Philippe Voruz

# PhD student


Philippe Voruz is a Lecturer and Post-Doctoral researcher in the Department of Psychology at the University of the Geneva. He holds a PhD in Psychology in which he evaluated cognition, psychiatric symptoms and biomarkers in different stages of Parkinson's disease as a function of motor symptom asymmetry, as well as the effects of subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation, with the support of a Swiss National Fundation Project grant. In parallel of his thesis, he had an active role in the COVID-COG project



ORCID : 0000-0001-6796-8807


Peer-reviewed publications in international scientific journals

  • Voruz, P., Grandjean, D., Drapier, S., Drapier. D., Vérin. M., Péron. JA., (Accepted). Differential effects of disease duration and dopaminergic replacement therapy on vocal emotion recognition in asymmetric Parkinson’s disease. Neurodegenerative Diseases.
  • Voruz, P., Orepic, P., Coll, S. Y., Haemmerli, J., Blanke, O., Peron, J. A., ... & Iannotti, G. R. (2024). Self-Other Voice Discrimination Task: A-Neuropsychological Tool For Clinical Assessment of Self-Related Deficits. Heliyon.
  • Nuber-Champier, A., Breville, G., Voruz, P., Jacot de Alcântara, I. J., Cionca, A., Allali, G., Lalive, P.H., Benzakour, L., Lövblad, K.-O., Braillard, O., Nehme, M., Coen, M., Serratrice, J., Reny, J.-L, Pugin, J., Guessous, I., Landis, B.N., Assal F., & Péron, J. A. (2024). Systemic cytokines related to cognitive function 6-9 months and 12-15 months after SARS-CoV-2 infection. Scientific Reports. 
  • Voruz, P., Jacot de Alcântara, I., Nuber-Champier, A., Cionca, A., Guérin, D., Allali, G., Benzakour, L., Lalive, L., Lövblad, K.-O., Braillard, O., Nencha, U., Nehme, M., Coen, M., Serratrice, J., Reny, J.-L., Pugin, J., Guessous, I., Landis, BN, Assal , F. and Peron, J. (2024). Persistence and emergence of new neuropsychological deficits following SARS-CoV-2 infection: a follow-up evaluation of the Geneva COVID-COG cohort. Journal of Global Health.
  • Da Broi, M., Al Awadhi, A., Voruz, P., Nouri, A., & Schaller, K. (2023). The spectrum of acute and chronic consequences of neurotrauma in professional and amateur boxing–A call to action is advocated to better understand and prevent this phenomenon. Brain and Spine, 102743.
  • Voruz, P., Cionca, A., Assal, F., & Péron, J. A. (2023). Response to: Limbic system damage following SARS-CoV2 infection. Brain Communications5(6), fcad342.
  • Benis, D., Voruz, P., Catalano Chiuvé, S., Garibotto, V., Assal, F., Paul, K., Peron, J. and Fleury, F. (2023). Electroencephalographic abnormalities in a patient with long-term neuropsychological complications following SARS-Cov2 infection. Case reports in neurology.
  • Thomasson†, M., Voruz†, P., Cionca, A., Jacot de Alcântara, I., Nuber-Champier, A., Allali, G., Benzakour, L., Lalive, P., Lövblad, K.-O., Braillard, O., Nehme, M., Coen, M., Serratrice, J., Reny, J.-L., Pugin, J., Guessous, I., Landis, B.N., Griffa, A., Van De Ville, D., Assal F., & Péron, J.A. (2023). Markers of limbic system damage following SARS-CoV-2 infection. Brain Communications. † These authors contributed equally to this work.
  • Constantin, I. M., Voruz, P., & Péron, J. A. (2023). Moderating effects of uric acid and sex on cognition and psychiatric symptoms in asymmetric Parkinson’s disease. Biology of sex Differences, 14(1), 1-11.
  • Nuber-Champier, A., Cionca, A., Breville, G., Voruz, P., Jacot de Alcântara, I., Allali, G., Lalive, P.H., Benzakour, L., Lövblad, K.-O., Braillard, O., Nehme, M., Coen, M., Serratrice, J., Reny, J.-L, Pugin, J., Guessous, I., Landis, B.N., Griffa, A., Van De Ville, D., Assal, F., & Péron, J.A. (2023). Acute TNFα levels predict cognitive impairment 6–9 months after COVID-19 infection. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 153, 106104.
  • Nuber-Champier, A., Voruz, P., Cionca, A., De Alcântara, I. J., Péron, J. A., & Assal, F. (2023). Covid long : aspects neurologiques [Long COVID: neurological aspects]. Revue médicale suisse, 19(827), 972-974.
  • Voruz, P., Jacot De Alcântara, I., Cionca, A., Nuber-Champier, A., Assal, F., & Peron, J. A. (2023). Syndrome post-COVID-19 neuropsychologique [Post-COVID-19 neuropsychological syndrome]. Revue Medicale Suisse, 19(824), 800-802.
  • Thomasson, M., Ceravolo, L., Corradi-Dell’Acqua, C., Mantelli, A., Saj, A., Assal, F., ... & Péron, J. (2023). Dysfunctional cerebello-cerebral network associated with vocal emotion recognition impairments. Cerebral Cortex Communications.
  • Voruz, P., Assal, F., & Péron, J. A. (2023). The economic burden of the post-COVID-19 condition: Underestimated long-term consequences of neuropsychological deficits. Journal of Global Health, 13.
  • Jacot de Alcântara, I., Voruz, P., Allali, G., Fragnoli, C., Antoniou, M.P, Lalive, P.H. & Péron, J.A. (2023). Personality as a Predictor of Disability in Multiple Sclerosis. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology.
  • Voruz, P., Haegelen, C., Assal, Sophie Drapier, S., Drapier, D., Sauleau, P., Vérin, M., Péron, J.A., (2023). Motor symptom asymmetry predicts cognitive and neuropsychiatric profile following deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus in Parkinson’s disease: a 5-year longitudinal study. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology.
  • Jacot de Alcântara, I., Nuber-Champier, A., Voruz, P.; Cionca, A., Assal, F., Péron, J.A. (2023). Cognitive Deficits in the Acute Phase of COVID-19: A Review and Meta-Analysis. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 12(762). jcm12030762
  • Voruz, P., Cionca, A., Jacot de Alcântara, I., Nuber‐Champier, A., Allali, G., Benzakour, L., ... & Péron, J. A (2022). Brain functional connectivity alterations associated with neuropsychological performance 6–9 months following SARS‐CoV‐2 infection. Human Brain Mapping.
  • Voruz, P., Constantin, I. M., & Péron, J. A. (2022). Biomarkers and non-motor symptoms as a function of motor symptom asymmetry in early Parkinson's disease. Neuropsychologia, 108419.
  • Benzakour, L., Voruz, P., Lador, F., Guerreiro, I., Kharat, A., Assal, F., & Péron, J. A. (2022). Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Hyperventilation in Post-COVID-19 Syndrome: An Underestimated Association. Journal of the Academy of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry, 63(6), 637-638.
  • Pierce, J., Thomasson, M., Voruz, P., Selosse, G., & Péron, J.A (2022) Explicit and implicit emotion processing in the cerebellum: a meta-analysis and systematic review. The Cerebellum.
  • Voruz, P., Jacot de Alcântara, I., Nuber-Champier, A., Cionca, A., Allali, G., Benzakour, L., Lalive, P., Lövblad, K.O., Braillard, O., Nehme, M., Coen, M., Serratrice, J., Reny, JL., Pugin, J., Guessous, I., Ptak, R., Landis, BN.,Assal, F., & Péron, J.A. (2022) Frequency of Abnormally Low Neuropsychological Scores in Post-COVID-19 Syndrome: the Geneva COVID-COG Cohort, Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 2022;acac068.
  • Thomasson, M., Benis, D., Voruz, P., Saj, A., Vérin, M., Assal, F., ... & Péron, J. (2022). Crossed functional specialization between the basal ganglia and cerebellum during vocal emotion decoding: Insights from stroke and Parkinson’s disease. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 1-14.
  • Voruz, P., Cionca, A., Jacot de Alcântara, I., Nuber-Champier, A., Allali, G., Benzakour, L., ... & Péron, J. A. (2022). Functional connectivity underlying cognitive and psychiatric symptoms in post-COVID-19 syndrome: is anosognosia a key determinant?. Brain Communications, 4(2), fcac057.
  • Nuber-Champier, A.*, Voruz, P.*, de Alcântara, I. J., Breville, G., Allali, G., Lalive, P. H., ... & Péron, J. A. (2022). Monocytosis in the Acute Phase of SARS-CoV-2 Infection Predicts the Presence of Anosognosia for Cognitive Deficits in the Chronic Phase. Brain, Behavior and Immunity.
  • Voruz, P., Allali, G., Benzakour, L., Nuber-Champier, A., Thomasson, M., Jacot de Alcântara, I., ... & Péron, J. A. (2022). Long COVID Neuropsychological Deficits after Severe, Moderate, or Mild Infection. Clinical and Translational Neuroscience, 6(2), 9.
  • Voruz, P., Pierce, J., Ahrweiller, K., Haegelen, C., Sauleau, P., Drapier, S., ... & Péron, J. (in press). Motor Symptom Asymmetry Predicts Non-motor Outcome and Quality of Life Following STN DBS in Parkinson's Disease. Scientific reports.
  • Voruz, P., Assal, F., & Péron, J. (2021). SARS-CoV-2 infection leads to short-and long-term neuropsychological disorders: current situation and clinical observations. Revue de neuropsychologie, 13(2), 96-98.
  • Thomasson, M., Benis, D., Saj, A., Voruz, P., Ronchi, R., Grandjean, D., ... & Péron, J. (2021). Sensory contribution to vocal emotion deficit in patients with cerebellar stroke. NeuroImage: Clinical, 31, 102690.
  • Benis, D., Haegelen, C. Voruz, P., Pierce, J., Milesi, V., Houvenaghel, JF., Vérin, M., Sauleau, P., Grandjean, D., & Péron, J. (2020) Subthalamic nucleus oscillations during vocal emotion processing are dependent of the motor asymmetry of Parkinson’s disease. Neuroimage.
  • Voruz, P., Assal, F., & Péron, J. (2020). Are there any neuropsychological sequelae of SARS-CoV-2? Revue de neuropsychologie, 12(2), 187-190.
  • Voruz, P., Le Jeune, F., Haegelen, C., N’Diaye, K., Houvenaghel, JF., Sauleau, P., Drapier, S., Drapier, D. Grandjean, D., Vérin, M., & Péron, J. (2020) Motor symptom asymmetry in Parkinson’s disease predicts emotional outcome following STN DBS: An 18FDG-PET study. Neuropsychologia.


Invited talks

  • Voruz, P. (2023). Neuropsychological Post-COVID-19 condition. Academic Colloquium of NeuroCentre of the University Hospitals of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Voruz, P. (2022). Motor symptom asymmetry in Parkinson’s disease and cognition. Academic Colloquium of the Leenaards Memory Center, Lausanne, Switzerland.


Oral communications
  • Voruz, P., Assal, F., & Peron, J. A. (mai - 2024). The economic burden of post-COVID-19 condition: underestimated long-term consequences of neuropsychological deficits [oral communication] Geneva Health Forum (GHF) – Qualified for Speedtalks (top 4).
  • Voruz, P., Cionca A., Allali, G., Benzakour, L., Nuber-Champier, A., Thomasson, M., Jacot, I., ... & Peron, J. A. (2023). Neuropsychological post-COVID-19 condition. NEUCLI talks [oral communication], september, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Voruz, P., Cionca A., Allali, G., Benzakour, L., Nuber-Champier, A., Thomasson, M., Jacot, I., ... & Peron, J. A. (2023). Frequency of abnormally low neuropsychological performances 12-15 months following SARS-CoV-2 infection: COVID-COG project follow-up study. NRP 78 congress [Poster session and oral communication], March, Thun, Switzerland.
  • Voruz, P., Assal, F., Péron, JA., (2022). Neuropsychological post-COVID-19 condition [Oral communication]. Journée Romande de Neurologie 2022.
  • Voruz, P., Cionca A., Allali, G., Benzakour, L., Nuber-Champier, A., Thomasson, M., Jacot, I., ... & Peron, J. A. (2022). Functional connectivity underlying cognitive and psychiatric symptoms in post-COVID-19 syndrome: is anosognosia a key determinant ?. Annual Research Forum (ARF) [Oral communication], February 7th and 8th, Geneva, Switzerland
  • ​​​​​​Voruz, P., & Péron, J. A. (2023). Motor symptom asymmetry predicts emotional and cognitive theory of mind outcome following STN DBS in Parkinson's disease. World Parkinson Congress 2023, Barcelona, Spain.
  • Voruz, P., Cionca, A., Jacot de Alcântara, I., Nuber-Champier, A., Allali, G., Lamyae Benzakour, Marine Thomasson, Patrice H. Lalive, Karl-Olof Lövblad, Olivia Braillard, Mayssam Nehme, Matteo Coen, Jacques Serratrice, Jérôme Pugin, Idris Guessous, Basile N. Landis, Dan Adler, Alessandra Griffa, Dimitri Van De Ville, Frédéric Assal, & Péron, J.A. (2023). The COVID-COG Project. NRP 78 closing conference, March 21, Thun, Switzerland.
  • Voruz, P., Assal, F., Péron, JA., (2022). Neuropsychological post-COVID-19 condition. Journée Romande de Neurologie. University Hospitals of Geneva.
  • Voruz, P., Cionca A., Allali, G., Benzakour, L., Nuber-Champier, A., Thomasson, M., Jacot, I., ... & Peron, J. A. (2022). Functional connectivity underlying cognitive and psychiatric symptoms in post-COVID-19 syndrome: is anosognosia a key determinant ? Annual Research Forum (ARF). Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Voruz, P., Allali, G., Benzakour, L., Nuber-Champier, A., Thomasson, M., Jacot, I., ... & Peron, J.A. (2022). Functional connectivity underlying cognitive and psychiatric symptoms in post-COVID-19 syndrome: is anosognosia a key determinant ? Centre d’Imagerie Bio-Médicale (CIBM) Research Day, June 1st, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Voruz, P., Cionca A., Allali, G., Benzakour, L., Nuber-Champier, A., Thomasson, M., Jacot, I., ... & Peron, J.A. (2022). Functional connectivity underlying cognitive and psychiatric symptoms in post-COVID-19 syndrome: is anosognosia a key determinant ? Annual Research Day at the University Hospitals of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland.


  • Voruz, P., & Péron, J. A. (2023). Motor symptom asymmetry predicts emotional and cognitive theory of mind outcome following STN DBS in Parkinson's disease. World Parkinson Congress 2023, [poster], Barcelona, Spain.
  • Voruz, P., Cionca A., Allali, G., Benzakour, L., Nuber-Champier, A., Thomasson, M., Jacot, I., ... & Peron, J. A. (2023). Frequency of abnormally low neuropsychological performances 12-15 months following SARS-CoV-2 infection: COVID-COG project follow-up study. NRP 78 congress [Poster session and oral communication], March, Thun, Switzerland.
  • ​​​​​Voruz, P., Cionca A., Allali, G., Benzakour, L., Nuber-Champier, A., Thomasson, M., Jacot, I., ... & Peron, J. A. (2021). Anosognosia for memory dysfunction as a key determinant of cognitive and psychiatric symptoms in long COVID. Société Suisse de Neurologie (SSN) annual congress [poster session], 18-19 November, Interlaken, Switzerland. Déjérine-Dubois price for the best ePoster.
  • Voruz P., (2021). Motor symptom asymmetry and cognitive decline following STN DBS in Parkinson’s disease. Société Suisse de Neurologie (SSN) annual congress [Conference ], 18-19 November, Interlaken, Switzerland.
  • Voruz, P., (2021). Short- and long-term neuropsychological impairment following COVID-19. NRP 78 conference [poster session]. April 27th, online.
  • Voruz, P., Allali, G., Benzakour, L., Nuber-Champier, A., Thomasson, M., Jacot, I., ... & Peron, J. A. (2021). Short- and long-term neuropsychological impairment following COVID-19. NRP 78 conference [poster session]. April 27th, online.
  • Voruz P., (2021). Short- and long-term neuropsychological impairment following COVID-19. NRP 78 conference [conference]. April 27th, online.
  • Voruz P., (2021). Déficits neuropsychologiques associés à une infection au SARS-CoV-2. Université Libre de Bruxelles dans le cadre du cours "Étude approfondie de cas en neuropsychologie" [course]. March 11th, online.
  • Voruz, P., Le Jeune, F., Haegelen, C., N’Diaye, K., Houvenaghel, JF., Sauleau, P., Drapier, S., Drapier, D. Grandjean, D., Vérin, M., & Péron, J. (2019). Vocal emotion recognition following subthalamic nucleus DBS: An 18FDG-PET study in Parkinson's disease. Annual Research Forum (ARF) [poster session], February 7th and 8th, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Voruz, P., Le Jeune, F., Haegelen, C., N’Diaye, K., Houvenaghel, JF., Sauleau, P., Drapier, S., Drapier, D. Grandjean, D., Vérin, M., & Péron, J. (2018). Vocal emotion recognition following subthalamic nucleus DBS: An 18FDG-PET study in Parkinson's disease. International Workshop on Human Voice and Early Development, “Intersubjectivity and Nonverbal Behaviors” [poster session], December 5th-7th, 2018, Geneva, Switzerland


  • Nelson Butters Award (November - 2024) for “Frequency of Abnormally Low Neuropsychological Scores in Post-COVID-19 Syndrome: the Geneva COVID-COG Cohort, Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology” (Voruz et al., 2023). National Academy of Neuropsychology.
  • Diploma of Merit 2024 (Top 12) from The Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences (ASSH/SAGW) for Brain functional connectivity alterations associated with neuropsychological performance 6–9 months following SARS‐CoV‐2 infection (Voruz et al., 2023) in Human Brain Mapping.
  • 3rd Jury Prize “My Thesis in 180 seconds (MT180) (April 2024)” – Qualified for the Swiss finals
  • 13th prize of the VASCO SANZ FUND (November 2022) for: Functional connectivity underlying cognitive and psychiatric symptoms in post-COVID-19 syndrome: is anosognosia a key determinant ?. Brain Communications, 4(2), fcac057.

  • Déjérine-Dubois price from the Swiss society of neurology (SSN) for the best ePoster at the Société Suisse de Neurologie (SSN) annual congress [poster session], 18-19 November, Interlaken, Switzerland for Voruz, P., Cionca A., Allali, G., Benzakour, L., Nuber-Champier, A., Thomasson, M., Jacot, I., ... & Peron, J. A. (2021). Anosognosia for memory dysfunction as a key determinant of cognitive and psychiatric symptoms in long COVID.


Science popularisation

Finalist in the MT180 UNIGE competition (click here). Subject: Impact of motor lateralization in Parkinson's disease on non-motor symptoms.

See the video: