Launch of Yggdrasil

We are pleased to announce the official launch of the new High Performance Computing (HPC) cluster from UNIGE, named "Yggdrasil". The UNIGE HPC family, initially made up of Baobab launched in 2013, is therefore growing, offering exciting prospects for research.
Yggdrasil was set up under the Digital Infrastructure and Services for Research Programme, financed since 2018 by the canton of Geneva. After a testing phase at the end of 2020, Yggdrasil has gradually been opened to the university community. Hosted in the Datacenter of the Astronomy Department of the Observatory of Sauverny, it is managed by the HPC team of the IT Division and was set up with the technical teams of the Astronomy Department and the Centre universitaire d'informatique (CUI).
A cluster is a powerful tool for performing calculations if your workstation is not sufficient or you need to perform many individual calculations. This is also particularly useful when you need to perform large calculations on many processors, for example in 3D simulations. It is also possible to use the cluster when using specific processors (GPUs) for Machine Learning or Artificial Intelligence, for example.
Practical information and access
- This solution can be used by students at the end of their Bachelor's, Master's and Doctorate degrees and by researchers at Geneva's universities (HES-SO).
- Yggdrasil has an impressive technical Curriculum Vitae with 4300 processors, 50 GPUs, up to 1.5TB RAM per calculation server, 1.2Po of dedicated storage.
For more details, please consult the technical documentation. - For more information, go to the e-Research website and to the service sheet (for an access request).
The HPC team is at your disposal for any information you may require.