Actions évoquées par des objets et objets reliés

Rôles des actions et de leurs coordinations dans l'organisation conceptuelle

Amorçage sémantique

Actions évoquées par des objets et objets reliés

S. Perraudin, P. Mounoud

Perraudin, S., & Mounoud, P. (2003). Role of functional and categorical relations in conceptual organisation during development . In Abstracts: XIth European Conference on Developmental Psychology (ECDP), Milano, p. 60. Poster PDF
Perraudin, S., & Mounoud, P. (2003). Role of functional and categorical relations in adult’s conceptual organisation : Differentiation between lexical and semantic levels . In T. Bajo & J. Lupianez (Eds), Book of Abstracts : XIII Conference of the European Society of Cognitive Psychology (ESCOP), Granada, p. 469. Poster PDF
Perraudin, S., & Mounoud, P. (2009). The contribution of priming paradigm to the understanding of the conceptual developmental shift from 5 to 9 years of age.Developmental Science12(6), 956-977.

