Émilie Chassot

# Research assistant

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Emilie Chassot holds a M.Sc. in Integrative Clinical Psychology from the University of Geneva and a B.A. in Psychology from the University of Fribourg. Her master’s thesis focused on the integration of the cerebellum in emotion recognition and memory abilities with patients suffering from a cerebellar stroke. She is currently involved in the CEREBEMO-2 project as a Research Assistant, studying the non-motor role of the cerebellum and its functional specialization and integration in human affective processes. At the same time, she works as a trainee neuropsychologist in private practice.


Email. emilie.chassot@unige.ch


Master thesis
Chassot, E. (2023). Rôle du cervelet dans la mémoire épisodique verbale et la reconnaissance de la prosodie émotionnelle : étude auprès de personnes ayant subi un AVC ischémique cérébelleux. Université de Genève.