A., The enviroSPACE research group, Italian-Swiss committee on Geomatics, Como, Italy, October 30, 2014

47. Giuliani G., Le partage de données environnementales, Programme de Renforcement des Capacités de l’Enseignement en Sciences de l’Environnement - Séminaire interdisciplinaire Communication environnementale en RDC : Enjeux et perspectives, Kinshasa, Republic Democratic of Congo, June 27, 2014

46. Ray N., Giuliani G., Activités SDI UNIGE/GRID, Journée sur les Systèmes d'Information Géographique (SIG) Romands, Geneva, Switzerland, June 17, 2014 WWW

45. Giuliani G., Guigoz Y., Managing and Sharing Environmental Data in Afromaison, Afromaison International Symposium: Tools for Integrated Natural Resources Management in Africa , Delft, The Netherlands, May 16, 2014 WWW

44. Giuliani G., Mlisa A., Ferreira H., GEO Capacity Building Side Event, GEO Work Plan Symposium, Geneva, Switzerland, May 1, 2014

43. Giuliani G., Mlisa A., Ferreira H., GEO Institutional and Individual Development, GEO Work Plan Symposium, Geneva, Switzerland, April 29, 2014

42. Giuliani G., Capacity building in GEO, FOEN/Hydrology - UNIGE meeting, Geneva, Switzerland, March 13, 2014

41. Giuliani G., EnviroGRIDS contributions to GEOSS, GEOSS Community Portal Working Group, Webex telecon., March 10, 2014

40. Giuliani G., Lacroix P., Guigoz Y., Ray N., Bringing GEOSS services into practice, GEO-X, Geneva, Switzerland, January 14, 2014 WWW

39. Giuliani G., What is UNEP-Live?, GEO-X, Geneva, Switzerland, January 13, 2014 WWW

38. Giuliani G., The connection with the GEO ID-02 task and other capacity building initiatives, GEO-X, Geneva, Switzerland, January 13, 2014 WWW

37. Giuliani G., Peduzzi P., The PREVIEW Global Risk Data Platform: a geoportal to serve and share global data on risk to natural hazards, GEO-X, Geneva, Switzerland, January 13, 2014 WWW

36. Giuliani G., Lacroix P., Bringing GEOSS services into practice, Sharing Geospatial Data Workshop, Bern, Switzerland, October 31, 2013 WWW

35. Gorgan D., Giuliani G., EnviroGRIDS project, Science and Information Conference, London, England, October 9, 2013 WWW

34. Lehmann A., Giuliani G., Challenges for data handling and exchange in major EU projects, ACQWA final conference, World Meteorological Organization (WMO) - Geneva, Switzerland, September 4, 2013 WWW

33. Giuliani G., EnviroGRIDS Black Sea Observation System and associated tools, ARPEGEO project Symposium on Environmental Data Sharing for the Benefit of the South Caucasus Region, Yerevan, Armenia, May 22, 2013 WWW

32. Giuliani G., Introduction on Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI) and Related Concepts, ARPEGEO project Symposium on Environmental Data Sharing for the Benefit of the South Caucasus Region, Yerevan, Armenia, May 22, 2013 WWW

31. Giuliani G., Sharing data practically: experience from the enviroGRIDS project, ARPEGEO project Symposium on Environmental Data Sharing for the Benefit of the South Caucasus Region, Yerevan, Armenia, May 21, 2013 WWW

30. Giuliani G., Sharing Environmental Data, EMOCLIP meeting, Belgrade, Serbia, May 7, 2013 WWW

29. Giuliani G., EnviroGRIDS grid-enabled SDI and contributions to GEOSS, EnviroGRIDS Final WPL meeting - GEO secretariat, Geneva, Switzerland, March 22, 2013

28. Giuliani G., The PreView Global Risk Data Platform: a geoportal to serve and share global data on risk to natural hazards, Ockham Academie visit to IHE, Geneva, Switzerland, March 13, 2013

27. Giuliani G., Open Source GIS and Data Sharing, UNOSAT and Uni.Copenhagen short course - Geoinformation in Disaster Situations, Geneva, Switzerland, March 12, 2013 WWW

26. Giuliani G., Guigoz Y., Uyttendaele T., D'Haeyer T., AfroMaison SDI and Broker, EU-Africa Cluster Projects meeting, Bruxelles, Belgium, December 20, 2012

25. Giuliani G., OWS4SWAT: publishing and sharing SWAT outputs with OGC standards, TIGERS Technology of Information for Geographic and Environment Research and Services, Geneva, Switzerland, November 13, 2012 WWW

24. Giuliani G. and the enviroGRIDS consortium, EnviroGRIDS Spatial Data Infrastructure: achievements and perspectives, International Black Sea Day, Batumi, Georgia, October 31, 2012 WWW

23. Giuliani G. and the enviroGRIDS consortium, Bringing GEOSS services into practice. GEOSS capacity building workshop, Batumi, Georgia, October 30, 2012 WWW

22. Giuliani G., Guigoz Y., Spatial Data Infrastructures in developing countries: Is Open Source a solution?, OGRS2012 Conference - Group discussion, Yverdon, Switzerland, October 25, 2012 WWW

21. Giuliani G., Guigoz Y., Introduction to QGIS and GRASS. OGRS2012 Conference - Workshop, Yverdon, Switzerland, October 24, 2012 WWW

20. Giuliani G., Sharing Environmental Data. UNEP Briefing to UCLA, Geneva, Switzerland, July 17, 2012

19. Giuliani G., Guigoz Y., Introduction to Open Source GIS with QGIS/GRASS. EMOCLIP Summer School, Geneva, Switzerland, July 3, 2012

18. Giuliani G., Ray N., Lehmann A., EnviroGRIDS: building capacities for GEOSS and INSPIRE. INSPIRE Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, June 23, 2012 WWW

17. Giuliani G. and the enviroGRIDS consortium, Bringing GEOSS services into practice - advanced: towards efficient data services and INSPIRE compliance. GEOSS capacity building workshop, Sofia, Bulgaria, April 18, 2012 WWW

16. Giuliani G., Guigoz Y., Ray N. , International standards for sharing geospatial data. Workshop on Environmental data sharing: adopting international standards to benefit the Armenian scientific community, Yerevan, Armenia, April 2, 2012 WWW

15. Giuliani G., Guigoz Y., Introduction to Open Source GIS, Afromaison capacity building workshop, Bahar Dar, Ethiopia, March 7, 2012

14. Giuliani G., DHayer T., Guigoz G. , Africa at Meso-Scale: Adaptative and Integrated Tools and Strategies on Natural Resources Management. EuroGEOSS conference, Madrid, Spain, January 27, 2012 WWW

13. Giuliani G., Ray N., Lehmann A. and the enviroGRIDS consortium, Bringing GEOSS services into practice. GEOSS capacity building workshop, Istanbul, Turkey, September 23, 2011

12. Giuliani G., Ray N., Lehmann A., System of Systems: towards a multi-disciplinary framework to access and process geospatial data, Journée sur les Systèmes d'Information Géographique (SIG) Romands, Fribourg, Switzerland, June 16, 2011

11. Giuliani G., The PREVIEW Global Risk Data Platform: a geoportal to serve and share global data on risk to natural hazards, WMO Lunchtime Forum, Geneva, Switzerland, June 9, 2011 WWW

10. Giuliani G. and the enviroGRIDS consortium, Bringing GEOSS services into practice. GEOSS capacity building workshop, Delft, The Netherlands, April 18, 2011 WWW

9. Giuliani G., The AfroMaison project. UNGIWG 11th plenary, Geneva, Switzerland, March 14, 2011 WWW

8. Giuliani G., Ray N., Lehmann A. , The enviroGRIDS project in the context of GEOSS. XI International User Conference of Geoinformation Systems and Remote Sensing, Tbilisi, Georgia, November 30, 2010

7. Giuliani G., Allenbach K., and the enviroGRIDS consortium, Bringing GEOSS services into practice. GEOSS capacity building workshop, Tbilisi, Georgia, November 29, 2010 WWW

6. Giuliani G., Ray N., Lehmann A., Modelling Global Changes Impacts on the Black Sea Catchment. 8th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Fribourg, Switzerland, November 20, 2010 PDF

5. Giuliani G., Ecosystem Vulnerability to Global Change: Vulnerability of Sea Basins. 15th GEO STC, Rome, Italy, September 28-29, 2010

4. Giuliani G., Charvat K., and the enviroGRIDS consortium, Bringing GEOSS services into practice. GEOSS capacity building workshop, Bucharest, Romania, May 3, 2010 WWW

3. Giuliani G., The PREVIEW Global Risk Data Platform. UNGIWG 10th plenary, Bonn, Germany, October 20, 2009

2. Giuliani G., La Plateforme PREVIEW. Journée du SITG, HEPIA-Genève, Switzerland, September 4, 2009

1. Giuliani G. and Peduzzi P., The PREVIEW Global Risk Data Platform, Second session of the Global Platform on Disaster Risk Reduction, Geneva, Switzerland, June 19, 2009