Why Geneva?

Health and accident insurance

Health Insurance is mandatory in switzerland, even for short-term exchanges


If you are a resident of the European Union or an EFTA country, you have three options under Swiss law:

  1. If the department of social security in your country of origin has provided you with a European Health Insurance Card, you are exempt from obtaining health insurance under the terms of the bilateral agreements between Switzerland and the European Union (excluding Bulgaria and Romania). Furthermore, if your EHIC card is valid for the duration of your exchange, you do not need to take any further steps upon your arrival in Geneva. Please ensure that you keep your EHIC card with you throughout your stay.

    If a health problem or an accident should arise, you must send your medical or pharmaceutical bill to the “Institution Commune LAMal” in Solothurn, indicating your bank details in Switzerland (not abroad):

    Institution Commune LAMal
    Gibelinstrasse 25 - 4503 Soleure
    Tél. +41 32 625 30 30
    Fax +41 (0)32 625 30 90
    E-mail: info(at)kvg.org

    Important: you must pay the first CHF 92 of the medical bill for each month of treatment.

2. Your private insurance in your country of residence may cover you in Switzerland and comply with the basic Swiss insurance (LAMal). Ask your insurance company to complete and sign the Check form for the equivalent of Swiss health insurance

This form must be signed by your insurance company and sent to:

Service cantonal de l’assurance-maladie (SAM)

Route de Frontenex 62 - 1207 Genève

Without this, your insurance will not be recognised in Switzerland. The SAM is a service that is independent of and separate to UNIGE.


3. If neither of the above solutions is possible, you must purchase insurance in Switzerland. Link.


For more information

Service de l'Assurance Maladie

Route de Frontenex 62 - 1207 Genève

Tél. +41 22 327 65 30

Fax +41 22 327 65 00