Ioana Medeleine Constantin

# PhD student


Ioana Medeleine Constantin has a MSc in clinical and developmental psychology, and a BSc in cognitive neuroscience. Her master’s thesis focused on understanding the cognitive profile and the anatomo-functional associations in the Suspected non-Alzheimer pathophysiology condition. She is currently implicated in the PARKLAT project that aims to understand the impact of motor symptom asymmetry on non-motor symptoms in patients with Parkinson's disease.



ORCID : 0000-0001-6080-4105



Peer-reviewed publications in international scientific journals

  • Constantin, I. M., Voruz, P., & Péron, J. A. (2023). Moderating effects of uric acid and sex on cognition and psychiatric symptoms in asymmetric Parkinson’s disease. Biology of sex Differences, 14(1), 1-11.

  • Voruz, P., Constantin, I.M., Péron, J.A. Biomarkers and non-motor symptoms as a function of motor symptom asymmetry in early Parkinson's disease (2022). Neuropsychologia, 108419.

  • Fourdain, S., Caron-Desrochers, L., Simard, M.N., Provost, S., Doussau, A., Gagnon, K., Dagenais, L., Presutto, E., Prud’homme, J., Boudreault-Trudeau, A., Constantin, I.M., Poirier, N., Gallagher, A. Impacts of an Interdisciplinary Developmental Follow-Up Program on Neurodevelopment in Congenital Heart Disease: The CINC Study (2020). Frontiers in Pediatrics, 8, 539451.


Oral communications

  • Constantin IM, Lafrenière A, Gagnon K, Baril AA, Blais H, Lina JM, Gosselin N, Carrier J. Couplage entre ondes lentes et fuseaux de sommeil dans le trouble cognitif léger amnésique : un possible marqueur de neurodégénérescence? (2019). Oral communication, 13e Journée scientifique du Département de psychologie. Montréal, Canada.


  • Constantin, I. M., Voruz, P., & Péron, J. A. (2023). Moderating effects of uric acid and sex on cognition and psychiatric symptoms in asymmetric Parkinson’s disease. World Parkinson Congress 2023, Barcelona, Spain.

  • Constantin IM, Voruz P, Péron JA. Moderating effects of uric acid and sex on non-motor symptoms in asymmetric Parkinson's disease (2022). [Poster] ARF - Swiss Center for Affective Sciences. Geneva, Switzerland.

  • Nencha U, Rigoni I, Ribaldi F, Tomcyzk S, Constantin IM, Vulliémoz S, Seeck M, Garibotto V, Frisoni GB, Altomare D. Alteration of gamma oscillations correlates with cortical tau deposition in Alzheimer’s disease (2022). [Poster] ICCN2022. Geneva, Switzerland.

  • Constantin IM, Voruz P, Péron JA. Moderating effects of uric acid and gender on non-motor symptoms in asymmetric Parkinson's disease (2022). [Poster] BBL CIBM FCBG Research Day. Geneva, Switzerland.

  • Rosinvil T, Daneault V, Vanderwalle G, Desaultels A, Forcier P, Gaudet-Fex B, Apinis-Deshaies A, Aumont T, Constantin IM, Matute A, Gagnon JF, Gosselin N, Lina JM, Carrier J. Is blue-enriched white light more effective than red light exposure to enhance psychomotor vigilance and cognitive performance in Parkinson’s Disease patients? (2021). [Poster] Sleep2021. Virtual presentation.

  • Caron-Desrochers L, Vannasing P, Tremblay J, Kraimeche S, Constantin IM, Roger K, Provost S, Gallagher A. Patrons d’activations des réseaux cérébraux langagiers à la naissance suite à une exposition prénatale à une langue étrangère. (2019). [Poster] 11e Journée scientifique du Réseau de bio-imagerie du Québec (RBIQ). Montreal, Canada.


Master thesis

  • Constantin, IM. (2021). Suspected non-Alzheimer pathophysiology (SNAP): cognitive profile and anatomo-functional associations. University of Geneva. Master's in Psychology.

Bachelor thesis

  • Constantin, IM. (2019). Coupling between slow waves and sleep spindles in amnesic mild cognitive impairment - a possible marker of neurodegeneration. University of Montreal. Bachelor's in Cognitive Neuroscience.