P. Lacroix
Address: enviroSPACE Lab., University of Geneva, Boulevard Carl Vogt 66, 1205 Geneva, Switzerland
Skype: pierrelacroix-univ-of-geneva
Dr. Pierre Lacroix is a senior lecturer working at University of Geneva in the enviroSPACE laboratory (Institute for Environmental Sciences). He is also Head of Unit at the UNEP/GRID-Geneva.
He has worked in the private and public sectors, in France and in Switzerland, and has participated in various research projects at different geographical scales, from local to international, and in different domains such as water resource management, humanitarian demining and transparency in the extractives sector. He has been work package leader in many international projects including H2020 ERA-PLANET (European network for observing our changing planet), manager of UNEP/GRID-Geneva MapX (Collecting, managing and transforming data on natural resources into impact: mapx.org) and leader of several working groups in UNEP World Environment Situation Room. He has been work package leader in FP7 IASON (iason-fp7.eu/). He has also participated in research projects including: FP7 EOPOWER (Earth Observation for Economic Empowerment); ClimVar (Integration of climate variability and change into national strategies for the implementation of the ICZM Protocol in the Mediterranean), GEF TWAP (Transboundary Waters Assessment Programme) and FP7 enviroGRIDS (Building Capacity for a Black Sea Catchment Observation and Assessment System supporting Sustainable Development).
He obtained in 2013 his PhD in Environmental Sciences at University of Geneva for his research on the contribution of geographical information systems to humanitarian demining. He is also Geographer Engineer (French “Institut Géographique National”) and Civil Engineer (French “Ecole des Mines”). He has been working in Geographic Information Systems since 2000.
His research interests are: environmental modelling and geoprocessing, interface between science and policy, Spatial Data Infrastructure.
He is teaching GIS, Spatial Data Infrastructure and Programming at University of Geneva since 2009. Between 2001 and 2008 he has trained about 1'500 people on Esri/ArcGIS products and has trained military personel in Cartography, Topography and Civics in France.