Online articles regarding the paper “Péron, J., Biseul, I., Leray, E., Vicente, S., Le Jeune, F., Drapier, S., Drapier, D., Sauleau, P., Haegelen, C., & Vérin, M. (2010). Subthalamic nucleus stimulation affects fear and sadness recognition in Parkinson’s disease. Neuropsychology, 24(1), 1‑8″, published by; Medical News;; Lab;;;; The Mental Health Social
[Understanding the link between the brain and electrodes in the perception of emotion], published by ECHO, the AXA research fund magazine, November 10th, 2010, p. 14‑17.
Lecture entitled “Le cerveau stimulé. Que peut nous apprendre la stimulation cérébrale profonde sur les émotions humaines?” [The stimulated brain. What can deep brain stimulation tell us about human emotions?].
Les patients atteints de la maladie de Parkinson et au bénéfice d’une stimulation cérébrale profonde sont moins réceptifs aux émotions négatives. Une étude franco-genevoise lève le voile [Patients with Parkinson's disease who benefit from deep brain stimulation are less receptive to negative emotions. A Franco-Geneva study lifts the veil], published by the Journal de l’Unige (University of Geneva), March 2010, no. 31, page 14.