

CV I Publications I Conferences

Citations of my publications on Google Scholar


International peer reviewed publications

  1. Sy Z, Guigoz Y, Brun M, Tossou Boco T, Vodungbo V, Lawalé T, Soude T, Agbigbi Y and Ray N (2024) Optimization of the emergency obstetric and neonatal care network in Benin through expert-based sub-national prioritizations. Front. Glob. Womens Health 5:1265729. doi: 10.3389/fgwh.2024.1265729 [link]
  2. Astsatryan H., Grigoryan H., Abrahamyan R., Lalayan A.., Asmaryan S., Giuliani G., Guigoz Y. (2023) Scalable data processing and visualization service of Sentinel 5P for Earth Observations Data Cubes, Arabian Journal of Geosciences 16(618) [link]
  3. Astsatryan H., Grigoryan H., Abrahamyan R., Asmaryan S., Muradyan V., Tepanosyan G., Guigoz Y., Giuliani G. (2022) Shoreline delineation service: using an Earth Observation Data Cube and UAV technologies for coastal monitoring, Earth Science Informatics [link]
  4. Giuliani G, Petri E, Interwies E, Vysna V, Guigoz Y, Ray N & I Dickie. 2021. Modelling accessibility to urban green areas using Open Earth Observations Data: a novel approach to support the urban SDG in four European cities. Remote Sensing 13(3): 422. [link]
  5. Joseph NK, Macharia PM, Ouma PO, Mumo J, Jalang’o R, Wagacha PW, Achieng VO, Ndung’u E, et al. Spatial access inequities and childhood immunisation uptake in Kenya. BMC Public Health 2020;20(1407). [link]
  6. Thornton J.M., Palazzi E., Pepin N.C., Cristofanelli P., Essery R., Kotlarski S., Giuliani G., Guigoz Y., Kulonen A., Li X., Pritchard D., Fowler H.J., Randin C.F., Shahgedanova M., Steinbacher M., Zebisch M., Adler C., Towards a definition of Essential Mountain Climate Variables, OneEarth 4(6):805-827 [link]
  7. Astsatryan H., Grigoryan H., Poghosyan A., Abrahamyan R., Asmaryan S., Muradyan V., Tepanosyan G., Guigoz Y., Giuliani G., Air temperature forecasting using artificial neural network for Ararat valley, Submitted to Earth Science Informatics. [link]
  8. Poussin C., Guigoz Y., Palazzi E., Terzago S., Chatenoux B., Giuliani G. (2019) Snow Cover Evolution in the Gran Paradiso National Park, Italian Alps, Using the Earth Observation Data Cube, Data 4(4):138 [link]
  9. Asmaryan S., Muradyan, V., Tepanosyan G., Hovsepyan A., Saghatelyan A., Astsatryan H., Grigoryan H., Abrahamyan R., Guigoz G., Giuliani G. (2019) Paving the way towards an Armenian Data Cube, Data 4(3):117 [link]
  10. Lehmann A., Guigoz Y., Ray N., Mancuso E., Abbaspour K., Rouholahnejad E., Allenbach K., De Bono A.,  Fasel M., Gago-Silva A.,  Bär R., Lacroix P., Giuliani G. (2017) A web platform for landuse, climate, demography, hydrology and beach erosion in the Black Sea catchment. Nature - Scientific Data 4:170087 [link]
  11. Guigoz, Y, Lacroix P, Ray N, Lehmann A, Dao H, Lacayo M & Giuliani G, EGAL: a methodology for Environmental Geoportals Assessment and Label. Submitted to International Journal of Spatial Data Infrastructures Research.
  12. Desconnets JC, Giuliani G, Guigoz, Y, Lacroix P, Mlisa A, Noort M, Ray N & ND Searby. GEOCAB Portal: a gateway for discovering and accessing capacity building resources in Earth Observation. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 54:95-104 [link]
  13. Mazzetti P, Roncella R, Mihon D, Bacu V, Lacroix P, Guigoz Y, Ray N, Giuliani G, Gorgan D & S Nativi. Integration of data and computing infrastructures for Earth Science: an image mosaicking use-case. Earth Science Informatics, ():1-18. [link]
  14. Guigoz Y./Lacroix P., Rouholahnejad E., Ray N., Giuliani G., SCOPED-W: Scalable Online Platform for extracting Environmental Data and Water-related model outputs. Transactions in GIS, 21(4):748-763 [link]
  15. Giuliani G., Lacroix P., Guigoz Y., Roncella R., Bigagli L., Santoro M., Mazzetti P., Nativi S., Ray N., Lehmann A., Bringing GEOSS services into practice: a capacity building resource on spatial data infrastructures (SDI). Transactions in GIS 21(4):811-824 [link]
  16. Giuliani G., Guigoz Y., Lacroix P., Ray N., Lehmann A., (2016) Facilitating the production of ISO-compliant metadata of geospatial datasets. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 44:239-243. [link]
  17. Giuliani G., Papeschi F., Mlisa A., Lacroix P., Santoro M., Nonguierma A., Cools J., Guigoz Y., Enabling Discovery of African Geospatial Resources. Submitted to South-Eastern European Journal of Earth Observation and Geomatics 4:1-16. [link]
  18. Guigoz Y., Giuliani G., Nonguierma A., Lehmann A., Mlisa A., Ray N., Spatial Data Infrastructures in Africa: a gap analysis. Accepted in Journal of Environmental Informatics, 30(1):53-62 [link]
  19. Astsatryan H., Hayrapetyan A., Narsisian W., Asmaryan S., Saghatelyan A., Muradyan V., Guigoz Y., Giuliani G., Ray N. (2015) An Interoperable Cloud-based Scientific Gateway for NDVI Time Series Analysis. Computer Standards & Interfaces 41:79-84. [link]
  20. Asmaryan S., Saghatelyan A., Astsatryan H., Bigagli L., Mazzetti P., Nativi S., Guigoz Y., Lacroix P., Giuliani G., Ray N. (2014) Leading the way toward an environmental National Spatial Data Infrastructure in Armenia. South-Eastern European Earth Observation and Geomatics 3:52-62. [link]
  21. Astsatryan H., Hayrapetyan A., Narsisian W., Saribekyan A., Asmaryan S., Muradyan V., Guigoz Y., Giuliani G., Ray N. (2014) An Interoperable Web Portal for Parallel Geoprocessing of Satellite Image Indices. Earth Science Informatics 8(2): 453-460. [link]

Books or book chapters

  1. Shatberashvili N, Salukvadze J, Fouinat L, Mitrofanenko A, Guigoz Y, Mitrofanenko T. Chapter 24 - Scientific collaboration to address socio-ecological challenges of the Caucasus Mountain ecoregion. In: Schneiderbauer S, Pisa PF, Shroder JF, Szarzynski J, editors. Safeguarding Mountain Social-Ecological Systems: Elsevier; 2024. p. 163-7.[link]
  2. Guigoz Y., Lacroix P., Gelman A., Giuliani G. (2017) Bringing GEOSS services into practice for Beginners: GeoNode Tutorial. University of Geneva, UN Environment. 55 pages. Google Play Books and iTunes Store.
  3. Giuliani G., Lacroix P., Guigoz Y., Bigagli L., Ray N., Lehmann A. (2014). Bringing GEOSS Services into Practice. GIS Open Source Workshop Material. University of Geneva, United Nations Environment Programme, National Research Council of Italy, 189 pages. Available from Google Play Books and from iTunes Store

Other publications

  1. Carolina Adler, Elisa Palazzi, Aino Kulonen, Jörg Balsiger, Guido Colangeli, Douglas Cripe, Nathan Forsythe, Grace Goss-Durant, Yaniss Guigoz, Jürg Krauer, Davnah Payne, Nicholas Pepin, Manuel Peralvo, José Romero, Roger Sayre, Maria Shahgedanova, Rolf Weingartner, and Marc Zebisch (2018). Monitoring Mountains in a Changing World: New Horizons for the Global Network for Observations and Information on Mountain Environments (GEO-GNOME). Mountain Research and Development, 38 (3), 265-269 [link]
  2. Lacroix P., Guigoz Y. (2015). The Bringing GEOSS Services into Practice workshop: an Earth Observation Capacity Building resource for the Black Sea Area. Proceedings of the International Black Sea Day 2014
  3. Astsatryan H, Narsisian W, Ghazaryan V, Saribekyan A, Asmaryan Sh, Muradyan V, Guigoz Y, Giuliani G & N Ray. 2012. Toward the Development of an Integrated Spatial Data Infrastructure in Armenia. Proceedings ICT 2012 Conference, pp. 85-92 [link]
  4. Ebener, S., El Morjani, Z., Guigoz Y. (2004), ‘The Second Administrative Level Boundaries data set project (SALB): A working platform for improving data sharing ‘, Poster presented at the 18th International Conference Informatics for Environmental Protection, EnviroInfo. 2004 October 21 - 23, Geneva, Switzerland.
  5. Ebener S., Bray H. , Guigoz Y. & Chow A. (2003): The Second Administrative Level Boundaries data set project (SALB) Concepts, Progress and Future; 3rd International Symposium on Digital Earth, Brno, Czech Republic, September 21-25, 2003