Study abroad

International Week: 7 to 11 October 2024


The 3d International  Week will take place from 7 to 11 October 2024. Organised by the Academic Exchange Service, this event will feature a number of events and will provide information on exchange programmes, the registration procedure, the financial aid available, the courses and exams offered by the Maison des Langues and the opportunities for internationalisation while remaining in Geneva.

To answer academic questions, information sessions will be held  by the different faculties during the week or just before.

Future Outgoing students will also have the opportunity to obtain concrete information on certain destinations thanks to 5 sessions (previously known as "Paroles d'étudiants-es et d'expert-es") organised by geographical region, during which experts and students will give testimonials.
These sessions will also give our students the opportunity to talk to Incoming students representing partner universities.


Outgoing exchange procedure ¦ slides ¦ video

The aim of this session is to provide information on exchange programmes and the application procedure, as well as on the financial aid available, the courses and exams offered by the Maison des Langues and the health and psychological aspects.



Thursday 10 October

Outgoing exchange procedure
12h15 to 14h - Uni Mail, MR080


Internationalisation@home ¦ slides ¦ video

There are different ways to internationalise your studies while staying in Geneva; this session will be an opportunity to learn more about the UNIGE's Summer Schools, the language courses offered by the Maison des Langues, the online course possibilities offered by the LERU's Virtual Exchange programme and the possibility of rubbing shoulders with an international student population by taking part in the activities of the ESN student association



Tuesday 8 October

12h15 to 14h - Uni Mail, MR060



As part of International Week, several thematic workshops in French will be held alongside the various information sessions. Please note, places are limited

"Comment l'inconfort en mobilité permet l'agilité et la résilience"
Workshop led by Gaelle Augé-Freytag, student coach at the University of Geneva.
Tuesday, October 8, 4.15pm, Pavillon Mail, room PM16.
On registration

"Mobilité académique: enrichir ses compétences, élargir ses horizons"
Workshop led by Julia Pion da Rocha Paranhos, psychologist and career counsellor at the University of Geneva.
Thursday October 10, 4.15pm, Pavillon Mail, room PM16. 
On registration

In order to answer academic questions, the academic advisors of several faculties organise information sessions on mobility. Please consult the schedule below.





Friday 13 September GSEM (for master's degres)
More information

14h15, Uni Mail, MR280

Tuesday 19 September GSEM (for bachelor's degrees)
More information

12h15, Uni Mail, MR280

Monday 7 October LAW

12h15, Uni Mail, MR030

Monday 7 October GSI (for MA in area studies (MAEE, MAEAC, MAMO et MAFR)

8h15, Uni Mail MR060

Monday 7 October GSI (for the MscGH)

12h15, Uni Mali M1150

Wednesday 9 October FTI

12h15, Uni Mail, M2160

Thursday 10 October GSI (for the MAGS)

08h15, S.I.P, salle 3G1

Thursday 10 October SdS

16h15, Uni Mail, MS150

Thursday 10 October FPSE

16h15, Uni Mail, MS130

Friday 11 October GSI (for BARI - 2nd part)

10h15, Uni Mail, MR280

Thursday 17 October SdS (for the MIHDS)

17h15, Uni Mail, room to be confirmed

These sessions, organised by geographical region, offer the possibility to obtain concrete information on certain destinations thanks to the testimonies of students and experts. They will be followed by a convivial moment which will give the opportunity to meet other people interested in going to the same destinations as well as IN students from that region

  • Europa
    Monday 14 October, 17h15, Uni Mail, MR060
    Tuesday 15 October, 17h15, Uni Mail, MR070

  • Africa, Middle East and Latine America
    Wednesday 16 October, 12h15, Uni Mail, MR070

  • Asia
    Wednesday 16 October, 17h15, Uni Mail, MR060

  • North Amercia and Australia
    Thurday 17 October, 17h15, Uni Mail, MR070